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The Magic Cafe Forum Index :: The tricks are on me! :: School Performance Story (0 Likes) Printer Friendly Version

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Profile of Blindside785
Story 2,3, and 4 are all in a 20 minute time frame.

At my high school all Sophomores in the school do a Model United Nations debate. We've been have bomb threats so we had to evacuate twice today. We've been evacuating all this week and last. Let met ell you I've never really done magic, maybe two very tiny street performances but that was it. The only "tricks" I have done was the impromptu pencil vanish and pencil up nose for fun. Here is how it went down.

(By the way, I've been into magic over 2 1/2 years now and I've been practicing, My background is that I don't do card magic, I don't like how people know forces and such and how they think of sleights with cards. I'm not bad at handling cards, I know I'm actually pretty darn awesome at handling since I practice when I'm bored with a deck in front of my computer..but Stigmata was an exception, I love visual impossible looking magic like Stigmata)

Setting: During the Model UN debate the school was evacuated. All school was on the soccer field, I noticed two acquaintances playing speed. Got the cards from them. Only they were looking out of the whole school because the others were with their Advisors taking roll. I wasn't nervous at all because the mentality I got into school for school debates were to be cool and calm so performing was a breeze.

Story 1: When I got the cards I was thinking, I'm in a calm mental state right now..I can do some magic!... I need to do a hard hitting trick that barely anyone does. I did Stigmata with barely any patter because I didn't know when exactly they would call the people back in the school. It killed, still only two people but they were people I barley knew and I felt good about that. I got some experience in. My handling was flawless and as smooth as butter.


Setting: After the model United Nations debates there was a "special" lunch for Sophomores, nobody but sophomores. I noticed a group of people, a few I knew. Not the kind I would talk to on a normal basis but am comfortable just sitting around so nobody would bother me. The group was about 14 people. I noticed as I walked there a couple girls had cards and were playing speed. Trust me, I never knew people had cards. My friend walked up and to me and we were talking about an assignment we had to turn in, I noticed a girl handed a fellow some cards. He did a simple trick that really kind of had no meaning that can be learned in the beginning of "The Encyclopedia of Magic" about the key card. I noticed every move he did and it was obvious to me, I was smiling watching him, I knew by the way he did things that it was something that he knew and he never does magic. His hands were shaking and he found the card using the method found in the book and then I noticed my friend said wanna see a cool magic trick. He then told me he new a few tricks but really simple ones with piles and such. So I thought I would take the stand, nobody new I did magic, nobody. So I thought I would take up a stand.

Story 2: I got the cards, everybody watching me dribble them. I had a random guy pick a card. I then put the cards on the Caféteria table and lightly flicked the cards spreading them out face down, looked awesome haha. Everything looked as fair as it could get, I then told them I would run up the stairs while they looked at the card. They looked and I quickly came down when they said they were fine. I had the guy grab my arm, I told him to think of his card (added more patter to make it more intense). He then let go and I started rubbing my arm and as the blood red J and Heart appeared on my arm the cursing and screaming began. I milked every drop of reaction, almost brought tears to my eyes.


Setting: After Stigmata sitting down munching at my sandwich. the people at the table had a quarter and were playing quarters without the pain. Had my sleeves rolled all the way.

Story: The quarter came to me, I then took the quarter. Let me just say because of Stigmata I was ready for it. I did the move first and a guy said ,"Oh make it vanish". I then showed both my hands empty in a very magician way. Then I knew a question would come so with every bit of misdirection, flawless and beautiful I made a coin appear. I can't believe how much misdirection it took me but I wanted to do it again so I did. It was like. BAM BAM. I did it 2 more times, a total of 4 vanishes showing both hands clean and 4 reproductions. The reactions were off the hook.


Setting: Right after the coin vanishes and reproductions I still had my friends quarter. This is what the people saw

Story 4: I took the quarter flat in my hand, misdirection...flawless. I said, "put her there" and my friend gave me a hand shake. The angle gave perfect leverage for them to believe the coin was gone, the last thing the people saw me do was soflty put the coin in that hand. He shook my hand and everyone seeing the quarter was gone EVERYBODY freaked. Seriously...magic is crazy awesome. (bell then rang to go to the next period class)

After Story 4: The person I did the handshake to was in the period after the bell rang after lunch. He was talking to me and I told him that I usually should and only do my tricks once, I was a bit nervous. Then he said I thought magic was about being descrete and not nervous so you could pull tricks off fast enough, I say, nope and shake my head. I kind of felt sorry, the whole period he took a quarter and opened and closed his hand trying to figure it out. It was like he was insane man. Hahah.
Justin Style
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Thanks for sharing.
scooter magic
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I was in a similar situation as yours in situation one, only we weren't under a bomb threat and I was actually one of the ones playing cards. we had sort of a terminate I guess you could call it and I did a quick ambushes card during a game of go fish being that’s is the only game one of my friends knew how to play (poor kid) then of course we went to lunch and being I’m a officer in my chapter of Future Business Leaders of America (FBLA) we were raising money for march of dimes. I did a few vanishes to entice the other kids to donate. Of course the money I vanished ended up in the container we were collecting with, which made it ten times cooler. The reactions I got were awesome and of course I was practically laughing the entire time.

Ashley Taggert
moving up in the world of magic