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The Magic Cafe Forum Index :: The tricks are on me! :: Kids With Cancer (0 Likes) Printer Friendly Version

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andrew martin
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Every Tuesday I perform at The Toledo Hospital in the Child Life department.
I'm a Volunteer. I been doing this for 3 years . It's great and tough sometimes.
Call the Volunteer department at the hospital and tell them what you what to do.
I had to go though a general orientation.
I have a wonderful woman to take me around the rooms. This helps a lot.
To produce a smile or make their eyes get wide from a child,this is real magic.
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Harris Deutsch
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Thanks for sharing some real magic.

If any of you are going to Boston for the July S.A.M. Convention, please look up this nearly normal guy. We can share some stories, truths about magic and share a cup of coffee or Dr. Pepper(DP). I like my D.P. hot.

I will be sharing on a panel for the Freedom of Drugs Program with 3 other great presenters.

Be safe, and creative.

The real magic is in giving back!

If we focus on the solutions they increase!

You are all appreciated by,

Harris Deutsch aka dr laugh
music, magic and marvelous toys
andrew martin
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Profile of andrew martin
Thanks Harris I wish I can I'll be out west performing. Maybe next year.
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Profile of machrj
Getting back to the original idea of Kids and Cancer and magic. There is a foundation in New Jersey started by a young magician who spend several years in the hospital with Leukemia. Long story short he started a foundation to bring magic to kids in the hospitals (

His story is inspirational and his foundation is doing good work.

Rich Mach
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Profile of pradell
Hey, back when I had cancer I performed for a little bald boy who also was in treatment. The joy of sharing my art and brightening up his face put things into perspective for me. A couple of days after I found out that I had a 3 1/2 inch mass of unknown origin between my heart and lung, I had a couple of shows already booked. I thought about canceling them but decided to honor my commitment, and I'm glad that I did. The second show was a Renaissance Faire where I was Merlin. I led the parade and kids hung on my staff and accompanied me all over the grounds. For three hours I was in the moment, enjoying being present with the audience, sharing and caring. Only after the show did my fears and "reality" sink in as to what was going on in my body. Here I am, 16 years later, still alive. Still performing our art.
Magic is a great escape and a place to go when life is complex. It also puts things into perspective: what is really important is focusing on the here and now, not what bad things might happen in the future or dwelling on how lousy the past might have been.
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Profile of jclark
Man, great stuff you guys are doing. I love it. This is the kind of thing magicians should do without hessitation or reservation; giving back with our art is, in my view, an obligation. I wish more people would do it. In fact, have you read MagicSeen this month... if not, look up the article on; it is another way to give back. Proud of you guys!

God bless,

James L. Clark, Snr.
MBA, MSc., PhD Candidate
President, Blacks Magic Group, Inc.
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