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The Magic Cafe Forum Index :: The Gambling Spot :: Fred Robinson's center deal (0 Likes) Printer Friendly Version

Good to here.
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Profile of Stepanov
On Annotated Erdnase we can read:

"Ironically, the number of center dealing techniques in print far exceeds the number of people who can actually perform a deceptive center deal. Two cardmen who have not published their methods are Gene Maze and England's master card expert, the late Fred Robinson. One of Fred's legendary demonstrations was to place one set of four of a kind on top of the deck under one indifferent card, a second set of four of a kind about a third of the way down from the top of the deck, a third set of four of a kind about two-thirds of the way down, and a final set of four of a kind on the bottom of the deck. He then alternately dealt seconds, centers from the first break, centers from the second break, and bottoms."

Can somebody get video from this Quadriple Duke?

P.S. Also question from computer man. Of course, YouTube suggest fast geting information. But after first watch you realize that high quality of video will be preferable. Is it possible to get more high quality clips with center deal from "The Magician vs. the Cardsharp(s)"? 640x480 much better than 320x240...

Just question.
Stepanov Oleg Anatolievich
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Profile of NicholasD
I was fortunate to see Fred Robinson demonstate his middle deal when he lectured in the D.C. area many years ago. It was wonderful. What was most amazing, however, was when he raised his hands so we could watch him draw cards from the center with a brief that looked to be 1/16 of an inch. It appeared that he was merely striking the cards out from that tiny brief. Amazing.

I,too, wonder if there are some videos out there that some one will release someday. One can only hope.
fasr eddie
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Profile of fasr eddie
Peter Duffies latest cd rom has him doing it,performance only but he does explain his bottom deal.
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Still waiting for the bl00dy book...
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Russia, St. Petersburg
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Profile of Stepanov
I know story, how Charles Miller watch Fred Robinson's Bottom Deal. I get it from man who closely know Fred Robinson.


Charles Miller was famous of his card sharpers techniques. But, how it always happened, every master time to time hear from his friends "Of course, you are good, but I hear there is one man who do it better". And this one man was Fred Robinson, about whom peoples talk that his Bottom Deal perfect and undetectable. Of course we can understand why Charles Miller want to see it. And time come. On one day they meet. Be sure Charles Miller ask Fred Robinson demonstrate his Bottom Deal. But, Robinson was magician. He understand that if such high specialist ask this, should be something special. And he prepared special pack where aces was on 4th, 8th, 12th and 16th places from top. But for Miller he show four extra Aces what place on bottom. After honest deal on four hands from top, Robinson show his hand with four aces. Miller looks to him and sad:
- I watch how you deal from bottom.
- What do you mean? - reply Robinson.
- I saw how you take every four Aces from bottom.
- Which Aces you mean? - ask Robinson and turn deck. All Aces was on their places.
Stepanov Oleg Anatolievich
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Profile of magician8
Great story, keep them coming if yo got more