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Profile of dluong
I heard that Sal Piacente was releasing a formula for the juice on his new "Poker Cheats Exposed" DVD (

I'm really interested in how this compares to the ones being sold online...has anyone tried it yet? any thoughts or reviews?

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I was also wondering if the ingredients were easy to find in local stores...
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Profile of sodman12
Someone said that it was better than the stuff online but I'm not sure he knew what he was talking about. it was on the thread about the dvd
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Profile of Expertmagician
Funny, I sent Sal an eMail through his web site about a week or 2 ago and did not get a reply. I just sent another message a few minutes ago.....hopefully, Sal responds regarding the DVD.

If and when he replies, I will order it and let you know what I think....I have seen Juice solutions evolve through the years as US Playing Card Company tired to make marking cards harder.

I am curious to find out if Sal's formula is alcohol free to prevent burning of the finish and if you have to worry about "set times" to prevent burning and making marks too dark.....there was a formula published years ago in a magic book...but, it no longer works on effectively today's cards.

Try placing a drop of alcohol on a card and see how the finish dulls...that is the alcohol buring the finish off the card. That is the problem with alcohol based solutions.
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Profile of meijin
The last I heard from Sal's wife Dee was that Sal was going out on the road. She didn't indicate for how long...but that may be the cause for the delay.

The "juice" that Sal shows on the DVD is fairly simplistic. I am pretty certain he has more info on that topic. BUt what is on the DVD is not going to be earth shattering.


There are two groups of people that violate basic principles in any endeavor: idiots and experts. I tend to play poker with most of the idiots!

Partial paraphrase from Jason England comment
The Dowser
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Sal is presently at a gaming protection conference in 'Vegas ... The formula on the DVD's is basic... but I can personally attest for the absolute deceptiveness of this formula and saw no indication in the finish even holding the cards at different angles under the light . Sal goes ino the application of the juice as well for stronger or lighter marks . His is basically a no nonsense presentation of the juice and he makes what I feel are appropriate comments regarding the online versions .
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Profile of meijin
Makes you wonder what else Sal has "up his sleeve" that won't ever make it onto a DVD... Smile


There are two groups of people that violate basic principles in any endeavor: idiots and experts. I tend to play poker with most of the idiots!

Partial paraphrase from Jason England comment
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He should write a book with all the good stuff we all know..."the best place to hide a secret is to put it in print" Smile
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Profile of Expertmagician
Dee just replied to me .... I also just ordered the DVD and will let you know what I think after I receive it a watch it.

I'll see how it compares to the Forte videos and book....and if there is any new material exposed.

Since I have never met Sal, nor do I know him....I will try to make my comments/review as objective as possible.
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Profile of ClouDsss
Will wait for your review!! Thanks
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Profile of BAH1313
Sodman12, it was I who said that the juice was better than found on the internet, and I know what I'm talking about. Just don't see the point in tipping the formula to somebody who hasnt bought the DVD.
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Profile of Expertmagician
Sodman12 or BAH1313 .....

I ordered the DVD and it is on it's way to me....

But, I would like to ask you (Sodman12 or BAH1313) which name brand juice you have used to make this comparison? I'm curious ?

I know that the cheap $30 juice products are not hard to beat.....I do know that cardsourcer and both have excellent products (but each has their own trade offs in terms of "ease of use").

Since I have used juice from not only internet providors, but gambling supply stores (which sell for $250+ a jar)..... hopefully, I will be able to judge for myself in a few days, when I get the DVD.

Most magic stores sell the cheap $30 juice as everything in life, you get what you pay for when it comes to quality Smile
Long Island,

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Profile of sodman12
Yeah I used some crappy stuff it was from a magic store we used in in 2 or 3 games but its just too visible I didn't really enjoy seeing huge marks on the cards!lol
I did buy some from a store online and I couldn't even make out the marks and paid about 15 bucks for a deck so I'm not saure what happened
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Profile of Expertmagician
Now I see the I said, your get what you pay for....Sorry, you had the poor experience with Juice. In my opinion it is the best kind of marked card around.

Although some perople prefer luminous because they don't want to practice reading juice and the filtered sunglasses make reading luminous easier than juice.

Just don't use cheap knock-off products Smile
Long Island,

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Profile of BAH1313
Hey sodman, pm me I had the exact same thing happen! The first stuff was like battery acid! The other stuff I'm pretty sure was kool aid. LOL!
At any rate, the method that Sal explains is pretty straight forward, and he gives good info on how to adjust the outcomes.
I am truly blessed to have a job where people are laughing all the time and everyone believes in magic....Come to think of it, I'm blessed to even have a job.
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Profile of Expertmagician
Funny, you say there are instructions on how to adjust outcomes ? ....the latest generation juice does not require "set times", nor will it strip the finish off the cards leaving a dull/burnt finish....."Outcomes" should not be hard to adjust with a good solution.

Other than burning the finish, worrying about "set times" or "adjusting for outcomes" makes each marked card inconsistant (this is especially a problem if the juice marks are too dark and visable to others) if your "set times" are off by a few seconds.

New Juice formulas allow you to simply apply the solution with no "set time" and then simply add extra coats if you want it darker using a self contained marker/pen. You just want to let the solution dry for a couple of seconds and you don't have to worry about burning/dulling/stripping the finish of the card.

That is why I tell people to avoid cheap alcohol based solutions. Just place a drop of alcohol on a card and see how it dulls/strips the finish off the card.

In either case, I don't want to go any farther on the internet and I will know in a couple of days what is on Sal's DVD....that is why I paid the $100 for the DVD Smile
Long Island,

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Wasn't there a $30.00 discount offered on this DVD?
The Dowser
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Profile of The Dowser
Based on your preferences so far , I sincerely hope you see the value of "the rest" of Sals DVD . The juice formula in Sal's DVD will not be a "new" formula (certainly not new to you anyway ) . His remarks about the online versions do not address any of them individually but rather lumps them all into one category ...the jist of it being that there is a lot of hype surrounding "the juice" and Sal's basic formula is all that is necessary .
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Profile of sodman12
Yeah but would his juice fly in a game?
you can fool all of the people some of the time and some of the people all the time but never all of the people all the time.
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Profile of Unknown419
I've seen the juice that Sal has of which Steve Forte gave to him. If it's the same juice it will fly in a game. As a matter of fact out of all of us that Steve showed a card to that had it on it, I'm the only one that saw it.



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