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The Magic Cafe Forum Index :: Ballooning 101 :: Balloon Dress (0 Likes) Printer Friendly Version

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Charleston, SC
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Profile of Robynhood
I've seen so many videos on dresses made from balloons and all have the fundamental structure of weaving involved. I love to weave balloons and I really want to make a balloon dress, but can't find any material on how to start it. My sister studies fashion and has a mannequin for dress making I want to borrow and use for making a balloon dress. I've seen a video that shows a woman doing a basic weave for the length of the dress, but I'm trying to think what the starting point would be. Does anyone have any idea where I could find instructions on this?
Steve Yarosko
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Here is a video on balloon dresses. I haven't seen it, so I can't comment on it. My adult-onset Attention Deficit Disorder precludes me from having the patience to make dresses, Although I do have the patience to make a Bikini which I have done. A couple months ago I made a Bikini Top for an ex-Laker girl. This is as far as I want to delve into the world of Balloon Couture, so I won't be any competition for you!!
preston eakins
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If your already good at weaving then this video will help you the only problem is the order she puts things so glad you can skip to where you want to go if you just put it in and watch she takes the start I want to say like 45 minutes talking about how and where to sell a balloon dress. I am sorry in my opinion I say teach me how to make the dress then teach how to sell it. other then that it is a very informative dvd
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Charleston, SC
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Profile of Robynhood
Awesome, thank you so much. I am very excited that there is an instructional dvd on this. The idea of making clothing out of balloons is so strange to me, I just have to give it a try, if for nothing else than for giggles and a challenge.