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Profile of lostpoet
Thought I’d start a thread since nothing is in this forum yet. I currently make about 20 different balloon sculptures. How many do you have in your repertoire? Also what seems to be your most requested? Mine are hats, swords and poodles.
Bill Nuvo
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I have never counted before. I generally have stopped twisting basic animals (dog, cat, bunny, giraffe, swan...). The reason is that I am finding that many people have learned these. So as an entertainer/professionsal, we are persceived to do things beyond what the average person can do. So in this context I twist a lot of hats (3 or more balloons) and full body sculptures. These are actually quiete easy to do (require less actual twisting!), and look extremely impressive. Go to and check out some cool balloon work.
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Profile of lostpoet
You should count sometime, maybe you’d surprise yourself. People are learning more everyday indeed. The basics as you refer to are the most requested for me. I just got back from a show 2nite and I made more swords than anything. They ask for it because they’ve seen it somewhere before, I guess, who knows? Thanks for the link. And yes, I too love the easy to do but looks hard to make ones.
Bill Nuvo
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I stay away from weapons. Too much violence in the world as it is. Why add to it? Parents often appreciate this (at least in Canada...I don't know about anywhere else)

I get asked for the standard stuff too. But then I surprise them with a better than one balloon animal sculpture.
Steve V
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Yeah, those balloon weapons trigger lots of violent attacks. I refuse to do them myself, and animals, the popping or shriveling influences animal abuse. In fact, I don't actually fill the balloon because that may make kids think they can use resources for entertainment. Now that I think of it balloons are just pollution when left, I think I'll just show a photo of a deflated balloon to the kids, it will be much better and then they can go hug and play with biodegradable dolls or something, maybe making corn meal would be nice.
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On 2005-10-23 13:45, Steve V wrote:
Yeah, those balloon weapons trigger lots of violent attacks. I refuse to do them myself, and animals, the popping or shriveling influences animal abuse. In fact, I don't actually fill the balloon because that may make kids think they can use resources for entertainment. Now that I think of it balloons are just pollution when left, I think I'll just show a photo of a deflated balloon to the kids, it will be much better and then they can go hug and play with biodegradable dolls or something, maybe making corn meal would be nice.
Steve V

LOL..well said Steve!

Bill Nuvo
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Have you ever seen some kids attack each other with balloons. Some of them can get viscious and out of control. I don't allow that in my show. Control of the crowd is key.
Steve V
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I don't allow them weapon balloons and children, specially little boys, NEVER take regular items and play warrior with them. I show them the photo of the balloon, deflated of course, then I have all the boys hold hands and listen to new age music. Crowd control certainly is the key...we must control their actions so they don't behave like little boys, they must be more girl like dang it. Note, my balloon photo is of a green balloon as it doesn't represent any gangs or race and also it reminds me of a thin ear of corn. I remember once, in Canada, a hord of not yet femanized boys attacked baby seals with balloons. I'm talking a vicious horrible uncontrolled attack. Man, it took several minutes to pick up all the pieces of balloon afterward and you should'a heard the seals laughing.
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I've made it a point to not do swords or guns while ballooning on Kid's Nights in Pizza Hut, not for any ethical reason, but just to prevent disaster. Almost 10 years ago, I made swords for these 2 boys with a group. Next thing I know, they're running around the restaurant swordfighting. They proceeded to knock over a server (complete with food tray) and the parental units apparently though that was hilarious. I didn't. No more swords...on occasion, I'll do one if it's one single, solitary boy included in the family. These unsupervised, spoiled kids here in the South will take a dog, and if they feel the need, untwist it and use the remains as a sword. One kid I know, usually deflates (POPS) the balloon and uses the thing like a rubber band to pop friend, neighbors, enemies, waitresses, parents and anybody else. The parents don't even care. I love kids, but hate inattentive parents.

Steve Thomas
Steve V
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I'm with you Steve. I actually don't list them or make them (until the parents ask me and it's their gig) purely because it causes the boys to run around like lunatics. You are absolutely correct about them untwisting the other balloons and making it into a sword. Thank you for valid reasoning, I think I'll go ship something hazardous in your honor.
Steve V
Bill Nuvo
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Steve V, man that whole seal thing is crazy!!!!

Thanks for the laugh.
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I have made dogs or aliens and had kids turn them into Dog-guns alien-guns...they even turn breadsticks into guns.....

entertainment not parenting of other children

Tom Stevens
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I stay away from making real weapons. No weapons of mass destruction.

I make an abacus instead.

"Here you go, it's a weapon of maths instruction"
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Profile of leftytheclown
At restaurants I refuse to make swords, twisters, or anything that looks like it could be used to stab, shoot, maim, etc. anyone. At a party, I usually ask the parent or person in charge if they want me to make swords. If I twist at a large open area, I will twist swords, guns, etc. as the kids have a place to use up all that energy that I need!
Lefty (aka) Sterling Dare
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Skip Way
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Heck, I make light sabers, pirate swords, pistols, rayguns...If the kid wants it they get it. I remind them that the best sword fights always happen outdoors where there's more room...and that usually suffices. If not...well, that's a parental issue. They're balloons. Don't take it so seriously! My 2 Cents.

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Profile of AmandaHamilton
I agree with Skip. If the kids ask for a sword or gun, I'll make it for them. I have fun, they have fun, and I've never seen anyone get hurt. If a kid is set on being destructive he'll find a way to do it, with or with out a balloon.

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Do you think we are the only species that teaches their young to fight? I think just about all animals teach their young to defend theirselves.

I once gave a kid a balloon sword, and a few minutes later his dad comes back wanting "one twice as big" ... so I make dad a super balloon sword, and the two of them battle it out for a good 20 minutes. The entire time, attracting more and more attention to what I'm doing. It doesn't get no better than that! I love to see kids sword fighting - more attention = more business.

Amazing JoeJoe on YouTube[url=]
Joe Howard
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To answer the original post.

If I tell you how many different sculptures I can make it's going to sound like I'm bragging, ( which I'm not because there are some twisters who can twist way more sculptures than I can.), but I will say that an beginning to intermediate balloon twister can make a couple hundred different figures. Keep in mind that there are well over a hundred single balloon figures. (some of which as Mr. Bill mentioned are actually harder and take more twisting than some 2 or 3 balloon figures.) Advanced twisters can make anything you ask them for. Whether or not they have the time to make something that uses 20 to 30 balloons, is another issue, but they can do it.

Today I was twisting in a department store for 5 hours, and as it was real slow, I made a cornucopia with fruit and so on. it took me about an hour and 45 minutes, but I was able to work on it between customers. It used 35 balloons and was about 3 feet long, but I know some twisters that make bigger and better ones than I do.

As you keep at it you'll discover that there is no limit to what you are able to make.

To be honest with you, the 20 you make might be all you need. It depends where you will be working, and the time constraints. And even though I can make a lot of figures, swords are still one of most requested figures.

Keep at it and have fun !

Joe H
Joe Howard
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To fight or not to fight, that is the question.

I don't make swords until someone requests one, so usually I have a good 2 or 3 minutes before I have to start making swords.

I like to make sure the parents don't mind if the kid has one. Most don't mind, but I think the parents who don't allow toy weapons in the house have already trained their kids to not ask for one in the first place.

I'll make ray guns, but I don't make shotguns and machine guns even though I know how, because up here in Mass. I know I'll get some flak. ( funny term , since it refers to anti-aircraft guns).

The one time of year I find it's OK to make anything is Halloween, since half the kids are wearing military costumes, ( soldiers, police, knights, warriors, Ninjas, Ninja Turtles). And those costumes come with all sorts of realistic looking toy weapons.

That's my take on it.

Joe H
Zakari Asiago
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When I do line work, and make a sword for a child, I ask them if they are a good pirate or bad pirate. Usually they always say a good pirate. I tell them good, because, I only make swords for good pirates. I tell them that a good pirate only uses his/her sword to protect their Mom/Dad against the bad pirates. Besides, bad pirate's swords pop because they fight with them.
Parents usually like this because they don't want to wait in line for another 30-45 minutes for another balloon sword.
When I do alien ray guns. I let them know it will only work on aliens from outer space. So they should be on the look out for any UFO's.
I have been to a couple balloon conventions and have seen some realistic looking weapons, AK47's, cross bows (that work), riffles, etc. Some were so realistic that they could get you arrested if you were stopped by the police. I wouldn't make these for young children.
Zakari Asiago

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