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The Magic Cafe Forum Index :: Catch this if you can! :: Juggling Blindfolded (0 Likes) Printer Friendly Version

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I do a few routines juggling blindfolded. You can develop good comedy and suspense with it and it works well if you use a member of the audience in the routine.

Dave Finnegan mentions a comedy routine with one of those joke blindfolds with a hole over one eye. It's in his book Complete Juggler.

On a related note, there was an article I read last year about a blind person learning to juggle very successfully. Can't remember exactly where I read it - I'll try to locate it.
Paul Jester
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Yea, I've been learning this. I could do about 40 catches from a blind start with 3 balls, then I lost one (well, actually it was stolen) of the balls I used to practice with. My other balls are a different weight and are still broken in, so I average around 15 catches now... but I'm getting better!
As I recall, you have to concentrate as much, if not more on the throw as the catch.
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Profile of Lithix
I think this is always true in juggling... people think its all about catching things - but the real secret of the art is that its about throwing things correctly. If something is thrown correctly, catching should not be an issue, it comes automatically. If you've done much partner work you'll understand this better than a solo performer, I believe.
Caleb Strange
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I too can manage a simple 3 ball cascade with my eyes shut, with a PB of about 100 throws. It's actually nice and relaxing, and I find it easier to do in the pitch dark with my eyes open for some reason!

But there's a whole lot of difference between juggling with your eyes closed, and juggling blindfolded Smile. Suggest you look in Corinda for a perfectly serviceable approach.


Caleb Strange.
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In my opinion, it depends on what you wish to use it for - personal achevement or a showpiece.

I personally use it for both. However, for personal achevement I use a regular blindfold and I'm getting quite far - it certainly is all in the accuracy of the throw and the ability to move your arms through the almost exact same path each time and fulfills the old addage, practice makes perfect!

Yet for a show, I will always use a gaffed blindfold. This ensures that I will get results every time when it counts. Of course I've had to work at acting as though I really can't see and fien a few drops and stumbles etc... just to convince the crowd, but trust me, if you want results for shows then use a gaffed blindfold and put the practice in for faking the sightlessness and you have a sure fire winner!!

I am fortunate in the fact that my blindfold can be worn by a spectator and they will never suspect a thing, yet when I put it on I have practically clear vision. This is another convincer for the crowd.

As a finale to my street show, I juggle knives whilst riding a unicycle blindfolded. This drives them crazy and always ensures a little extra pocket money!

Even the guys at juggling club aren't aware that I use a gaffed blindfold for my shows, they just think I'm nuts and extremely lucky!!!
Hope this helps