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The Magic Cafe Forum Index :: Right or Wrong? :: Business Ethics (0 Likes) Printer Friendly Version

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Profile of ELima
I am totally new to the forum and new as Mentalist. My prime interest is a corporate environment. I have studied your beginners advise and have been through Corinas 13 steps + loads of other books/downlowds etc, among them Chuck Hickok's Mentalism Incorporated. Great book both because of the business setting and because it was so detailed on the performance and language in addition to the effects.
As I want to perform in a normal business setting I have started converting effects (e.g. card effects) etc to my language/setting. A question: If I have correctly purchased an effect, can I freely use this effect in a totally different setting, e.g. using Osterlind's Design Duplication System. I have fun making my own effects based on an idea, e.g. linking it to office sites, business cards, stock listings etc. Can I even produce my own version of e.g. Creasey's BIP 2.0 using my language? Purpose is to use it myself, not sell to others.
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Profile of magicuncle
Welcome ELima,
I think the response from most most posters here is going to be a great big YES you may use the the effects anyway you wish. In fact I think you will be applauded for being creative and not becoming a clone. A lot of people miss the fact that when someone teaches you a method or effect, the idea is not to just copy the routine verbatum, but to make it your own. It sounds like you're on track right out of the box. Good Luck and many rewards!
Tony Iacoviello
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Adapting effects and concepts to fit you is perfectly acceptable. Reworking commercial effects, which you purchased, for your own use is also acceptable.
Congratulation for starting out on the road creativity and individuality.

Richard Osterlind
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Yes, adapting effects to fit your own style is the surest way to success in this art. More than what you do, audiences will remember you and judge you for "who you are." Also, any sleights or other "moves" that you have to make will become "invisible" if done in a natural manner in keeping with your own personality.

Matt Andrews
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What you CAN'T do is to translate the routines and publish them under your name.

Also in some books, the author will write "Television rights not allowed".

So, unless specified otherwise, you can perform the effects and adapt the effects, but you can't sell them without the author/owner's consent.

Sincerely, Matt
Because nice matters
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Profile of ELima
Thanks for your encouragement and guidance. I have e.g. made my own wine label cards using your design dublication system. Combining this with one ahead billets (from your DVD, Richard) where 2 others are asked to chose a favourite meal and a dessert. Add a little cold reading (or semi cold), and it is big fun in our gourmet club!
I have made the same card system for movie posters, and are now trying build a routine to force a combination of film, actor and director. (well, not corporate, but some of us like movies too). I have not solved this one yet! A very powerful second effect that I did not plan is that the movies have different titles in my language! This hides the system completely as eye and mind get confused. The emotional association is much stronger than the written words.
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Profile of Turk
On 2005-12-19 10:32, Richard Osterlind wrote:

Yes, adapting effects to fit your own style is the surest way to success in this art. More than what you do, audiences will remember you and judge you for "who you are." Also, any sleights or other "moves" that you have to make will become "invisible" if done in a natural manner in keeping with your own personality.


One of the most valuable pieces of advice in magic. And, as usual, Richard is there to freely give to the art he loves so much. Thank you Richard.

Magic is a vanishing Art.

This must not be Kansas anymore, Toto.

Eschew obfuscation.
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Profile of Blackwood

I hope you plan to hang around this forum. You are a refreshing and positive addition. I'm impressed, like the other posters, by your wisdom-- though you say you're just starting out.

First, you are sensitive to the rights of magic/mentalism creators. Your initial question is to see if you're being correct in how you treat their material. Not everyone in this art is so respectful of intectual property, and that's a shame.

I imagine that's one reason Richard Osterlind took the time to offer you suggestions from his years of experience-- you are showing such respect to HIS creations.

But even better, you inately realize that an effect MUST be personalized to fit the performer and the situation. You are not Osterlind (and he is not you). I'm sure he would INSIST that you change the routine a little or a lot to work for YOU.

Thirdly, your later post shows that you already understand the most important secret of performing mentalism (or anything): It must be made relevant to your particular audience. Hence "food mentalism" for gourmets and "movie mentalism" for film fans.

Which brings me to my last bit of praise. Your customizing sounds very clever-- you seem to be a good thinker. (I love the wine label design dupe idea.) So, though I surely cannot speak for the Banecheks, Osterlinds, Jermays, etc. of the world, I can only imagine that you would be exactly the type of person they like to entrust with their "babies."
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Profile of ELima
Thank you! New to mentalism, but not new to life Smile I guess the innovation part is a prime driver! But first you have to learn the bascis.
I would like to think that getting to people's minds is the most important thing, but with a reflected motivation. We have to start where they are. The best in marketing is a "cold reading". It creates a startle effect (wake up + emotional tune in + hit) in the target group. Not only because of the effect, but also because of the knowledge of the target group.
I read "7 deceptions" by Jermay the other day. Fascinating! To the roots of the human mind. How do you know when you go too far into the fears and superstition of others? How do you set up the necessary trust and rapport to be allowed into that space? I agree with him that all humans have in common the need to help others, but many do also want to show off (primarily), and some to use their power to own benefit. As with most other parts of life, one important question is your own driver for getting into this. This is why I have found Burgers articles so interesting. A theme for discussion?
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Profile of Blackwood
Indeed, ELima

Perhaps the most important topic for discussion. I, too, find Luke Jermay's ideas highly provocative and fascinating. But I just now notice that you sign off very quietly with a Psy. D. No wonder you "get" mentalism-- it's like the slightly shady little brother of psychology.

Again, glad to have you on the forum.