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The Magic Cafe Forum Index :: Magic Friday by Jamie D. Grant :: 3 NO EVIL by Doug Higley (0 Likes) Printer Friendly Version

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Jamie D. Grant
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as seen in Ripley's Believe It or Not! Twice!
2413 Posts

Profile of Jamie D. Grant

What The Audience Sees:

”Holy Smokes! Jamie brought in an envelope of some crazy weird photos on Friday- they looked like Angry Bob as a baby, Ha! Seriously, they were these four strange photos of some Shrunken Heads that were totally bizarre. On one of them, Jamie had a message on the back, and he gave it to me and said to not read it yet. He then had me select, from the remaining three, one of the photos for me, one for himself, and one to go in the envelope. Well, you’re not going to believe this, but after I made the selections, he told me to look at the back of the photo I was holding... I looked on the back...and it said exactly what I had done!!! The Shrunken Head had already known what I was going to do before I had done it!!! It was creeeeeepy awesome! Big Ted started to take off his shoes, and I went running to look for some Garlic and a wooden stake. Those Heads must be stopped!!! ”

How It Went:

Sometimes there’s magic that you know will stay with people. A special moment of time, an image, a thought, ~something that they won’t ever forget because it made such an impact. 3 No Evil is one of those effects that provides that magic. Not just because of the outcome, but because the story and the pictures are so interesting. I don’t think many people have seen a Shrunken Head before, let alone four of them, and they caused mucho discussion on Friday. Note: It helps to have a little bit of knowledge of the history behind Shrunken Heads and I encourage you to read up a bit about them- they’re absolutely fascinating and will give you some great discussion material!

Most people on Friday were absolutely fascinated with the pictures, which is great, because they can be studied to no end. There’s nothing to find, which makes the ending so strong and I really emphasized the selection process, which is quite clear. As a result, the reveal came across as a real kicker. People just weren’t expecting it. I think because this effect is so hands off that it just played a bit differently, which was nice. When they read the card, there’s an element of mystery, in the sense of, “Who wrote that message? And when?” It’s deeply intriguing.

I love magic like this. It brings something into play that is totally outside the norm for most people. I mean, if I was a piano player, it probably wouldn’t make sense to be carrying around an envelope with four Shrunken Head pictures in it, lol. That’s why it’s so great to be a magician. Where else can I introduce these kind of things into someone’s life? Awesome.

The Difficulty:

Zero. Well, maybe a 1 because you need to know how to read. Other than that, completely easy peasy.

Best Lines:

~Lol, and the trick hadn’t even really started yet. I just brought out the pictures, lol.

”What the %^#^# are those things?! Where did they come from?!”
~This is actually a very interesting comment. They didn’t ask, “Where did you get that made?” but rather, “Where did they come from?” It just showed how people knew they were real. Very cool.

Angry Bob Rating:

For those of you reading this article for the first time, Angry Bob is a co-worker who has an understanding of some magic because his uncle was a magician. Angry Bob knows that TT’s exist, for example, but he has no desire to become a magician himself. He also has an anger management problem that can be experienced first hand if he can’t figure out how a trick is done. A high rating means he has no idea.

Everybody do the Angry Bob Dance! Ha Ha Ha, Angrrrry Bob! Ha Ha Ha, Angrrrrry Bob! All together now!

Lol, he was floored. He kept trying to switch the one he wanted to keep and the one he wanted me to have. And before he read the back, he was so sure that the trick needed another step. He was shocked when I told him to read the photo he was holding.

”Read the back? It better not say to go ^#&# myself... … …How the ^#^& did it know that. ^$%^!!!! This is ^#&&&#&!!”


My Rating:

Magic Friday Approved!

Why is this trick such a fooler, I wonder? It‘s like some sort of left jab. You don’t see it coming, I guess. People get so wrapped up in the story, and in their own questions, that maybe they forget that there’s magic involved? And once the reveal becomes known, it just sends people for a loop. Great work and a great effect. Truly.

The JDG Tip:

Watch it here! That’s right, we now have video!!!

The iTricks Idea:

Read It Here!

Closing Thoughts:

Thanks to everyone for commenting and for writing such kind words, with regards to the new video reviews. Even though the amount of work has tripled, lol, I’m absolutely loving this new format and am really happy it’s being so well received. Super thanks!

Have a Great Week Everyone!

Jamie D. Grant

Magic Friday Reviews

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Fiber Optics by Richard Sanders
Flow by Dan Hauss
Four, Five, Six Packet Trick by Sal Piacente
Future Zone by Mark Mason
Gum by Jeff Prace
Homing Card by Francis Carlyle
Hopping Halves by Roy Kueppers
Hundy 500 by Gregory Wilson
Impossible Knot by Barrie Richardson
Impromtu Penetration by Russell Leeds
Intuition by Hondo & David Leon
Invisible Deck by Eddie Fields
Key Accessory by Andrew Gerard
Kolossal Killer by Kenton Knepper
Linking Ring Through String by Fantasma
Lit by Dan Hauss & Dan White
Magic Lock Box by Pocket Magic

Matchbox Penetration by Anonymous
Metamorphisis by Wayne Dobson
Micro Chop Chup by James Riser & Dennis Loomis
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White Star by Jim Critchlow
Wow by Masuda
TRICK OF THE YEAR: Industrial Revelation, BOOK OF THE YEAR: The Approach, The AIP Bottle, and my new book Scenic 52, can all be found over here:
Kindness takes practice. My TEDx talk
Jamie D. Grant
View Profile
as seen in Ripley's Believe It or Not! Twice!
2413 Posts

Profile of Jamie D. Grant
Now on Youtube! Thanks for watching!

TRICK OF THE YEAR: Industrial Revelation, BOOK OF THE YEAR: The Approach, The AIP Bottle, and my new book Scenic 52, can all be found over here:
Kindness takes practice. My TEDx talk