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The Magic Cafe Forum Index :: Magic Friday by Jamie D. Grant :: METAMORPHOSIS by Wayne Dobson (0 Likes) Printer Friendly Version

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Jamie D. Grant
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as seen in Ripley's Believe It or Not! Twice!
2413 Posts

Profile of Jamie D. Grant
What The Audience Sees:

”Man, today was kinda cool. Jamie told us that he has started collecting coins and that he’s pretty pumped about his new collection. When he pulled out his coin holder, however, he only had two coins, lol. Anyways, he puts them both into my hand- there was a Chinese coin and some American coin- and asks me to shake them up. He then reaches into my cupped hands and pulls out the American silver coin and puts it onto the back of my hand. He asks me if I can remember the date, without looking. Of course I can’t, so he asked me if I can tell him how big the hole in the coin is, instead. Well, there isn’t a hole in the American coin, right? But check it out! On my hand was the black Chinese coin and the American coin was in my cupped hands! They had switched places! It was awesome!

How It Went:

I love Wayne Dobson- I think he’s an awesome guy and that his magic rocks. I also really like, not love, but really like, his new effect- Metamorphosis. I’ll be honest- this didn’t change anyone’s life on Friday. Don’t get me wrong, it played well and is super strong. It just isn’t a life changer.

Now here’s the thing- I don’t want all the magic I do to be crazy intense super crazy unbelievable mind blowing stuff. Sometimes I want to just be able to bust something out that says, “Hey, I’m a fun guy and I’d like to show you something that’s cool.” And Metamorphosis does just that. The thing I really like about it is that it’s such a worker. I mean, all day I was ending super clean because of everyone’s focus on the back of there hand. It was just such a no brainer. I also really like the fact that the two coins come out of a small business card wallet and that they are completely examinable.

Best Lines:

”Were you in on it?!”
-This was said from someone watching -to the active participant. They couldn’t believe the transposition and thought my spectator was helping me, lol.

”Hmmmmmmmmm. Mmmmmmmmmmm.”
-I’m not even sure what this lady was thinking, but she was smiling at least...

Angry Bob Rating:

For those of you reading this article for the first time, Angry Bob is a co-worker who has an understanding of some magic because his uncle was a magician. Angry Bob knows that TT’s exist, for example, but he has no desire to become a magician himself. He also has an anger management problem that can be experienced first hand if he can’t figure out how a trick is done. A high rating means he has no idea.

“I’ve seen this before, b^^#^^&&. Do you want me to do it for you?!”
-Lol, he didn’t even stay around to watch, lol. Which is too bad because I think this would have raised his eyebrows a bit.

My Rating:

This is a tough one, to be honest. Sometimes I really like things for absolutely no solid reason. I just like them. Don’t get me wrong- this effect has a lot of solid reasons to like it, but there’s something about it that I can’t explain that just makes me smile. I’ve been carrying it around with me since I’ve got it and I’ve simply been having a great time. It’s just that it’s not on the same level of some of the other stuff I do. That said, it has made the cut of going into my Working Set. My inside lower left Ticket Pocket in my suit is always where I keep my business cards and I’ve switched tricks in and out of there for years- and I plan on putting Metamorphosis in there for the next while. So how about 8.5/10.

The JDG Tip:

Read It Here!

Closing Thoughts:

I think you could do a lot worse that this trick. If you’re looking for something that’s easy and fun to do that doesn’t take a lot of thought, do yourself a favour and pick this up. And then perform it. People will thank you.

Have a great week, everyone!

Jamie D. Grant

This Magic Friday was kindly sponsored by Murphy’s Magic. note- sponsorship in no way affects reviews.
TRICK OF THE YEAR: Industrial Revelation, BOOK OF THE YEAR: The Approach, The AIP Bottle, and my new book Scenic 52, can all be found over here:
Kindness takes practice. My TEDx talk