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The Magic Cafe Forum Index :: Magic Friday by Jamie D. Grant :: Charlie Justice's PROHIBITION (0 Likes) Printer Friendly Version

Good to here.
Jamie D. Grant
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as seen in Ripley's Believe It or Not! Twice!
2413 Posts

Profile of Jamie D. Grant
Nov. 16/06

What The Audience Sees:

"Okay. Today Jamie totally blew us away. He took this bottle, right. And he took the cap, right. Well, he put the cap into the bottle. No big deal, right? But he PUT IT THROUGH THE BOTTOM OF THE BOTTLE! OMG! It was unbelievable!"

How It Went:

You should be able to tell from my audience description, Smile . This trick is amazing. I had the distinct pleasure of receiving an evaluation copy about a month ago and I've been practicing ever since. What's funny is that they asked to have the evaluation copy back because they wanted to make changes and I was shocked. I couldn't understand what they would want to change. But sure enough, the new evaluation came in the mail and the changes were excellent.

Anyways, today was awesome (it was actually Magic Thursday today because I might not go into work tomorrow Smile ). People loved the effect, it was totally clear, the bottle's examinable. Brilliant.

Best Lines:

"... ... ... I... I just don't know what to say..."- Ah, that familiar and wonderful silence of awe.
"Holy #$%# what just happened here?" -They knew what happened, they just couldn't believe it.
"Huh. F%$^$%^$ beautiful." -Wait for it...Angry Bob said this, Smile !

Angry Bob Rating:

I have a co-worker (Bob) whose uncle was a magician and thereby has a good working knowledge of how magic works. He's pretty grumpy but likes Magic Friday's because he can tell me how he figured out how the effect is done... A high rating means he'll never figure it out.

No rating this time. See above-if Angry Bob says, "#$%%^#% beautiful", you just walk away. No questions.

My Rating:

I'm always happy when I get to make an easy decision. 10/10. It really is fantastic and has everything I look for in a 'working' effect: it's visual, it's examinable, and most importantly, it's impossible. I was going to dock it a point, however, because I don't always carry a bottle around until I realized that you can't really go anywhere, in North America at least, without being in proximity of a bottle somewhere. I also gave it a 10 because of something I discovered, and am reeeeeally happy about, which I'll mention in the JDG Tip:

The JDG Tip:

I changed it up about half way through the day and I'm not even sure why. But about half way through, I started using dimes! I thought, 'What if I came up to someone and they didn't have the cap anymore?' It works with dimes just as well. I would say. 'You've all heard of Lucky Pennies, right? Well did you know there's Magic Dimes? Look, it's pretty easy to put a dime in through the top of the bottle. But what about the bottom..." KABOOM! A very good day, indeed.

Closing Thoughts:

As you can tell, I'm pretty excited about how today went. It was really incredible. However, honesty is the best policy, and even I am prone to mistakes. Near the end of the day, I went to toss the dime up into the bottle and I 'missed' for lack of a better term. But all I did to recover was not catch it. I let it fall to the floor. When I went to pick it up, everything was good to go (you'll know what I mean if you pick this up-which you should.) again in the act of reaching to the floor. I went on and it was no problem whatsoever. Phew!

Great job Charlie & Co.


Jamie D. Grant
TRICK OF THE YEAR: Industrial Revelation, BOOK OF THE YEAR: The Approach, The AIP Bottle, and my new book Scenic 52, can all be found over here:
Kindness takes practice. My TEDx talk