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Danny Diamond
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I am just curious what the standards are as far as using Flash Paper in a kids show. I was considering using a small piece of flash paper in my Dove Pan before the production, but of course, I don't want to do anything taboo as far as kids shows go.

Is there an age consideration concerning the use of it? For example, is it acceptable for certain age groups, say 10+, but not good for 7 or 8 year olds?

Any feedback is appreciated. Thanks.
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Profile of drosenbe0813
I NEVER use fire during a kids show. My 2 concerns are the kids imitating turning fire into a cake/bunny/etc (although most kids are smarter than that), but more importantly, the possibility of the fire getting out of control, with resulting ruined carpet or floor of your client. Also, many libraries and public buildings forbid the use of any kind of fire.

I use a duck pan to produce my rabbit, right in the birthday child's hands...using a David Ginn idea of pantomiming everything that goes into the pan. I have other assistants (one for each 2 items) place flour, eggs, milk, sugar, etc into the pan (nothing actually goes in). Then I make a big deal of explaining to the children that they should never, ever play with matches. I then pantomime lighting a match, dropping the match into the pan and wiggle my fingers (the fire!!) The 'fire' gets out of control and I run and get the top to 'put the fire out!!'. The child is still holding the pan (with my firm grip on the pan as well) and then we both remove the lid to reveal my rabbit.
This presentation lets the birthday child do the magic and NO CLEANUP!! I just put the pan back into my case for the next show.

Hope this helps

David (FunN) Rosenberg
Neale Bacon
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I use flashpaper in my dove pan routine, but I first give the usual "Don't play with matches. I do this because I am a magician and I know the secret"

I have never had a problem with a kid doing it. It comes as a bit of aq surprise in my routine. I am supposed to be reading a recipe, but everything goes wrong (spring mustard, string ketchup etc)

I then say "Not much of a recipe." and I tear it up and throw it in and then light it.
Neale Bacon and his Crazy Critters
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Dennis Michael
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Flash paper, in my opinion, is OK if it is ignited other than using a match, such as a flint flasher.

Kids are fascinated by fire (so are adults) and if presented in a magical way, it looks good and performs well.

The "ALL or NONE" with using fire philosophy I don't agree with. It would mean the fire book is out and flash appearances and vanishes are out.

Again, NO matches, Yes to instant fire from "however"??? with kid shows. There are some other rules I live by, but I am sticking to flash paper topic and kids.
Dennis Michael
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Profile of Emazdad
You open a book, it catches fire, you look alarmed and close it quickly... a funny magical gag in a routine. But if you open a pan, pour liquid in it, and light it with a match, you've done something the kids can copy at home.

So I'm with Dennis on this one. I'm against fire in kids shows unless it's magically instant.

Flashpaper being lit by hand is definitely out as there is always the chance that the stupid kid with the irresponsible parents who don't teach them right from wrong is in the audience. He will get home and take some matches, a newspaper and mum's saucepan and try and copy you, with possible disasterous results.
Yours Funfully
Clive "Emazdad" Hemsley

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Danny Diamond
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Thanks for the feedback guys. I was on the fence about whether or not to include it, and just like some of you have mentioned, it's not so much the Flash Paper that I am concerned with, but more the lighting of the match to ignite the Flash Paper. I guess I will scrap the idea now. It's not worth the chance of some kid playing with matches at home.
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- Edwin Louis Cole
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Profile of Andini
I used to use flashpaper in my kidshow (for the chickpan) when I was starting out REALLY early. It finally dawned on me that:

1) Despite my "Don't try this at home," comment, some kid might actually light up a match and blame it on "the magician."

2) I could easily drop the match and start a home on fire! I don't think my insurance would cover that. Oh wait, I don't have insurance!

3) I ran out of flashpaper.

Bottom line? Just don't do it. Follow those 4 words and you'll be OK.
Evan Williams
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I agree with what some others have said: do not use it unless produced in a magical way. Any kid could go home and find mathces and light them. If you use a flint flasher and ignite something by using "magic" and waving your hand over it, they cannot immitate it.
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Profile of david_a_whitehead
Yeah, I don't use fire when kids are concerned
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Eternal Order
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Profile of Dynamike
The only time I use flash paper in front of kids is when I perform the appearing rose.
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Eternal Order
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Profile of magic4u02
I tend not to use any fire in my show at all. I used to but did not like the idea that some of it could be duplicated by children at home.

I actually get more laughs from the children when I use imaginary matches and imaginary flames when I do my cake bake routine. And, even though I am using imaginary matches, I still let the kids know that it is not cool to play with matches and that it is best to have mom and dad help out when one is needed.
Kyle Peron

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Profile of link8822
Has anyone had experiences with unintentionally frightening kids with flash paper? I'll be doing my first restaurant gig this week on their "kids eat free" night and one of the tricks I was thinking requires burning flash paper.