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Bradley Roberts
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Hello all… I have a question that I would like to ask. What would you do? Was I wrong to do what I did? What should I do in the future? There is more to the story that has happened since this all. Now for the story....

I help sometimes out in a Magic and Clown shop in Las Vegas. While in our magic shop on a Wednesday a man came in that I have never met before. We started talking a little about magic and things. The man asked me what I did. I told him that I was a children’s and family entertainer. He then told me that he has a job that he would like me to do on Friday. Now not knowing this guy I was wary about it, but I said I would do it. To my surprise this guy offered the job to me not knowing me or seeing my show. I called the man on Friday afternoon to confirm the show and he said it is still a go. He gave me the address and phone number of the contact there. This was a show for a resort that likes to have a magician perform for their guest every Friday. The events manager was there to see my show and everyone enjoyed it very much. I then called the man and said everything went well. He said that he would get me the money for the show soon. It took him about 3 weeks to pay by the way. We got together over lunch and he paid me. He then said that he would like me to do it again. Again I was wary about it but since it took so long to get paid that last time. I love to perform so I did it. The events manager was at the show again. After the show the events manager offered me a contract to do this on a regular basis. I was flattered but I told them it was not my decision to accept this. I contacted the man the next day to inform him of what had happen. He said “I will call you right back.” After about 30 minutes I get a call back from the man. At this time he is yelling saying that I am stealing his show and that he should have not trusted me. He then hung up the phone and called the resort again. After that he called me again to yell some more about how this is his job and that I am thief. I informed him that I called him on this to let him know that the resort did this. If I wanted to take the show I would have never called him on this. I started to get frustrated myself with a man that could not understand why I called him in the first place. He kept the blame game going on me but I had enough. I know I was wrong to say this but I just had enough. I said that I will never work with him in the future. I love to perform so much that I am calling the resort and telling them I will do it for free. The made him hang up on me and I never got a call back.

I called the resort to apologize for the man and the issues that had come up. They informed me that he called yelling at them too. They asked me if I was signed with him as an Agent Client basis. He told them that I was and he was going to sue them for what they did. I told them no that he just met me and passed the job to me. They also informed me that his contract was up. They enjoyed my show so much that is why they offered me the contact. They wanted to offer their guest a more friendly kid show that what the man has provided.

About 2 months called me back and offered the contact. At this time I did sign with them. They have enjoyed my shows, over the last year, that they have signed me up for another year.

Over the past year I have had to explain the story over and over. This is do the man going around telling other magician and family entertainers to watch out for me that I will steal jobs from them. Funny the ones that know me know that I would never do that and I even get people work.

The man was Jeff Corbally of

Not sure if anyone has worked with him or for him. If you have had something like this happen with him let us know.

B-Rad "The Kids Magician"
Brad Kids Magic Website
"A child's smile is one of life's greatest blessings."
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Profile of michaelstellman
Wow. What a crazy industry we work in, huh.. . I honestly wouldn't worry about it. . It's highly unlikely that one person with a grudge can smear your name to an extent that would ruin your career. . . In fact. . I recently wrote an article on that regarding actors on my blog
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Profile of Stevethomas
Tough call, my friend. We weren't there to hear the important things like the tone of voice he used and all the little details. While reading your post, I was surprised that you got paid at all. I've run into similar situations, and I would've had some form or contract or more than just this guy's words to go on.

Sounds like the resort is better off now, anyway!

Al Angello
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You had no contract, you got jerked around, you did everything that I would have done, except to make an announcement at your next magic club meeting to warn others.
Al Angello The Comic Juggler/Magician
"Footprints on your ceiling are almost gone"
Bradley Roberts
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The reason this all came back up for me is what just happen to me....

The story cont....

I was hired by the Clown agent to do a job for a customer appreciation at a local 7/11 store. I was to do balloons and magic for the customers. It paid very well too. Almost at the end of my 2 hours a man in a white Honda SUV drove up. He was wearing a black baseball cap turned around, a yellow tank top, and black short. He had tattoos all over his arms and shoulders. This guy looked like he has been out in the sun a long time and lifting weights all his life. He approached my table that I was twisting balloons for kids at. He asked me “Have I ever hired you?” I told him I don’t think so. I did not know who this guy was at the time. He asked me my name and I told him. He looked at me and said that he knew who I was and walked into the store while saying something to himself. As soon as the door close he came right back out, walked up to me and head butted me. He told me to start something now with his fist up. I reached into my pocket for my phone and called 911. I told him that he can fight with the police. I then gave a description of the man to the 911 operator. The man moved back from me and started to ask people if they saw him head butt me. The people around were very scared of him so the either left or went back into the store. He then called someone himself while I was letting 911 know what was happen. I then gave them his license plate. At this time the man got into his car and drove off in a hurry. I waited about 15 minutes for the cops to come and filed a report with them. I then packed up my gear and left for the day.

The guy that did this was the same guy... JEFF CORBALLY!

I will say that most of the people that I met in the magic and clown world are great people. Jeff Corbally has not been one of them. From what I am getting back from others in the Las Vegas is he has done things like this to many others for threats, bad mouthing, to cheating people out of money. So take caution if you have to deal or work with him.

Thank you Michael for the link....

B-Rad "The Kids Magician"
Brad Kids Magic Website
"A child's smile is one of life's greatest blessings."
James Arnott
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Bad luck Brad. Doesn't sound like much fun. There's a lot of nutters out there hey?!
Skip Way
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Geesh, Brad...Kinda makes me glad t'be living next to Mayberry! If it were me, I'd keep a full-face hockey helmet in my kit back and slap that baby on the next time a white SUV squeals up. Smile
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Al Angello
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Collegeville, Pa. USA
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Is self employment a thing of beauty or what? It is a great feeling to never have to look over your shoulder when making a business decision. Now all I have to do is to convince my wife that I am the boss.
Al Angello The Comic Juggler/Magician
"Footprints on your ceiling are almost gone"
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Profile of sspanks
Dang.. he is a BIG man! Sorry this happened.

Scott O.
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Those guys in white SUVs . . .
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Tony James
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How important are agents in America? Can you work without them?

Agents used to be important over here though since the 1950/60s certainly not for children's party shows. Too much bother for too little return even when their commission went from the traditional 10% to 15% and today 17 1/2%.

Traditionally, a lot of acts were not well educated, were not good negotiators, not business minded and the agent handled these matters for them, leaving the act clear to concentrate on what they knew best - how to do their act. Things have moved on - a lot!

Agents remained important for other work but have slowly seen that drain away as more acts and more organisers work directly. They are still there but working mainly for the larger events where multiple acts are involved and with local authorities whose paperwork can be so involved the local authorities much prefer to work to one source with one set of paperwork.

If you can avoid middlemen I would suggest you do so. Then you have direct control over your business. Middlemen situations too frequently mean hassle, misinformation both ways and dissatisfaction all round. Go direct and know who you're dealing with. And get paid on the day.

You have to be self disciplined, very businesslike with your paperwork and office keeping but at least you know where you're up to. If you make it easy for the customer to say 'Yes' you'll get a reputation for being a good person to do business with.

All that most clients want are acts who are businesslike and easy to deal with, offering entertainment which attracts and holds an audience whilst offering good value for money.

Now that takes a bit of organising but it's worth persevering.
Tony James

Still A Child At Heart
Kent Wong
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Profile of magicgeorge
Am I right to believe the guy's more an entertainer than an agent? If he was an agent there would've been no problem as he could've just asked you to do the job every week and sat back and taken easy commision.

Sounds like he was doing the job a better offer came up, he got you to cover then the managament didn't want him back after seeing your higher standard show. I can see why that might be upsetting for him but he's made his bed so he should lie in it.

Good luck with it all.

Danny Hustle
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One word...PSYCHO!

I hope you pressed charges. What an awful thing.



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Profile of Stevethomas
Googled his name and the word "entertainment", and if that's the same guy, he looks like a large man. Be careful out there!

Bradley Roberts
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Yes he is big...but by doing something like this...meathead comes to mind.

I have told all the magic groups in the area, many magicians, restraining order is in the process, and also working on the pressing of charges. It is on camera but not very good so we will see.

I just wanted to get the word out just incase some of you have to work with him. Just to watch out if you do.

BTW… if you do a search his name you might find stuff that I did. This guy has a lot of history. Scary thing is he is a teacher also here in Las Vegas.
B-Rad "The Kids Magician"
Brad Kids Magic Website
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Profile of Art190
Geez, that's one big dude. Good luck to you.

Bradley Roberts
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Profile of Bradley Roberts
Thank goodness I do the No Bully program and know what to do Smile heheh
B-Rad "The Kids Magician"
Brad Kids Magic Website
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Learn this and you won't need to call 911 next time you meet up with him Smile

Of course, Im just kidding you know Smile
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Bradley Roberts
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Profile of Bradley Roberts
I took Shorin Ryu most of my life and I might have done something in my younger years. I have also learned that to have self control takes a lot stronger person.

Mostly the post is a warning to others that may deal with him.

Sometimes our children's entertainment world has its ups and downs.

I am not going to let someone like this get me down. I am still going to go out there and make the world a better place with laughter.


B-Rad "The Kids Magician"
Brad Kids Magic Website
"A child's smile is one of life's greatest blessings."