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The Magic Cafe Forum Index :: The little darlings :: How much NLP do you use in your presentations? (0 Likes) Printer Friendly Version

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Profile of p.b.jones
I use a fair amount of NLP in my kid show presentations one way or another. does anyone else and what sort of thing?
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Plymouth UK
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Profile of Emazdad
I'm sorry to show my ignorance, buts whats NLP, maybe I use it but call it something else.
Yours Funfully
Clive "Emazdad" Hemsley

"Magic is a secret, without the secret there is no magic"

Remember there are only 3 types of people in the world, those that can count and those that can't.
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Milford Haven. Pembrokeshire wales U.K.
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Profile of p.b.jones
NLP stands for Neuro lingustic programming
It is a complex subject but basicaly deals with the ways that information is prossesed by the brain. mostly it is used as a self help prosses. Tony Robbins really popularised it and put it in a more readable form than the originators of the studies.
I find that Tony robbins book "Unlimited power" is a good book on the subject. when you understand the principles it can help you to hold the attention of the children,
Increase the magic experience,Establish how best to deal with a nusance child and even calm a nervous helper.
Billy Whizz
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Hi Phillip, I've never heard of that before.
All the Best, Billy
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Milford Haven. Pembrokeshire wales U.K.
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Profile of p.b.jones
Try this link for some info

Dennis Michael
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Somewhere here on the Café I talk about personalities, and the Myers-Briggs theory. It's probably archieved.

Many things related to NLP remind me of these personality groupings.

I studied and taught this stuff and fully believe in knowing one's personsility and others; so much communications can take place, as well as self growth.

There are also so many other variations of this and many speakers talk on this subject. My favoriate is Tony Alessander because his classification are perfect for the working person. He groups people in Extroverted and Introverted, Also People related and Task Related. Most Magicians fall under Extroverted and People related.

As a superior/leader/officer in any agency, this knowledge can only help you to become a better leader/manager. As a Magician, you can determine what types of magic will and will not work based on that individuals personality.
Dennis Michael
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Profile of TroyRoark
I'm just leaning about NLP. It's very fascinating. The idea is basicly this: 1) learn how people think, 2)use words and phrases that coordinate with the way those people think. 3)Get people to do what you want.

That's a very simplified explanation, but everyone from Oprah to Tony Robbins uses it. The book I have is called "NLP at Work" by Sue Knight. Very Interesting.

Troy Roark
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Milford Haven. Pembrokeshire wales U.K.
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Profile of p.b.jones
Hi Den,
I know what your saying about personality types ext and these are covered in DISC sales ext. The thing s I find usful in NLP are the Meta programs.

Metaprograms (blatently plagerised fron the above site)

Metaprograms are filters through which we perceive the world. The old maxim, is the glass half full or half empty (or just fluidically challenged) is an example.

Another example would be how two different people might approach an argument. A person with what we would call an "away from" strategy would be likely to be finding any way to get away from the conflict. Someone using a "toward" strategy would be more likely to be heading toward a specific goal, perhaps of finding an amicable solution to the conflict. The primary difference between the two being, when you're moving away from something, you never know what you may back into.

When you change these filters, it can dramatically change how we approach situations and how we perceive the world.

These are also usefull in selling the show on the phone as it is pointless telling a move away person all the great things about your show when all they want to hear is how by boooking you they are subject to less pain.
better to sell them on what might happen if they don't book you!
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Profile of Emazdad
From the sound of it, it's something that any good children's entertainer does without thinking. If you don't have an understanding of how children think, you will find entertaining them harder than someone with a good understanding. The subject is a bit too deep for me though, I'm not into phyco-babble, I'm far too down to earth and I just run on instinct.
Yours Funfully
Clive "Emazdad" Hemsley

"Magic is a secret, without the secret there is no magic"

Remember there are only 3 types of people in the world, those that can count and those that can't.
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Milford Haven. Pembrokeshire wales U.K.
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Profile of p.b.jones
From the sound of it, it's something that any good children's entertainer does without thinking. If you don't have an understanding of how children think, you will find entertaining them harder than someone with a good understanding.

I agree with all the above Emazdad, which is why I am into all sorts of child/adult phycology clearly the more understanding you have though both Experience and study the more/better the choices available to you without having to think. I also think that it is worth the effort to go over your script and tweak to get the best possible presentation.

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Plymouth UK
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Profile of Emazdad
A good tweek of your script is a must, every now and then I usually video my show, i take the camera along to a show and set it up at the back, I then sit back and watch it at home. It's a very good way of finding out what is and isn't working, and any bad habits you may not realise you have. it's important to keep up to date with the latest fads as well, and with all the popular childrens cartoon characters, it's amazing how just a brief mention of one of their favourites will help break the ice between you and the kids in your pre-show chats as you set up.
Yours Funfully
Clive "Emazdad" Hemsley

"Magic is a secret, without the secret there is no magic"

Remember there are only 3 types of people in the world, those that can count and those that can't.
Ron Reid
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Hi Phillip:

I just recently bought Kenton's Wonder Words audio series, and have started using the ideas in my kid shows. I haven't noticed a big difference, but I feel very comfortable using the techniques/phrases/words. I plan on using more and more of it.

I have a Brian Flora audio tape called "Effective Techniques for the Pro" (or something like that). It touches on NLP too, and I've used a number of Brian's ideas.

I think NLP has MUCH value in kid shows, but I don't believe it is all that Kenton claims it to be. Maybe my opinion will change once I use it more.

Ron Reid
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Milford Haven. Pembrokeshire wales U.K.
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Profile of p.b.jones
HI Ron,
Wonder words only really touches on NLP. lot's of people think that Wonderwords is just NLP but it also includes lingustics and some hypnosis. I find that most of wonder words is best for adult audiences. I bought the Flora tape virtualy when it came out and I was dissapointed. Mainly because I also bought "Unlimited power" by Tony Robbins years before that and flora's tape just seemed to skim it(no depth)the unlimited power book (I have the cassettes too)goes into the subject in great depth though it is a faily long book. As the book here in the UK is only a Tenner (last time I looked) I consider that even if you only get a few idea's and apply them than you had your tenners worth.
Cheshire Cat
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Profile of Cheshire Cat
NLP? naa, just lots of TLC.


Talking of introvert v. extrovert personalities in entertainment. I am introvert thus have to 'flick that switch' at every party before starting. I have always tended not to mix with other entertainers for this reason as I find the extrovert nature of some make them overblown, exaggerating, self-opinionated characters. Introverts that work in a people environment also need at least equal counterbalancing time. I spend hours each week hillwalking as my (our) counterweight. Having had quite an interest in human psychology many years ago I guess self-analysis has always been part of my life.
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Milford Haven. Pembrokeshire wales U.K.
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Profile of p.b.jones
I think that most magicians are/where intoverts at some time. Most found magic as a way of comunicating/meeting with others and breaking the ice so to speak. Although I am quite happy to stand up and speak /perform magic even sing when pushed.
Though off stage I hate fuss, I would not look well for example on throwing me a suprise party. At my wedding we had only four people apart from my wife and I. Plus we never told anyone except those 4 people.
I am an always up person, I smile a lot and am very unlikely to complain about poor service ext.