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I have talked to people who swear that mouth inflating has cured their asthma. Playing the trumpet cured Roy Castles Smile
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Profile of Leland
My balloons stay in the bag that they came in. I only use about 500 to 600 a year! 30,000! I can't image blowing that many by mouth. I can't even do one!! Pump is the way to go for me!!
Life of Magic!
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Profile of Vilago
I can understand the worry about high blood pressure...I hadn't blown one up in years, and yesterday I blew up about 6...lightheaded for a few hours after!

I'm just trying to take it slow and work through a couple of bags to get the ability back...proficiency comes later...

Thanks for the help everyone. That's what I love about this board - we don't all agree all the time, but everyone's willing to help when they can.
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Profile of Emazdad
<<<<<<we don't all agree all the time, but everyone's willing to help when they can.>>>>>>>.

There would be no point in having the discussion group if we did all agree, what's great is we can disagree without falling out. Everyone has there own opinion and way of working, and we can all learn from others, no matter how much experience you've had in the business.
Yours Funfully
Clive "Emazdad" Hemsley

"Magic is a secret, without the secret there is no magic"

Remember there are only 3 types of people in the world, those that can count and those that can't.
flourish dude
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from ? But I know where I am going!
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Profile of flourish dude
I think it's colder in the UK...
I use my mouth and blow up about 75 or so a night. I do get dizzy sometimes if I blow to hard. I am dizzy anyway so noone ever takes note.
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Profile of Jewls
I mouth inflate at my restaurant gigs and small private parties but my large festivals I use battery pumps. I have never had anyone complain about my germs on a balloon. I have used an inflator if recovering a cold or the flu. Not to spread germs. I have when doing to many balloons for to many days had the tissue inside of my mouth split and peel like if burned. Anyone else ever have that happen? I use/order 2000 balloons a month on the average.
Hi Magic George Smile
Billy Whizz
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Profile of Billy Whizz
Hi Jewls, I get the same problem, the inside of my cheeks always peel when I do a lot of balloons by mouth.

All the best, Billy
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Milford Haven. Pembrokeshire wales U.K.
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Profile of p.b.jones
Billy/Jewls Read my Earlier post about the chalk.

I think it's colder in the UK...

Yes it is and it does I suppose make the balloons a little harder to blow up as the rubber is a little more strechy on a hot day. but one good point is you do not get so many pops from heat.
flourish dude
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from ? But I know where I am going!
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Profile of flourish dude
The heat shortents the life of the ballon. i would much rather store them in a basement or fridge. as for being hard to blow up just streach them out a few times and they back to normal.
Nothing of the same will bring any change, take action today!
Just taking a step, is a step in the right direction because when you stop working, your dream dies.
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Milford Haven. Pembrokeshire wales U.K.
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Profile of p.b.jones
I only buy a carton 5,000 at a time so they don't last long. I really don,t have to worry about them going off. I also buy them direct from Pioneer so they are fresh when I get them.
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Profile of rkrahlmann
Keep them cool and in the dark, and if you're not going to use them often, a sprinkle of talcum power prevents them sticking together. Make sure all the talc is off before the show.
This always worked for me, and I didn't have any ill effects. I was never blowing up more than 50-60 a night a couple of nights a month, though.
As a sidenote to the pump/mouth discussion. A few years ago I was hired to do walk around fire eating for a gig. I told the promoter I needed an hour between 15 sets to take a break from the fuel, etc. He got snitty and asked if there was anything else I could do to fill the time. I said I could do balloons, so we agreed (big mistake) that I'd do sculpting in between fire sets.
After my first set, I tried to blow up balloons. It was extreamly difficult, and I probably came close to bursting a vessel. I'm guessing the fire had something to do with depleating extra oxygen in my lungs. Anyone have a clue as to what might have happened?