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Yorktown, Virginia (Previously Germany)
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Profile of RiffClown
There seems to be a big misconception or at least misunderstanding about what a Gospel magician does. Opinions range from "a magician that happens to be a Christian" or "a messenger using magic as a tool to spread the Word" to "a magician who couldn't cut it in the real world and sought out a niche audience" or "a Christian who also happens to be a magician."

The specific feedback I'm looking for here from fellow Christian magicians is:

1. What illusion or tricks do you use? (especially large items)
2. Which do you feel is more important, the message or the magic?
3. How do you feel about effects that emulate the miracles of the Bible? ("Water to Wine" or even "Loaves and Fishes productions" for instance)
4. How do you feel about mentalism in Gospel magic?
5. What is your definition of Gospel magic?

I know where I stand, I'm just interested in the viewpoints of my peers.
Rob "Riff, the Magical Clown" Eubank aka RiffClown
<BR>Magic is not the method, but the presentation.
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LosAngeles, Ca
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Profile of GlenD
Hi there Rob!

Good questions that you pose. I am happy to offer my feedback, even though I am still very much in amateur status and kind of finding my way through some of the questions you ask. I will be looking forward to other inputs in this thread.

My answers to your questions are as follows:

First off I consider myself to be both... a magician that happens to be a Christian and a messenger (in the right situation) using magic as a tool to spread the word.
I definitely want my magic to be a ministry but I also have no problem with magic as purely a form of entertainment.

I think one has to be careful and find a delicate balance concerning how serious to be. As for me, I have no problem communicating to an audience my lack of any truly "magical" powers, etc and do not want any confusion there. But I also am serious about doing what I do well, whether it is magic effects as entertainment only or in presenting gospel messages with the effects.

I hope that is somewhat clear as to where I am coming from. Moving on to your questions...

1. How large is the large that you are looking for? Sorry to answer a question with a question. I don't have any "large" stage size contraptions. I have adapted some Biblical themes to some regular type of tricks and would be happy to share in detail some of them if interested.

2. I think both the message and the magic is important. I think that even in a church type of show there is room to mix it up a little and not have to have every trick have a message but it depends on what they want from the performance. It is very important to clarify what the purpose of my being there is. Some churches want a magician to perform in a strictly entertaining manner and not necessarily as an outreach or message driven routine.

3. I have given this a little thought and my personal feelings about emulating Bible miracles is a thumbs down. I don't want to do something that in any way says "look at me, I can duplicate the miracles of the Bible"! But that is just my opinion on it at this time and if there are those that have differing opinions, I would be anxious to hear a flip side to how I view it. Last thought on this one would boil down to motivation, what would be the reasoning behind attempting to duplicate any of the Bible miracles???

4. I am interested in this same question, I really dig mentalism but am having a difficult time figuring out how to perform mentalism in a gospel presentation. I have been working on a mentalism routine but not much of any kind of gospel message in it. It would be entertainment only at this point and I don't have any problem with that. Although I would be very open to suggestions and thoughts from others on this question.

5. My definition of gospel magic would be magic with a message (WHAM)! Effects that communicate Biblical truths in a unique and very visual manner.

Well, that's my 2 1/2 cents worth, I hope there is something in all that, that is worth something to you, riffclown!
By the way I just got back this weekend from spending the last week as a counselor for our kids jr. summer camp. It was great and I did some magic tricks for the kids in my cabin in the evenings. It was a lot of fun.

I am doing my first "paid" show this coming Saturday and am looking forward to that. (it's a kids show, ages 4 through teens, I have been told) Will be interesting!

"A miracle is something that seems impossible but happens anyway" - Griffin

"Any future where you succeed, is one where you tell the truth." - Griffin (Griffin rocks!)
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Profile of tglund

I do not perform professionally but I do work in the childrens ministries at my church and use my magic to teach lessons.

Here are my thoughts on your questions.

1. I don't do a lot of stage magic so I don't have what are considered, 'BIG' props, but square circle can be used effectively to demonstrate a person's life that is empty and then the wonderful things in our lives when we accept Jesus into our lives. You can produce all sorts of colorful silks and streamers to symbolize the joy, peace, love etc.. that Jesus brings into one's life.

2. Both are important. In my opinion a gospel magician is using magic to communicate a message. The magician needs to be a god magician/entertainer. This conveys to the audience that your message is worth listening to and they have invested their time wisely. I don't think every trick needs to have a gospel message, entertainment is a good way to get the audiences attention and help them become more receptive to what you have to say.

3. I personally do not care for these. I feel that it can lead the audiences to question the validity of the real miracles.

4. Mentalism is not a bad thing. You can use a mentalism trick to illustrate that even though no one else may know your sin, you and God will always know your sin. You could also expose a mentalism trick such as magicians choice to demonstrate the need of watching who you listen to and follow in your faith. i.e. beware of false prophets.

5. In my opinion, Gospel magic is magic that conveys a Biblical message. As I said before not every trick has to have a gospel message, but the magicians act does demonstrate a Biblical message. I also believe it is imparative that the magician acknowledge that what he/she is doing are tricks, i.e. no special powers, that the only true power comes from GOD.

I would be interested in seeing your answers to the questions you have posed. Smile
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Inner circle
Yorktown, Virginia (Previously Germany)
1579 Posts

Profile of RiffClown
1. I really don't own a lot of large items either. I'm just curious on this one. I have used linking rings and silks with positive results. After a lengthy discussion in another thread, I'm trying to think of some larger illusions that could be appropriate. Thus, this question.

2. My answer here is simple. The Message is paramount! The magic and the magician are merely exclamation points for the Message.

3. The only time I would participate in an emulation of a Biblical miracle would be for a theatrical type of environment, i.e. Passion Play. Otherwise I agree, it can undermine the miracles and detract from them.

4. Mentalism. I'm not a mentalist and I'm trying to keep an open mind on this one. I would be very interested in context for this type of effect.

5. Gospel Magic: Using illusion or sleight of hand to tell the Message of Salvation, a story from the Bible or an appropriate personal experience. In this venue, I feel magic is secondary and should be "prayerfully" chosen so as not to detract from the message.

For a better insight on my approach to Gospel Magic check -->HERE.
Rob "Riff, the Magical Clown" Eubank aka RiffClown
<BR>Magic is not the method, but the presentation.