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Good to here.
P T Flea
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Engelfield Green, nr Staines - innit
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Just curious, what is Christian magic?
Is it like walking on water, parting seas and feeding 500 people with one fish?
I have never come across magic with rude religious reference so I don't see how any magic would be unsuitable for Christians?
Maybe I've just got the wrong end of the stick.

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Profile of BroDavid
There is plenty of magic which does not honor God, because it relies on spirit/demon premises.

It is not the kind of magic in which a Bible believing Christian would generally involve him/her self.

Generally, if magic is considered Christian Magic, its' underlying purpose is to Honor God through the message, or the performance.

It is not about trying to duplicate miracles through illusion or trickery.

Hope that helps.

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P T Flea
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Engelfield Green, nr Staines - innit
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Could you possibly give me some examples of magic that relies on spirit/demon premises. I take it you are not talking about card tricks and the such, but more like stage magic.
So would you alter the script of the trick so in the end to provide a message/moral that Christians can associate with? Could you perhaps give me an example of something that would Honor God through performing it?


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Profile of johncrosby

Christian (Gospel) Magic is an avenue whereby which you use your skills in illusion to tell a story that will share what Jesus Christ means to you and how he can change lives.

I agree that most illusions are able to be utilized as Christian effects, however some things are extremely hard to alter to honor God and therefore would not work in a typical show being performed by Christian Magicians.

There are several Awsome magicians (Duane Laflin, Felix Snipes, ....) who do a wonderful job of presenting the Gospel using magic and they have strong performances. If you ever hear of one of them in an area you may be in, I would suggest you check them out. You can also check out as there are numerous Christian magic tricks available. You can also look up the Fellowship of Christian Magicians at and check out the member sites as there are a couple dozen good sites where you can learn more about Christian Magic.

John Smile
P T Flea
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Engelfield Green, nr Staines - innit
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Profile of P T Flea
I was just interested in how you define Christian Magic.
I won't be taking it any further as I do not have a religion.
But thanks for all the info anyway guys! You never know someone might ask me to taylor my magic for this occasion one day!

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Dr. JK
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Hi P T!

There is one thing that has confused me about your question. There is a difference between "gospel/Christian magic" and "performing magic for Christians." When I perform magic for my family and friends (who are Christians), I don't have to have a Gospel message tied in with it. I can just perform normal tricks. Gospel magic is generally done for Christians, but its primary purpose is to deliver a message from the Bible. Hope this helps!
- Jeff Kowalk, The Psychic CPA
IG: @erudite.magic
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Profile of BroDavid
I agree with the others here, both John and Jeff had good input and information. I hope that helps you understand better P.T.Flea.

As for the question you asked me, It isnt the kind of effect, i.e. cards, etc, that makes it "right or wrong". It is how it is presented.

By example, I would say something like a Ouija board concept which is spirit/demon based is wrong for a Christian

Therefore anything where you would claim supernatural powers or the ability to have something revealed by an unseen power or force through your performance would qualify. Reading minds - if presented as a mystical ability is (In my opinion) wrong for Christians.

It can be a tough line to draw, if you start trying to split hairs on it. A word here or there can change he whole attitude about the effect. But once again, if you are claiming supernatural powers or appear to be relyinging on Spirits or Demons to give you power or understading, that would clearly be Biblicaly wrong - as the Bible speaks against Spirit/Demon related activities.

To Honor God, we would reflect on His Power, His Gace, His Mercy, or any of His other glorious attributes. And as was said by others, show a message that demonstrates those attributes, a principle that reinforces them or a Biblical truth, or an example of how God has worked in our individual lives - presented or demonstrated through a magic effect Honors God.

Hope that clears it up. If not, ask away friend!

God Bless

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P T Flea
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Engelfield Green, nr Staines - innit
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Profile of P T Flea
Just for example them, David Blaine's presentation would probably not be suitable for a Christian as he gives out the impression that he really is reading people's minds and so forth?

Good judgement comes from bad experience, and a lot of that comes from
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Dr. JK
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Hey PT,

I think this area might be a little fuzzy. There are some Christians that would advocate "don't read minds, it's wrong," while there are others that don't see a problem with it. I personally don't see a problem with it as long as you explain that it's really just a trick, and as long as you don't claim to be "getting in touch with the spirits." Like I said, though, I don't think there's anything wrong with you asking someone to think about their card and you'll try to "read their mind" and discover it. Maybe even throw in some comedy while you "raise your antenna to receive their signal." Like I said, maybe not eveyone will agree with me, but at least that is the way I feel about it. Smile
- Jeff Kowalk, The Psychic CPA
IG: @erudite.magic
FB: @eruditemagic
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America’s North Coast, Ohio
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Profile of BroDavid
Generally speaking, I think that is a true statement.

I dont think many Christians would risk giving the impression that they are involved in fortune telling, or mind reading.

But if you made it clear that you were not actually reading someone's mind, but that deception makes it look that way. I would not see a problem doing that type of effect. As long as it is clear that there are no "special powers" other than your skill in deception or trickery that makes it work.

I guess it is a bit easier to make this kind of determination if you actually are a Christian. This is because we have the counsel and discernment of the Holy Spirit of God, who indwells us when we we accept Jesus Christ as our Lord and Saviour.

If you stand for nothing, you will fall for anything.
P T Flea
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Engelfield Green, nr Staines - innit
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This is all fairly interesting for me to hear how complicated a topic it really is over there in the States.
Here in the UK, religion is no where near as apparent and I can't imagine there actually being that many performers specialising in Christian magic. I was in the states just over Easter and I was pretty surprised by the amount of religious families living around. This may be the case here but, as I say, it is not apparent.

Good judgement comes from bad experience, and a lot of that comes from
bad judgement.
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Joe Marotta
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Hi PT,

Here's one chap you may want to check out, Peter McCahon living in Luton
Bedfordshire. Peter is a fantastic performer and one really nice guy. Telephone: +44 (0)1582 564850

Also Mark Stafford, living in East Dulwich at (tel) 020 8693 7175.

I hope that helps. If you ever make it back to the States, and to California, give me a shout!

Best to you,

Joe Marotta