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The Magic Cafe Forum Index :: Ebooks, PDF's or Downloads :: Fearson Reviews (0 Likes) Printer Friendly Version

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Profile of Logan12345
Could somebody please review Fearson's Box and Fantastic Floatation?
Thanks a lot!
Joseph Martin
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Profile of Joseph Martin
Hi. Some time ago I bought the Box Levitation. I see it like a gag. IMHO, save your money. Concerning Fantastic Floatation, I can't comment anything because I don't have it.
Best regards.
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Profile of RooMan
I have both. The box is a wee bit like a gag. I start off standing in a milk crate.
How serious is that? I never used the thing.It currently resides in my storage shed.

Fantastic Floatation is better although it requires some construction skills.I adapted in into a costume design for a Children's Theatre production and it was extremely cool.The effect played very well for kids and adults. I've never used the initial design in any "real world" performance application so I can't speak to that.
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Profile of funemagic
A friend of mine built the Fearson's box so it doesn't look a milk crate (ie, he didn't use a milk crate to build it). It looks more space age-ish. He used an old remote control from a model airplane for the effect and it looks great. I think it's perfect for smaller living room, library or school shows.
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Profile of Dougini
Fearson's Box...OK, lemme see, here...

Been a while...Magi stands in milk crate. Sides are cut out so you can clearly see both feet. A loop of rope goes from the top of the crate over his shoulders, and a remote control on a cable is held in the hands...

On command, the box rises right off the floor, with the magi inside, and you can CLEARLY see both feet are inside the box. No Balducci stuff here. Not much, any way. I mean the thing rises nearly a foot off the floor, and there is no question the legs aren't involved. That's how it appears. The secret is an old one. New application, that's all.

Fantastic Floatation. Magi takes jacket off, holds it in front of him (Bullfighter-style), and BOTH legs come up off the floor, behind him, and he floats horizontally, left and right then down he goes. Whips away the jacket. No supports, nothing seen. You literally WEAR the necessary props. Ron Jaxon has a much-improved and ingenious variation on that very same illusion. In his, you float in a sitting position, and IMO, is MUCH more deceptive. PM him for more info.

Not really a great "review", but that's my small take on those...


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Profile of cajuninms
Ok the only reason I see good reson to buy the box levitation is for cam is a great webcam magic effect
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Profile of Jaxon
I've played around with quite a few of the close up self levitation that are out there and I honestly feel that both of Fearsons are the best (Box and FFF). I've played around with both and have come up with quite a few modifications for them.

I'll mention a couple of them for those who are interested (wont go into to much detail of course).

For the Flotation (thanks for the kind words Doug). One thing I've done is made it so I can get the gimmick on in a matter of seconds. Sometimes you can secretly put it on right in front of the audience in the middle of the show. The gimmick would be behind a table or something. By standing behind the table for a moment you can get the gimmick on you. Walk out. Perform the effect then secretly remove the gimmick a little later. This is great when you don't want to have to wear the gimmick for an entire show.

The other modification I won't mention to much about here on the open forum but you can see a short video demo of it at Just search for the video titled "Jaxon Magic." If you know then gimmick the alteration I made will be obvious from the short video.

For the box the main modifications I've made are mostly just fun decorations such as adding LED lights and micro chips to make it look like some poor mans wacky invention. I also added a block behind the gimmick that allows me to levitate higher. You can also produce things from the box at the end. A fun one, especially for magicians, is to say that you did that trick with a fork lift. Then produce a toy fork lift from the box.

One other fun idea and I think it adds a degree of logic to the trick. Is to turn the box into a scale. Stand in it and the scale says you weigh 150 pounds. You concentrate and you start to get lighter. The scale drops down until it reaches zero at which point you start to float.

One more box idea. You'll need a larger box then a milk crate for this though because you have to be able to do it with your shoes on. Get some of those shoes that have roller skates that pop out. Now you can make you and the box float, then move.

Hope you find some of those ideas fun or helpful.

Ron Jaxon

After regaining my ability to hear after 20 years of deafness. I learned that there is magic all around you. The simplest sounds that amazed me you probably ignore. Look and listen around you right now. You'll find something you didn't notice before.
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Profile of mikep
Those insights are awesome Jaxon, I would have never thought of the last two ideas. This has given me a renewed interest in the effect.
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Profile of Ustaad
Thanks Ron. Great Ideas. I like people who are performers as well as thinkers.

Weldone and keep it up!

Three cheers for you, Ron!


P,S, I like the Box better.
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Profile of tom_d2
Anyone who can help me build the "FFF" gimmick plz email me I don't understand the manuscript at all but I got the things you need to do it

emael me
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Profile of SmoothAM
I have both, and I think I like the box better. I have not had time to even construct the FFF, however, but I have seen a video of the performance on his website, as well as on one of Fearson's very old magic videos. It's a decent looking effect. The construction, however, is more difficult than that of the box. I do plan to construct it as soon as I get the time. I personally like the box idea better though, because no covers are used. That's the only thing I really don't like about FFF. Otherwise they are both decent illusions, especially considering that they are affordable for most everyone.
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Kalamazoo, Mi.
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Profile of Jaxon
The video of my modified FFF is up on my site now. Click here to check it out. It's on the video titled "Jaxon Magic".

Just thought I'd let you know because it's easier for those who aren't a member of

Ron Jaxon

After regaining my ability to hear after 20 years of deafness. I learned that there is magic all around you. The simplest sounds that amazed me you probably ignore. Look and listen around you right now. You'll find something you didn't notice before.
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Profile of daffydoug
I looked at the video, and I gotta say, you really make it look good. shows some original thinking in the different way you presented it.

Personaly, I never COULD figure out how to assemble the durn thing from the instructions. Mine is sitting in my closet half assembled.
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