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I am honored to be a part of this release and though I have never met Dr. Bill, I value his thoughts, ideas and correspondence (so maybe I am a little biased in this post, but..). Once again he has offered a great ebook that focuses on a very workable method!

It's kind of hard to explain, but people who are hesitant to use any type of real psychological work, will find this application retains the "purity" of those tools, but is a pragmatic method that could be used by any performer (with a modicum of performance experience). There are also some safeguards built into the "Fource" which Dr. Bill discusses.

As I read through all the ideas put forth in the book, I am once again impressed with the creativity of the applications of Dr. Bill's method. This is another excellent release from Dr. Bill.

With regards,

Bill Cushman
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Profile of Bill Cushman
Thank you Sean. I was equally honored to have your fine contribution.

Millard Longman caught a typo that I'm going to correct but want to mention here for the people that already have The Fource. It is in the "Group Dynamics" chapter, the section of effects that don't use the basice Fource methodology and is in my effect "Sublime Subliminal Square." This is an updated, hands off and gimmick free version of my "Subliminal Square" first published in Banachek's "Psychological Subtleties 2."

He wrote me: "On page 54 of the fource, the second number in the fourth row should be 434 as in my email to you on the magic square. The pdf shows 424."

He is absolutely correct as he should be given he put the square together when my brain locked! Thanks again, Mill.
Jack Maxwell
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I recently had the chance to see Dr. Bill perform The Fource for about a dozen people in my shop. He did the original presentation that started it all and nailed it. The customers were freaking out.

In the past I've always been leery about using psychological forces but not any more! I'm working on a rotation of Rick Roth's ultra cool Fourcelosure (based on a legend of a Florida psychic) and Jamie Badman's super eerie Fources From Beyond (the story itself creeps me out) for my Halloween shows this year.

These are classic "packs small, plays big" presentations which are just what I need for this busy time of year. I want to thank the Doc for putting The Fource out there and showing me a whole new way of looking at these kinds of effects.
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Profile of mindgames
I got this when its not yet release from bill, when I read it I think its not supposed to be sell since its too god yet too easy for anyone who see it performed to duplicated it.
its not a new idea, but its a brilliant thinking behind the old concept and make it more reliable and suitable for real world.
my mind still hurt now thinking so many ideas to work with the fource.... not including the planets! Smile
Greg Arce
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Okay, I spoke with Bill and asked his permission to do this. I have two other ideas using the Fource that never made it into the book so for those that own it you can PM and I'll send them to you.
Of course, I'll need proof you own The Fource so you can tell me what the idea is based on and I'll know you have it.

One of my favorite quotes: "A critic is a legless man who teaches running."
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Dr. Bill wanted me to let you guys know that the internet service in his neighborhood has been down for 2 days now and he should be able to respond to emails and e-book sales tomorrow.

2015 ECSS Alumnus


Bill Cushman
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I'm baaaack! What torture not to have internet access.

I've taken care of all orders, PMs and emails. If somehow you were missed, please let me know. Thank you all for your patience and thanks Rick for letting everyone know I hadn't just absconded.
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Profile of Blackwood
In response to something I wrote elsewhere, Dr. Bill stated that The Fource allows users to psychologically force a four-digit number in a way that is easier and more reliable than psychologically forcing a one, two or three digit number. Given how difficult it has been for anyone to describe The Fource without saying too much, (me included) I thought I’d share this here.

One thing that hasn't been mentioned much is the wide variety of uses for the Fource contributed by some very respected thinkers in mentalism. Some don't even require The Fource methodology. I, myself, am using the basic method, dressed up with some show-biz, in brainstorming workshops to illustrate the power of synergy – multiple minds working together to spark solutions no one of the participants might have been able to arrive at alone.

As our British friends say: "It works a treat!"
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Profile of RicHeka
If any of you do pencil/pen reading...'The Fource'by Bill Cushman lends itself nicely to this skill[for reasons that should be obvious for owners of the e-book].

This week I made a couple of perfectly accurate revelations and some partially accurate revelations.It is a work in progress,but IMO a worthy one.

PS.I have a methodology that I believe makes pencil/pen reading a little more accurate.PM me and I'll be happy to share.

Happy trails.
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Profile of Mystification
Just thought I would add my two cents here. First, this is NOT 100%. Second, for almost $50.00 I think it is way to high. Just my opinion. I had a friend use this in peformance, and I think that you need to do this one in front of as large an audience as is possible. This is not an effect for small audiences.
Nathan Pain
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I have a friend too...but you wouldn't know her...she's from Canada...

This "I have a friend" gambit is a bunch of to explain further?

I got this book on pre-sale, but if I missed it I would have paid my 50 bones, and been more than pleased. EVERYTHING I have gotten from the good Dr. Bill has been worth many more times than I've paid...not to mention all the other fine creators who added their priceless material to the book.

It has never been claimed that this works 100% of the time...but any good performer can make it seem like it! If your "friend" flubbed it, maybe your "friend" should look in the mirror, or just quit and get back to the fryer.

Just my opinion Smile

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Sure, I will explain further. First, my friend didn't "flub" it. I never said he "flubbed" anything. My statement that it is not 100% is accurate as you yourself agree. I stated "JUST MY OPINION", and that what this is, just my opinion. My opinion, this is too high.

Since you are so impressed, I will give you a freebie for free. Ask a large audience to think of a color. Then show them you have a prediction, Your prediction is red. Have the audience raise their hands who thought of red. Then ask them who thought of blue?? And turn your paper around to show that you also had almost picked blue. Bet you will have a lot of raised hands between the two colors and they will leave thinking you are a real miracle worker. And I saved you $50.00
Nathan Pain
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Profile of Nathan Pain didn't....I bought PS too.

Bill Cushman
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As the author of The Fource, I suppose I should step in here. I appreciate what you are saying, Nathan, though I'm not sure Mystification got the point.

Misty, I know you knew The Fource isn't 100% as you even said it yourself on 10/1 when you wrote:

"I think we can draw this conclusion from that response--no, it is not 100%.

I agree with what Roth said, not being exactly right can be stronger in some cases."

So, I'm not sure where this is coming from at this late date.

As to the price, you wrote on 9/29:

"Wow, sounds great. However $50.00 is a lot for an e-book. That will probably keep a lot of people away, which could be a good thing! I’m still on the fence."

You actually hit the nail on the head! That was one reason for the price, which didn’t quite work as planned. I'd be disingenuous if I said I was completely upset by that (!) but my feelings are mixed.

By the way, did you ever "get off the fence?" I have no way of knowing if you actually bought The Fource (or read it Smile) since you don't say so and use a pseudonym.

There are over 20 different presentations of The Fource included in the ebook, contributed by some of the best minds around. And based on the reactions I've received, I feel safe in stating that they are 100% entertaining! Several pros have already incorporated their preferred versions of The Fource into their acts. It has been extremely well received in the community.

I do agree that some versions are best performed in front of a larger audience. However, there are presentations that work fine with just a few people. And there are actually routines included where it wouldn't make a lot of sense to have 100% accuracy.

Plus, if you didn't read The Fource you might have missed that there is an entire second section where all but one of the effects are 100%. And that contribution, from Jerome Finley, is brilliant.

You are of course entitled to express your feelings here. If you did get off the fence and do own The Fource, I hope you can find the gold in there and make it work for you too.

By the way, what version did your friend perform? I'm not in any way implying he flubbed it but perhaps I can help direct him to the best version for his venue and performance needs. I'm more than glad to help.
Lord Of The Horses
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Nathan, just for sake of clarity, the RED / BLUE thing could be considered common knowledge and certainly is much, much OLDER than PS1.

Mystification, the RED / BLUE old dodge has nothing to do with Bill's original idea for the Fource.
Then you'll rise right before my eyes, on wings that fill the sky, like a phoenix rising!
Nathan Pain
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I know that...I was just being a smart alec Smile

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Profile of Mystification
I probably should not have commented since I didn't purchase the e-book. I did watch a friend perform it, and he did it well. Maybe I am thinking like a Magician here. I saw right through it. However, I will admit that many were impressed that watched him. When I asked him about it, he mentioned the e-book and actually encouraged me to purchase it. I just felt that the price was too high for what I would get out of it. Which version did he do, Im not sure.

I am not implying that it is not worth the price, I just feel like it is not worth the price for me. I think that with this, much depends on your "character". My character couldn't pull this one off.

Also, since you mention several different methods in the book that I am not knowledgeable of, I apologize for my hasty post. There may very well be a goldmine in this e-book. I guess I was just commenting on a small part that I know about that didn't impress me.
Bill Cushman
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Mystification, I am, however,impressed by your response. That shows a lot of inegrity and I thank you for posting again.

You might be very surprised by not just one, but many effects within that will fit your charachter and performance opportunites.

Certainly if you have concerns about 100% results, and you are entitled to such feelings even if many of us don't feel that way, the second section "Group Dynamics" will meet you needs. At Alain Nu's suggestion, and with two contributions from him, it is comprised of effects that involve the entire audience at once and do not use The Fource method.

Also, and I know this is a shameless plug of sorts, there is information in my new ebook Suggestabilities, that is directly applicable to getting even more dependable results with ALL psychological methods. Suggestabilities contains far more than just what is in that one section but many people are writing to thank me for inlcuding a fresh approach in this area.

Again, thank you for following up. If you have any questions, feel free to PM me.
Jack Maxwell
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I mentioned last month that I was going to perform a rotation of Rick Roth's Fourceclosure and Jamie Badman's Fources From Beyond for my Halloween programs. I did and they rocked.

I tend toward humor (at least I like to think so Smile) so played Fourceclosure that way, making it my own and as funny as as possible. With Jamie's routine, the impact is all in the story which is no way funny but way spooky.

I did a total of 6 shows for different audiences and used Fourceclosure 4 times and Fources From Beyond twice. I literally had people in tears with the latter, which was a bit strange for me but gave my show a new "texture" that is giving me a lot of food for thought.

My audiences ranged from 25 to 60, 70 people and I recieved a lot of compliments on my show and Fourceclosure and Fources From Beyond in particular. I just want to thank Dr. Bill for his great idea and Rick and Jamie for their presentations.

Now that Halloween is over, I'm going to start looking at some of the other contributions. In particular Fourcefield has caught my eye. I'll let you know how it goes!
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Profile of npm37
I just wanted to add my voice to the chorus singing the praises of Dr Bill's "The Fource". I've just finished reading it and I'm insanely jealous of Dr Bill. Just when I think I have my show is a "sweet spot" he comes along and moves the bar a giant leap forward. The fource is my kind of mentalism because it's the kind of stuff that allows us to move from 100% sure-fire effects to the more on-the-edge stuff. The kind off effects that really resonate with audiences. But it allows us to do it in small steps. Bill is there guiding us and he is backed by a plethora of experienced mentalists adding their ideas. I love the fource and its many variations in this e-book and I can't wait to read Bill's next release "Suggestabilities".

I agree that in today's muck-laden morass of e-books it's difficult to find a winner, but believe me, The Fource is a diamond in the rough. Check it out.

