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The Magic Cafe Forum Index :: Penny for your thoughts :: Who Here Besides Me Perform The Effect Clubble Out Of "Mind, Myth & Magick"? It's GOLD I Tell Ya! (0 Likes) Printer Friendly Version

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Profile of Eddini_81976
I really like this effect obviously the "Latter Card Part", as to me, this is one of the cleanest Feats you can do in response to the "Well if you can read minds, then tell me what I'm thinking" type of challenge I suppose we've all gotten from time to time. To me, I take it a step further. You do the method for the first part, but instead of fanning the cards so a person can see one, just flat out say "Just think of any card". I love tricks such as Mind Reading with a hands off approach, such as "The Mind Power Deck", and so on. With these I try to sell them. I take them Down the Garden Path. Even with a Normal Deck, I do a trick in which 3-5 people just "Think" of cards. I just have them peeked, do 3-5 S***-S*****, and do 3-5 glimpses. Very Strong with just Normal Cards. With this trick and the Mind Power Deck, I go into it explaining what's going to happen. I'll say "Look, I'm going to have Cards just thought of. Now if I were to fan out a deck of cards and you actually touched them, to pull one out, you may say well they're marked, even though they're not. Or you might think by some Slieght-Of-Hand, I'm looking at them. So what I'm going to do, id have cards JUST LOOKED AT. (If I use the peek method I'll be like). I'll have you select cards in such a way, so that NOT ONLY do I NOT see the fronts, but also I won't see the backs either. I'll riffle like this" (I now demonstrate what I'll do)"and let say you say stop here, you'd look at this card. Now notice obviously I can't see the front, but you'll see cards are on top of your card so in that way I can't see the Backs either". (I'll use that with the SUM Deck as well as far as presentation only my head will be turned as they cut to their card). With the mind power deck, again, I will stress, the "In their Thoughts ONLY aspect of the routine. With that deck, I go into it like this. "Now, if I had a card taken you could say their marked which they're not, or I do sleight of hand, to somehow view your card. All, you'll be doing is JUST LOOKING at a card. You don't touch a card or say it out loud. Make sure you SEE A CARD. Please remember it suit and all. I'll spread the cards evenly so one isn't showing more than another, and my head will be turned, so you won't think I'm following your eyes. Remember their's NO WAY I could do this unless I could REALLY read your mind as all this is done mentally in your thoughts. Are you ready"? Then I go on. Now I must mention, I NEVER do the "Mind Power Deck" with less than 3 people, "That way your senses will be off less". Those who got the trick will know what I mean.

Now some people here might think that I drag on before each trick "explaining too much". I do that so that they "Really Get" the impossibility. If you've seen Michael Ammar's opening for "Shadow Coins" in his Lecture Tape "Magic Mastery & You", he's like they're fooled and I haven't done anything yet. I just try to add that approach to Mentalism. You may also think, I'm insulting their intelligence by such lines as "Obviously I can't see the cards face nor it's back, as cards are on top", obviously they can see that and I know. I'm just going by experience. I "Just did it", and the response was good BUT NOT GREAT. So yes it may be a tiny bit more lengthier, but it goes over better as I really put it into their head the impossobility of what's about to happen by dispelling any theories they may have before I start. That's just my approach, and for me it works at least.

So what does this has to do with Clubble you ask? Well as great as the above tricks are this seems to have a stronger in the element as one of the people if you do it how I do it and don't spread the cards for them to think of one BUT say just think of a card. Think about it. They just think of a card, and BAM !!! you read their mind. They never even touch, or even look at a card. Okay yes, you may ask, what card it is, BUT to them that's AFTER you put their card on the table. To them they see it. Now they want to see it, but they understand you'll be reading the mind of the first person. To me, that's as close to mind reading as you get. I KNOW, most get this, and I don't mean to be "preachy", because I'd just be preaching to the choir anyways. I'm just explaining MY THINKING, and WHY (I) like it, and my motivations is all. I must mention, I can't to the M****** T***-O***, so I just do as Mr. Waters suggest, I do the latter method. Anyway what are your thoughts on Clubble? Do you do it, and if so how does it work for you? Also do you like me, with tricks such as the "Mind Power Deck, The Radar Deck, Peeks....ECT" take them down the Garden Path, or do you "Just Do Them", which there's nothing wrong with so don't take that wrong. Yes, I've been getting STRONGLY lately (just view my rescent into Mentalism. I've been going through my Mentalism books ECT. I plan on going to Hank Lee's this week. Except for Flash Paper Pads, for my In A Flash Deck, and maybe ETMCM Volume 8 (just so I can have all 9 videos), and maybe the Intercessor Gimmick, all the rest will be mentalism. I want to get Banacek's (I hope I spelled that right) Metal Bending DVD with Gerry, I plan on getting a BUNCH of Mentalism stuff. Thanks for hearing me out, Ed, (Eddini).
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