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Profile of magomarko
Hi all,
Yes, there was a virus, or rather, a trojan horse, on the main page of The Learned Pig Project. It was being broadcasted by the Banner Exchange. This trojan is not very bad: it only downloads commercial programs from some other website and places it in the visitor's computer. I already cleaned the site of it.

I had dissabled the registration form because through it some malicious program was using the email server on the site to send hundreds of email messages full of gibberish. This problem has been resolved too and now you can register to TLPP and enjoy the huge amount of information we have there.

I just uploaded some new books:

En Rapport (Annemann)
40 Years In & Around Magic (Leat)
The Lightning Artist (Burroughs)
Modern Coin Magic (Bobo)
Vaudeville Mind Reading (La Vellma)
Vol. 1 and Vol. 2 of Stanyon's Magic magazine (more to come)

I also uploaded better PDFs of Hoffmann's Modern Magic and also of his Magical Titbits. I'll be changing all the Hoffmann PDFs for faster versions.

The Learned Pig Project
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The Holy City of East Orange, NJ
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Profile of Spellbinder
Glad to hear that the problem is solved, Marko. I refer people to the learned Pig a lot, and I have even begun putting a searchable index to your CD's on my site for those who are researching magic inventors, so I'm glad that you're virus free and back on-line better than ever! I notice that you have also added an index to the CDs, which is great because it is really needed, but my index goes to the next level and links to indices of each of the individual books so a person can search for all the books and tricks on your CDs which have something to do with lemons (for example).
Professor Spellbinder

Professor Emeritus at the Turkey Buzzard Academy of Magik, Witchcraft and Wizardry

Publisher of The Wizards' Journals