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The Magic Cafe Forum Index :: Polly wants a cracker... :: Cockatoo’s are smart (0 Likes) Printer Friendly Version

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Steve Brooks
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Profile of Steve Brooks
Years ago I had a big cockatoo named "Houdini" (I named him that because he kept getting out of his cage. He knew how to work the door), I taught him how to find a card chosen by a spectator. Of course, it did take over a year to teach him, plus a lot of torn cards! Smile
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Tom Cutts
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Any missing fingers Smile
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Profile of amagician
I would recommend peachfaces and the local vet says they would be a good choice as they are very robust - his words. They are strong enough and don't take up much space.
Budgerigars (Australian grass parrots) are often used but they are a bit delicate - nervous is his word.
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John Williams
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Profile of Dynamike
I have been thinking about getting a cockatoo. My friend has one. They are really loud. I can see no problems with using one on stage. But I wonder how would a cockatoo fit in at a indoor kid's birthday party. The average cost in my area is $1500 - $2000. I would like to use Puck's production.
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Profile of JoeJoe
Cockatoo's are indeed very smart, they are one of the best birds to trick train. They learn very fast and can do complicated tricks like riding roller skates while playing basketball.

They are also very demanding birds, you can't just lock them in a cage and expect them to do well. They are very prone to feather plucking, and they scream very loud. If you are thinking of getting a cockatoo, please goto this site and read EVERYTHING before you do so:

Dynamike: if you plan on using a cockatoo for kids birthday parties, you may need to adjust your act once your bird reaches sexual maturity. Cockatoo's can be aggressive maters, there is a story somewhere on that site where a male cockatoo chewed the wing off his female mate. Somewhere on the Café a member reveals how he gave up his cockatoo as it became too aggressive to perform with.

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Profile of Dynamike
Joe, seems like I should use her at the end of the act, next quickly put her away. The only other problem is her giving herself away before she appears at the end of the hour show.
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Profile of JoeJoe
Make your life easy and just get a rabbit Mike. A cockatoo is not going to be happy 'hiding' - she will demand to be the star of the show.

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Profile of RobertBloor
Birds are not props.

Despite what you see on TV - all parrots - Cockatoos included are extremely difficult to train. They require far more patience than most realize.

And in the end, the chances are very good your cockatoo will never talk, and never really learn to do behaviors on demand.

JoeJoe is right. Get a bunny.

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Profile of jasanchez
I don't agree with you guys, I think you should research more on cockatoo's, talk to other magicians that work with cockatoo's in their acts. A great person to talk to is Dave Womach, he sales great videos on bird training, people think is a lot of work training a cockatoo cause they don't have the passion to work with them, so my recommendation is your ready for the commitment go for it, but I do encourage you to talk to someone that works with them.

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Profile of Dynamike
On 2007-08-29 17:19, JoeJoe wrote:
Make your life easy and just get a rabbit Mike. A cockatoo is not going to be happy 'hiding' - she will demand to be the star of the show.


I already got a head start:

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Profile of JoeJoe
On 2007-08-29 19:37, jasanchez wrote:
I don't agree with you guys, I think you should research more on cockatoo's, talk to other magicians that work with cockatoo's in their acts. A great person to talk to is Dave Womach, he sales great videos on bird training, people think is a lot of work training a cockatoo cause they don't have the passion to work with them, so my recommendation is your ready for the commitment go for it, but I do encourage you to talk to someone that works with them.


I work with Zoe (my cockatoo) every day. Last week, I free flighted her for the 1st time. I know what I'm talking about.

Do yourself a favor and get a rabbit - something the kids will be able to pet without fear that they are going to lose a finger in the process.

Amazing JoeJoe on YouTube[url=]
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The Socialist Republic of the USA.
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Profile of RobertBloor

I think you missed my particular point.

I'm not saying don't try to train them to do their natural behaviors on demand.

I'm saying don't by a Cockatoo (or any parrot) for the purpose of using them as a prop in a show.

You have to wonder what an owner would do after he's spent...

$2,000 on a Cockatoo
$600 on a Cockatoo cage.
$1,500 on a new Cockatoo cage after the bird destroys the first one.
$150 on Cockatoo toys. (That's for the first say 6 weeks)
Vet bills.
Transportation cage.
Feather plucking.

All to find out...this Cockatoo doesn't want to talk. Doesn't want to ride a bike or play basketball.

The point is the burden of responsibility is on the owner to select a parrot for one purpose only - LIFELONG companionship.
Once a long term trust bond has been formed between the parrot and owner can one even consider using the parrot in the show.

The simple fact is that Cockatoos inparticular should never have been imported from Australia. That was mans mistake that these birds are now paying for.

"That whenever any Form of Government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the Right of the People to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new Government,"
-The Declaration of Independence
Tim Ellis
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Melbourne, Australia
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Profile of Tim Ellis
We recently got a beautiful Rainbow Lorikeet.

He's demanding, hilarious, very loud, extremely affectionate, and very, very messy.

I couldn't imagine ever using him in a show, and due to his nature he's more than just a pet. He considers us his "flock" and hates it when we're not around.

(You can see cute pictures of him here )
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Profile of Dynamike
He is very cute.
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Profile of jasanchez
On 2007-08-30 10:13, RobertBloor wrote:

I think you missed my particular point.

I'm not saying don't try to train them to do their natural behaviors on demand.

I'm saying don't by a Cockatoo (or any parrot) for the purpose of using them as a prop in a show.

You have to wonder what an owner would do after he's spent...

$2,000 on a Cockatoo
$600 on a Cockatoo cage.
$1,500 on a new Cockatoo cage after the bird destroys the first one.
$150 on Cockatoo toys. (That's for the first say 6 weeks)
Vet bills.
Transportation cage.
Feather plucking.

All to find out...this Cockatoo doesn't want to talk. Doesn't want to ride a bike or play basketball.

The point is the burden of responsibility is on the owner to select a parrot for one purpose only - LIFELONG companionship.
Once a long term trust bond has been formed between the parrot and owner can one even consider using the parrot in the show.

The simple fact is that Cockatoos inparticular should never have been imported from Australia. That was mans mistake that these birds are now paying for.


I totally agree with you, only if the person is ready for the commitment cause parrots live a long time and need a lot of attention.

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Profile of Kyle^Ravin
In my honest opinion, a magician should not get a cockatoo unless he wants a cockatoo as a pet. Doves are a not as challenging as large parrots. I had a friend that had an umbrella cockatoo as a pet and all her furniture was chewed and there was a lot of damage done to the house. Get to know all the pros and cons. Talk to Dave womach. I own his parrot training tapes and I knw his material works. however, Do understand, a large parrot is a lifelong commitment and you should only get one if you genuinely want one. Put magic aside, look at it as if you wanna get a pet. hope this helps.
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Profile of Dynamike
I would love to have one as a pet. The ONLY hard part for me will be the loud noise. I have a friend who is a magician. He owns a cockatoo and parrot. He has it set so a whole room belongs to them. The rooms looks nice with the big bay windows so the birds can view outside. The birds will make a loud noise if a deer is outside. They also make a loud noise when I come over. My friend has the cockatoo trained to roll over.
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Profile of Kyle^Ravin
Here's a suggestion , why don't you work with your friend and handle his cockatoo for a while. Maybe he'll loan you the bird when you need it. Another alternative is to get a quieter bird. Perhaps a LESSER SULPHUR CRESTED COCKATOO or an Eclectus. Exlectus however, can have temper issues and have a mind of their own.
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Eternal Order
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Profile of Dynamike
Thank for the info. I am learning about them:

And Gen Grant uses a Portuguese pigeon. She is beautiful:
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Manila, Philippines
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Profile of Wanlu
Hi, Im also getting a parrot but its not a cockatoo...its much smaller but he does tricks too Smile

I have no idea what kind he is Smile He can do easy tricks...he can wave, rollover, fix puzzles, ring toss etc Smile

Im hoping I can use him in my act by December Smile He needs to adopt the party ambiance first Smile


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