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The Magic Cafe Forum Index :: Polly wants a cracker... :: Hate what I See... (0 Likes) Printer Friendly Version

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Profile of Kyle^Ravin
Wassup guys... over here is a link of some weird magician going by some doctor name...He does a dove production and look how he handles the dove!! And is daring enough to post it online! this sucks...We've had our fair share of bad performances...but this vid is animal abuse...I hated what I saw...
Gary Yin
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I think that's only his stage name. Why does he quickly grab the dove after the production? and so rough handling the dove, gripping the legs with two hands one each leg, then grip with 1 hand. I can see the dove is scared and struggle to fly away.

When I see Tony Clark or Lance Burton, they never grip the birds, the birds grip them and they stop flapping the wings. But this one....its like scared and flapping its wing for so long. I pity the dove. (msn msgr)

Gary Justin Yin.
Dave Scribner
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My guess is that he is not confident enough that the dove will sit on the tray so he grabs it quickly. He shouldn't worry about that. If the dove takes off, then so be it. We've all had that experience but if properly trained, it should sit on the tray. As for holding it by the legs, again this appears to be lack of confidence and also lack of knowledge about dove (or any animal) handling.

On a side note, I think he needs to practice tying a knot in the balloon. That seemed to take a very long time.
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Alan Munro
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I have no idea why some of these guys post stuff on YouTube. It's a poor video - just takes up space for no reason.

I have seen worse, however. I still remember a competition act at MagiFest, many years ago, who manhandled his doves so badly that many people complained. He even left the doves behind, in the showroom! I hope the guy was put on a blacklist for that convention. His treatment of the doves, as well as his attitude, were inexcusable.
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Andy Amyx
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BTW that big boy looks like a pigeon. What do you think. The wing span on that thing. WOW. And he handles the bird very poorly. You can tell he does not deal with doves.
Andy Amyx
Johnnie Blaze
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I would say 100% pigeon...
Dave Scribner
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Hey Andy, I watched the vid again and I think you're right. That's not your everyday run of the mill dove.
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That thing is huge, I thought it was a bold eagle lol.
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Profile of Kyle^Ravin
Still, I really think, pigeon, dove,parrot, or eagle...tats NO way to handle an animal. I mean...forget the magic...its the animal that is the concern...*sighs
Dr. Solar
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This was definitly a real medical doctor with a huge desire to be a magician and an equally swelled pocket full of money from his day job (medical) where he, again, treats the birds no different than his customers, I mean patients.Yes, I'm afraid that the internet will be the ruination of magic as well as most other arts.

I wouldn't be surprised of that bird became his dinner that night. Colonel Sanders treats their birds only a few degrees worse.

if he does these shows for the interned children in the hospital, they must be scared S***L***. Where is Patch Adams when we need him. A red nose is one thing, but a doctor with loose change can be down right scary.

Dr. Solar
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Ken Northridge
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On 2008-01-10 14:44, Alan Munro wrote:
I have seen worse, however. I still remember a competition act at MagiFest, many years ago, who manhandled his doves so badly that many people complained.

I suspect this guy got away with it because there was no audience!
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