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The Magic Cafe Forum Index :: Polly wants a cracker... :: Dove to Bunny (0 Likes) Printer Friendly Version

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Profile of itsmagic
How do you do this effect? Produce bird, put in cage, make the change immediately?

I currently produce my dove in the beginning of the show and wish to make the change at the end of the show, how do handle loading the bunny? If I preload the bunny, I'm afraid it'll lose air since there are no holes in the back of the box.

As for the change, do you do it visually with the bird perched and just lift the lid? or do you turn the front of the box toward yourself and make the change that way?

Dave Scribner
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Your actually asking for secrets to be revealed and that isn't allowed. The operation depends on whose prop you have. From the sounds of your post, I'm not sure what prop you actually have. Initially you talked about putting the bird in the cage, then you are talking about a box. Doves to Rabbit boxes are meant for multiple birds not just one and are not cages. You need to give us some more information and maybe we can help you without exposing the way it works.
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Profile of itsmagic
Hi Dave, sorry about my phrasing the question. I'm actually asking for how someone performs this. I have the Chalet version. I was also sloppy with my terminology, using box & cage interchangeably.

What I'm trying to figure out is, the best way to perform this effect. I currently produce my dove ala the Chalet Dove Tray in the beginning of my show and put it away into it's travel cage. Then at the end of my show I use the Funhouse to produce a bunny.

What I'd like to do is produce the dove in the beggining, place the dove on it's perch in the Dove to Bunny box, have it in view the whole show and make the change at the end of the show. However, if I were to preload my bunny into the box from the beginning of the show, I'm afraid the bunny may not be alive by the end of the show as there are no holes in the back panel.

Thanks again.
Dave Scribner
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This is a problem. I wouldn't keep the rabbit in the box any longer than 10 or 15 minutes at the most. You might want to reorganize your act so that the exchange happens in the middle of your show rather than at the end.
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Profile of 1906Alpha1906
Itsmagic, I have actually been doing this effect for 8 years now usin the same Bunny and the same Doves to Bunny. My bunny stay in the illusion for 30 mins before she is produced. I too have no holes in the back wall either, but my rabbit is fine. There is enough air in the doves to bunny for the rabbit, as air is constantly surround it. Remember, the lungs of small animals are not like ours (of course), so they have enough air to breathe. The ISSUE however is where the device is set-up. If you are doing an outdoor show in the heat, then its not good. The body heat can overheat the animal and cause a possible stroke - same goes with doves. If however you are working indoors or cooler weather, you are perfectly fine. 30 Min is about maximum though. Most show that I perform (kid wise) don't last more than 40 mins, and normally 10 minutes of that is petting the rabbit at the end (after the 30 minute show.

Hope that helps some.
Dave Scribner
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That's good to know, Alpha. My dove act is 14 minutes long and I do the doves to rabbit before the end. Glad to hear that a longer time is OK. Doves I know, rabbits I don't deal with very much so I've learned something today.
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Profile of 1906Alpha1906
No prob...I learned as I went along. Rabbits are very good in tight spaces. Their natural habitat when in the wild is in little cubby holes that are tight quarters. Sometimes they find tree holes, sometimes they will burry under bushes, or in the ground. They seem to like small spaces. Its their way of survival. Also, they like dark areas. Sometimes they are out during the day, but when they are, they are looking for a place to "hide" Usually under patios, houses, etc.... We see most rabbits at night because they like the dark and can actually see better. My rabbit sleeps most of the day, but when the lights go out, she is up and ready to go. Anyhow...
that's my two cents....*smile*
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Profile of Regan
Is George still making the Doves to Rabbit and the Dove Tray?

Mister Mystery
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Profile of itsmagic
1906Alpha, thanks for your input. I decided to set the l**d compartment while in the middle of the routine with the box back towards the audience. It turned out nicely.

I think I'm gonna get some holes drilled in my box back panel so the dove can be visually displayed throughout the show.

I think Chalet still has them, but don't have the website. I bought mine used.
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Profile of 1906Alpha1906
Itsmagic, good for you. Glad you figured out a way to still complete your routine. Its always nice when you see someone use a little thought into how to accomplish something instead of just giving up. Drilling holes is a good idea too. Just get a small drill bit, and sporadically place holes in different areas in the back. Remember, no one ever see the back of the device anyhow, only the front, so the holes you drill won't take away from the effect "cosmetics" anyhow. Glad it will work out for you!
My dove is on display the entire time too while the rest of the show is going on. Its more fluent that way instead of turning it around. As soon as you turn your back to the audience, there is normally a loss of the effect. Since I am in the acting business, this is one of the first things you learn as an actor is that you never turn your back to the audience or camera, and so goes for theatrical perfomances such as magic on stage. anyhow....Good for you..
Wade Live
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I have a Chalet doves to rabbit for sale...It's in EXCELLENT condition and was built a size larger to hold a dog or large bird. PM me if interested.
Christopher Starr
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On 2006-12-01 07:01, Regan wrote:
Is George still making the Doves to Rabbit and the Dove Tray?


Let's just say that they are still listed on the website, but nothing is getting made (or delivered) these days... Smile
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Profile of MagicRyan
I don't work with rabbits but LOVE this effect. I purchased a used one and decided to also produce the birds in the beginning of the show (Doves from air) then the birds hang out in the unit till the end of my show when I lift of the lid and turn them into 100(+) ping pong balls. It looks amazing... and on a solid (non carpeted) floor it Sounds amazing! One would think the mess is not worth it but I gather a group of children and ask them to help and if they pick up 10 balls they can keep one! Works like a charm. Some children even have me SIGN their ping pong ball which is really cute!
The Simply Magic Ryan Mahoney
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Profile of 1906Alpha1906
Great Idea MagicRyan...great way to hand out a "business" card. Have all your contact information printed on the ping pong balls and maybe even your photo and then when the kids keep them, of course they think they are little doves turned balls, and they will never let go of them, and not only do they get to keep something from the show, their parents have the ping pong balls to keep.
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Profile of mattmccoy
I have a generic one from some dealer that I use. I haven't pulled it out in a while but don't want to get rid of it. Too nice of an effect and prop.
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Profile of itsmagic
What an interesting idea. Gotta be tough to setup & clean up. How many balls do you actually collect back after each performance?

Idea of passing these ping pong balls out as souvenir & "business card" is also great. Here's a link for custom imprinted ping pong balls:
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Profile of 1906Alpha1906
Great link itsmagic.....
Christopher Starr (Toronto)
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Profile of Christopher Starr (Toronto)
In response to itsmagic: I use a Chalet Doves to Rabbit and my rabbit stays loaded for the full 40 minute show. There is no problem with air as it gets in through the cracks etc.. There is so much room in the load area that ny rabbit often turns around causing the box to shake when it's supposed to be empty. I was hoping to get a smaller model made no that I've just adopted a really small rabbit, but a previous post says that Chalet is not making anything these days? Anyone know what's up with George?

As for the visible transformation vs. rotating the box, I go for the safety of the spin. That way I can do a quick check to see that no feathers are sticking out as the birds tend to flap when the trap falls. Some models have an elastic cord that you can slide down to hold the birds. I like that but don't have that on my model. The flash production is impressive though if you can do it. Perhaps I just need to work on it more.

I like the Tilford D2R as it has a bevelled base and a mini flash pot to punch up the visible change. The flash helps hide the action as well. The sides end up on a 45 degree angle though so you don't get the base all hiden like a Chalet model that folds to 180 degrees. Some say that Tilford's is more deceptive though because you aren't reying to hide the base. It's doble beveled so it is very deceptive. Any thoughts on model preference of D2R?
Christopher Starr
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Profile of MagicRyan
On 2007-01-09 21:44, itsmagic wrote:
What an interesting idea. Gotta be tough to setup & clean up. How many balls do you actually collect back after each performance?

Idea of passing these ping pong balls out as souvenir & "business card" is also great. Here's a link for custom imprinted ping pong balls:

Varies, some shows I get them all back... some shows less... love the custom imprint idea.. not a bad price either. Set up is stressfull... only once after setting up have I had a mishap where I bumped the box and 15 minutes before the show lost all the ping pong balls... Smile I got about half back in before the show start.
Thanks for the link!
The Simply Magic Ryan Mahoney