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The Magic Cafe Forum Index :: Polly wants a cracker... :: Your Love for a Dove (0 Likes) Printer Friendly Version

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Profile of BalukMagic
Hello guys,

I stated to someone that I waould rather pay more for a Dove Magic Product than to buy one for a cheaper price because of saftey and comfortability for the bird.

He said that's dumb and that I don't even care for my birds. He backed that up with saying "safety for your birds, you don't care for them,lol, you don't even have names"

Wow I don't care for something because they supposedly don't have names - which infact they do; Squirt and Hedley.

So I say "And do names matter?"
He replies "if you care for them, yes"

Anywho the point of this post is to ask you guys, would you rather spend a bit more to got a quality product rather than the "best buy"?

I also posted this to tell people to care for your animals - buy them the correct equipment.

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Profile of 1906Alpha1906
Baluk, the answer to your question is "yes". Spend a little more to make sure the animals are taken care of. The audience can tell if an apparatus is not good for a bird because the bird will not look good, which in turn shows how the animals are treated otherwise. Purchasing items for dove work is best purchased from someone who deals with Dove work. They understand the urgency to make it appropriate for the animal. You may spend a little more (or maybe not), but you know that it will be safe, AND dove-friendly. Also, just because an item is expensive, doesn't mean it is comfortable for the animal. Or even opposite - Even if it doesn't cost as much as another, doesn't mean its not safe. I guess I am trying to say that "Cheap" doesn't always equal "Cheap". Anyhow.....that is that from my point of view.

Also, if you want to make sure the item is safe, then try to make it yourself....always worked for me.....*smile*
Dave Scribner
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Cost should not be the determining factor when buying props. I've seen it go both ways. Cheap was wrong and expensive was just as wrong. Neither fit the dove comfortably. Not naming them has absolutely nothing to do with how you take care of your doves. I use 7 birds in my current act and since it is entirely silent, the audience has no idea whether they are named or not. When I practice, I don't say "good job snowball". I talk to them but just get them used to me.

I wouldn't worry too much about that guy. He obviously doesn't have a clue what he's talking about. You know you care for your birds and that's obvious based on your opening statement about getting better props.
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Profile of 1906Alpha1906
Well said!! *smile*