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The Magic Cafe Forum Index ::! :: Todd Robbins on Shark Tank!! (0 Likes) Printer Friendly Version

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Profile of Psychosis
Todd Robbins is on The Shark Tank on ABC right now! Awesome! GO TODD!
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Profile of Psychosis
Never liked those Sharks anyways...
Todd Robbins
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New York
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Profile of Todd Robbins
Don't believe everything you see on TV. Since I signed a non-disclose agreement, I can't talk about the whole thing, but some might say that the whole thing was set up, there is no Fun House project and we were brought on as ringers to make some good TV. Some might say that.
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Profile of Rotten
That is what I guessed but I loved it none the less.

I was sitting in my cabin on the ship bored out of my mind and watching that show for the first time. I didn't even hear you get introduced. I just looked up and saw you and was so happy. Boredom gone. Very entertaining.
Peter Loughran
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Ontario, Canada
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Profile of Peter Loughran
I keep seeing Todd on TV...the last time I believe was on a show called 1000 ways to die(funny show actually). Todd you certainly get around! If the shark deal was set up(which would make sense from what you say espicially with knife throwing board) you are a very good actor! Well done.

We have a similar show here in Canada called Dragons Den which I believe has been airing longer than the Shark Tank. It does use two of the same sharks in the Canadian show aswell. There was a magician on that one too trying to sell his show as the investment, and brought some illusions to do. Boy was it ugly to watch, the worst part was when he had his wife/assistant on a broom suspension but couldn't the harness to un-lock and she was stuck in the upright position, basically giving the whole secret of the illusion away...brutal. I certainly hope that wasn't set up. But I guess you never know.


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