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The Magic Cafe Forum Index :: Magical Accessories :: TTS REVIEW!!! :: TOPIC IS LOCKED (0 Likes) Printer Friendly Version

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Hello guys, it is me again trying to review another product that I am proud to be an owner of. It took a while for me to get my hands on it due to a wedding in the near future but I finally got it and must admit that I am very glad I did. That is the Trinity System; if you are a fan of effects using IET then I have to say that this is a MUST!

I have spent a lot of money on some of the current products out on the market today but I too have had the same issues, they do not last as long as you would like, no matter how much care you take of them. Unfortunately that is just the case with these little gems, however I have also gotten tired of spending almost eleven dollars for five or whatever other packages are out there. In comes the TTS(The Trinity System) what you get is a very well made device or what I consider a perfect helper that allows you to make many IET in minutes. I bought this got this and waited to have some time where I can sit a tackle this hassle that is tying a perfect “BAND”. Let me tell you that I spent more time trying to find enough time to sit down to make these then I did making them. TTS allows you to really make these in a matter of seconds. Even my very first one took less time than I ever imagined. I found myself forwarding the DVD to the next step. That is how simple it is to tie them with this system. I absolutely love it.

The product is not how other products that I have tested are. This is a durable device and very simple to use. I have made more bands in a day then I have spent money on in the last year, 2009. The thread that you get is top notch AND strippable, I took some advice from Sebastian and found that I didn’t need to strip it at all. Although you can strip them if you choose, that however is a little battle for me but as of right now the unstripped IET is perfect for effects like Life(GARCIA) haunted deck and any effect that you see on DVDs out there by Garcia, Miller and Kranzo. I don’t want to name the DVDs because I do not want to say something I am not legally allowed too. But TTS gives you the power to make these effects possible. My floating ring killed tonight when I did it to my co-workers and my Haunted deck and PK touches were top notch.

I Think Sebastian has created the perfect utility device to make these bands. The DVD is very well made and pretty funny, Sebastian is great in explaining the steps and very helpful in giving you options to contact him personally if you have any issues. I have dealt with him on here a few times and find him to be a really cool and down to earth guy. Only bad thing I can say about the DVD is he subliminally makes you want one of his close-up mats and that is just because they look amazing and I cannot afford one yet LOL. Oh, also I will say that he does not go over how to strip the thread but that’s because on camera it really is hard to explain, but he does tell you what to do or who to look into if you really feel that you NEED to strip the IET. Me however I have found no need to, at all and I used mine to float my ring today in the daylight at very close environments.

If you like doing these effects but just are tired of some of the prices for pre made ones then you NEED to get this system. The price of the system, the knowledge on the DVD and the material you get is well more than enough. I promise you, you will make more bands in an hour then all the Bands you have purchased before. Now If you like to spend ten bucks for five of these things then by all means go right ahead and keep on keeping on. But if you are tired of buying five of these and breaking two on practicing alone then you MUST get this, you will not regret it. I know Sebastian is a member here and is always quick to reply to all questions. I have tried a few others out there and the only one that came even close to this was the Million dollar knot (FIRST VERSION OF IT) and I really didn’t like it, However it got the job done. The new version of it for me is a total waste of time and leaves a mess.

That is how far above the curve this product is, only thing that could beat this is having Sebastian make them for you and send them to you for less money. BUT THEN YOU WOULD STILL HAVE TO WAIT ON SHIPPING!!!. TTS is extremely quick, unbelievably easy and you feel like a champ after. Especially if you have tried all the other products that I have. Again I am just a member here but when I get my hands on something that I will use I like to let others know. WE ALL HAVE THROWN MONEY AWAY ON PRODUCTS THAT GO IN THE BACK OF OUR DRAWER!!! This has become furniture in my house, That’s how cool the device looks and when I need to make a Band its right there, grab, wrap, tie and cut and you are ready to go. WHAT ELSE CAN YOU REALLY ASK FOR!!! 10 out of 10, get one you will love it… OR pm him with questions.. Hope you guys like the review, I really enjoy this tool..
Dan Bernier
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for some reviews.

By the way, great review! Smile
"If you're going to walk in the rain, don't complain about getting wet!"
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Profile of paisa23
Thank you very much brother.