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The Magic Cafe Forum Index :: Magical Accessories :: Total Recoil for 'Dis-Appearing Ten Foot Pole' (0 Likes) Printer Friendly Version

Good to here.
Bascomb Grecian
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Redding, Ca.
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Total Recoil is a utility device to aid in the production of your ten foot pole. It also allows for a pole to be put back in the bag or box the same way it was produced.

That is how it is supposed to work anyway.
This idea is good, but what I received for the money is, well, "hokey." This product cost over $50.00 and looks like my 8 year old made it in the backyard.

Yes, it is a utility device, it does not have to look good.

Good idea, but this is a turkey. When I opened the package, I knew right away this was a real dud. Not only that the roughly cut sheet metal scratched my appearing pole.

Has anyone else bought this product?
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Jimmy Lee
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I have had it for quite sometime now.

But the logic of taking out a pole and putting it back doesn't look too appealing to me.

By putting in the pole back, people will know how the gag is done.

I would rather take it out and dispose of the entire pole backstage.

Just my 2 cents worth.
Magically Yours,

a guy from a tropical island in South East Asia
..oops...where did he disappeared to????
Bascomb Grecian
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Redding, Ca.
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I like your logic!
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