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The Magic Cafe Forum Index :: Stage Illusions :: Update On Invisible Force Levitation (0 Likes) Printer Friendly Version

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Devin Knight
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Profile of Devin Knight
I'm breaking my long silence. I've gotten many, many emails and PM asking whatever happened to Invisible Force Levitation. The only self-levitation that can be done totally surrounded and allow people to look under your feet!

Tim Taylor, a Café Member, and I searched the world for some company that could manufacture what we needed.

We didn't give up. After both of us contacting literally hundreds of companies we finally found one that said they could make the gimmick (several others tried but failed). A sample of the gimmicks were delivered to Tim and he said they are great!

However, I wanted to inform those waiting patiently that the gimmick that allows you to levitate surrounded has been successfully manufactured.

We've got the gimmick that some said was impossible to make. Well folks we've got it, now we have to find the best way for you guys to use it.

The release (don't have date yet) will be available only during the first month through Doug Tilford Magic or myself, after that we will allow few others (limited dealers) to carry it.

Retro Gravity is still going to be released. I have to admit it was put on the back burner as we searched for a solution to INVISIBLE FORCE.
Just wanted to update you guys and let you know the progress. I was said initially about eight months ago that Invisible Force was two to three years down the road. Now that we have the gimmick I think the time span will be about a year. Yes, that is a long wait for some of you but Tim and I think the wait will be worth it.

We're not going to rush this to the market, it's not about making a fast buck but creating the greatest self-levitation in the world. Others may try to jump on the bandwagon and sell a version of self-levy or one of my discards...but those who wait for this will be well rewarded.

One last addition: Some say what is INVISIBLE FORCE and why is it called that? Invisible force is exactly that. An invisible force that will support your weight in mid air, yet can be view from any angle. YES invisible force is totally invisible to the eye and the camera under proper conditions. Can be done outdoors and surrounded with no fear of anyone seeing the invisible force.

Devin Knight
Micheal Leath
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Profile of Micheal Leath
Thanks for the update Devin. Sorry to see that you do not post often (though I understand why). I'm sure this will be well worth the wait.

Micheal Leath
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Profile of hackmonkey
Devin it is good to see you back at the Café I have always found your posts to be interesting. Keep working on those levitations, Invisible Force sounds great.
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Devin Knight
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Profile of Devin Knight
The gimmicks are on their way to me, however, in testing Tim tried them and confirmed that under proper conditions the Invisible Force was totally invisible when viewed!
Although we have much work to do, Tim weighs 220 lbs and the totally invisible gimmick was able to cause him to levitate with a clear view under the feet!

Folks this is NO longer a pipe dream. Invisible Force works, we need to refine and make it support more weight. Bottom line we have a way to make you guys levitate (currently up to 220 lbs) and give a clear view under your feet.

DOUG TILFORD ILLUSIONS will be taking full-page ads for this in the magazines when available for general release. His banner on the Café will be the first notice of its official release but that is still a bit down the road.

:dancing: Smile Smile Smile Smile
Hengky Ciptanegara
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Profile of Hengky Ciptanegara

Actually, when will you release your "Retro Gravity"??? You said that will be released before Christmas. Is it on schedule or we have to wait any longer anymore??? Smile

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Profile of owenscott
My little brain cannot fathom this at all. I don't mind waitng for it to come out, it soulds very interesting, can we get a VIDEO Smile Smile Smile . That would be cool. My little brain could not fathom a thumb tip either. Awesome.
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Profile of niva
Float on water??? Smile

It must be a jet with the gas tanks in the pockets. Smile

Can you give us a price range at this stage?

Devin Knight
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Profile of Devin Knight
This is still a bit early for a video, we have the gimmick but have not worked out how to bring it into soon as I get these I will take a photo of shoes floating in the air with a clear view underneath.

If I just had a photo of my feet in the air, some people would just think I was hanging on to something and shooting my feet.

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Profile of nimrod
Limitations ?
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Profile of hackmonkey
Devin I am in the process of filming a magic special which will be on air next year on Sky. Filming finishes in January, would it be possible to get one of these units before then? I am very interested in the walking on water effect, I have PM'd you.
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Profile of HuronLow
Wow, man,this sounds too good to be true!! You really should have seen me gasp when I read the 'float over water' part. This seems like an absolute must in anyone's repertoire. I'd love to purchase a unit as well. Great work Devin, I look forward to it. I can just imagine... wow. wow. Smile
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Profile of Morganite

Invisible force seems great, but I would like to know an aproximated price for it because I want to start saving money.

Many thanks
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Profile of thehawk
What is the difference betweem invisible force and Retro Gravity?
Devin Knight
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Profile of Devin Knight
We are thinking of several different models using this gimmick.
Most likely one will be the stool you can stand on surrounded and remove it leaving you in mid air outdoors.
We are also considering a version that doesn't use the stool and is more impromptu for those who don't wish to carry a stool. The second version would require that nobody be behind you at the beginning. But once you are in the air they will have a clean view of under your feet and at the point someone could walk in a complete circle around you and see nothing. The third version I don't have details yet on starting limitations as we are still expermenting.

It is estimated the price of the 3 models would range from $199 to $450 (high end being the surround stool)

Tim Taylor told me he tested the invisible force in Grass and the effect of floating up over the grass with
a clear view under your feet was a KILLER! I had discovered this with my earlier proto-type. For those who work street magic in a park where there is grass you will have the best illusion of all.

THE BEST THING ABOUT INVISIBLE FORCE is that the it will be the end of those 2 second levitations. You guys know what I mean, you go up and then right down. Staying in the air for about 2 seconds tops. Why because you are afraid some will move and see the support or see your foot. Also most require the people to be close to you so they can't see under your shoes.

Invisible force changes that, you tell them to move back about 8 to 10 ft so they can get a good view of you and your feet. The being 10 ft away insures when you go up they can clearly see under both feet.
THE BIG THING is once you go up you can stay up 5 to 10 seconds giving them the chance to fully view you and see you are standing on nothing!

To answer the above question Retro Gravity and Invisible Force are two different levitation. Retro Gravity will require wearing shoes while Invisible Force can be done barefoot.

Retro Gravity will allow your assitant to pass rods under you while in the air to show no support if you wish. Several ways of passing and shooting things ala frisbie under
your feet while floating are described in the Retro Gravity book. The passing of objects under you while floating are new methods developed by me and as far as I know haven't been applied to self levys. With most self levy's using the foot passing things under your feet would be impossible.

Invisible Force doesn't allow the passing of things under your feet (at least not now, that could change) It relies on the fact the audience can plainly see under your feet to convice them of no support.

Invisible Force can be done Surrounded, Retro
can only be done about 3/4 surrounded or less.

Retro Gravity will allow you to revolve with the aid of an assistant 360% while in the air.

Retro Gravity also utilizes two gimmicks
rung in at different points to solve the balance problem that some of you have had with other self-levys. Retro-Gravity almost eliminates the problem of balance if used with two gimmicks. YET nothing has to concealed on your body or hands with Retro.

Depending on how you use INVISIBLE FORCE you may have to have a gimmick on your body in one version. There are some limitations to the Invisible Force. It works best on grass and you need to take into account some lighting conditions to create the best illusion. Works best when standing on a darker floor or carpet (although this IS NOT BLACK ART) You will have to choose the place you do Invisible Force but this is hard, if working in a park doing this in grass will blow them away.

Both levitations are based on entirely different methods and techniques. If you have the both you will have the best of both worlds.


Devin Knight
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Profile of thehawk
Thanks for the clarification on both Devin. Good luck and looking forward to the reviews.
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Profile of hackmonkey
Thanks for the PM Devin, I guess maybe next series (fingers crossed).
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Profile of djvirtualreality
Sounds great, I would love to see a video of the levitation on the grass and stool. I'm a sucker for levitations, especially surrounded outside.
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Profile of niva
I may have an idea of how this canbe achieved. But will it be practical performance and set up wise?? Smile

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Profile of FTAMagician
Devin, you said Tim did this and it works even though he's 220 lbs...will it or either levitation (Invisible Force or Retro Gravity) work with someone that weighs MORE than that????
SAVING the money to purchase these (I plan to get both!!) may be much LESS of a problem than LOOSING the weight!!!! Smile
Anyway, it's GREAT to see more info on them as I look 'n HOPE every time I come in here!! THANKS and please keep us all posted!!!

Ooops..I meant "LOSING"!! Gotta start checking before I post!
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I'd like to second the question about weight. I am 6' 5" and weigh about 226 pounds at the gym, so I guess that could be 235 pounds with street clothes on.
