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Tim Trono
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Recently I have been corresponding and talking with Devin Knight about two of his levitations, Retro-gravity and Invisible Force. All I can say is WOW! I know there has been some disbelief of some of the descriptions Devin has supplied on this forum but rest assured they ARE accurate. The methods are ingenious, practical, and absolutely live up to all of the conditions that Devin has noted. I have never heard or seen anything similar to these. I am obviously not at liberty to tip any of the workings as these are items I believe Devin plans to release in the future. I too was skeptical at the conditions Devin set forth in his initial posts so when we started discussing his creations I was quite happy and amazed to find out there was no "hype", no false statements, etc. I know Devin's descriptions sound amazing but in the end you will see that the effects live up to the descriptions. Just today we talked about the latest improvements and I was thrilled. Do NOT miss these levitation systems when he releases them. Wow!

Tim Trono
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Profile of Ian_B
Thanks for the update Tim.
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Profile of niva
I know. I know how it is done!!!! A jacket full of helium. Smile

Just kidding. This is going to be great!! Hope it stays away from the masked magician or we will have to levitate him from his neck. Smile


Corey K
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I agree with Tim on this one. Devin and I had a discussion about his levitations, and from what I know about Invisible Force, it is incredible. What he said in his initial post regarding the topic was absolutely true. I know it sounds impossible, but Devin came up with a way, and man, it is absolutely amazing. Devin trusted me with this one, so I can't really say any more, other than you won't be disappointed with it. It is that good, really!
Corey King
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Thanks Tim and Corey for your kind comments. Some of the latest improvements that Tim was referring to was the revelation that Retro-Gravity was actually a series of three different gimmicks that are used in the performance of the effect. You can use just one of them or all three at the same time, or at different intervals.
The intervention of different gimmicks doing different things at different times (whew that's a mouthful)allows for improved angles.

If someone watching you changes their postion you can change gimmicks mid routine and throw them off track. (all BTW without using your hands)The addition of multiple gimmicks completely overcomes any balance issue for most of you.
I think one of the new improvements that Tim was overly excited about was the addition of a third gimmick (though not fully explained to him in detail)This 3rd gimmick allows for a super smooth 360% mid -air turn.
Yes you read that right, not 90% or 180% but a full and complete 360% turn while in mid air.
I mentioned this briefly in an earlier post. Yes you do have to have an assistant, and yes this will be difficult to master, but isn't as hard as you will think. Adding a special 3rd gimmick and applying the laws of physics will allow your assistant to do this.
You extend your arms straight out in front of you, and she does the same taking your hands in hers. She then proceeds to spin around you turning you at the same time. I call this a MID-Air dance.
If this sounds like those spins you see in movies where two lovers hand in hand spin around in a circle...well it is!
Here is the cool thing about this. Although the girl is turning the magician TO THE AUDIENCE IT APPEARS JUST THE OPOSITE! The magician remains in the same place only turning 360%. With practice it looks like the magician is spinning/twirling the girl around him WHILE IN MID AIR.
Due to some clever applications of physics and centrifugal force during this move the girl takes on the weight of magician and maintains the balance in this difficult move.

However because of this; the main Retro-Gravity gimmick, for a few moments, goes completely out of play. In essences; becomes invisible to audience. Only gimmicks 2 & 3 are in play at this point. Because of this, the magician can revolve a full 360% allowing the audience to see all sides of his body. YES THEY CAN CLOSELY watch his feet and during the 360% turn they will see all sides and every angle of his shoes. Nothing will be seen and everything will look normal.

The ironic thing is that the counterbalance of the girl in this move allows for the best angles of the whole presentation.

This idea allows for some interesting things that can apparently happen, but never do.
Let me explain:
The girl can revolve you slow or fast.The 360% revolve can be repeated without reset (but don't overdo it, twice is plenty) That means that the girl could quickly turn you twice- even kicking out backwards one of her feet while substaining her balance and the magician's on the remaining foot. Yes this would take practice but isn't impossible to learn as I have done it with my unit.
So what's the point? If done this way with the girl moving quickly and kicking out her foot behind now and then creates a blurred illusion in the minds of the audience.
To many of them it will appear you did a ice skater's move. Can you imagine people saying to their friends later. Wow, not only did he float up in the air, but man he grabbed this girl by the arms and spun her around in the air while he was LEVITATING.
Can you imagine what that would do for YOUR reputation? You'll be doing moves with Retro-Gravity that other magicians only dream about with their self-levys.
The 360 spin was some of the new information revealed to Tim that got him really excited.

I do want to make something perfectly clear. The above is completely possible with Retro-Gravity. With practice you can do it.
That's the KEY word. The above is the most difficult thing to learn with Retro-Gravity. It is not impossible to learn but difficult to master. You don't have to do the above.
It will be explained in the book as an advanced technique. I can do it, you might not be able to.
To do the above move will require a keen sense of balance on your part. A fairly agile body and a WELL TRAINED assistant with whom you've practiced the moves with. You won't master this in a day. It may take a few weeks of practice.
Probably only a handful of the buyers will actually attempt the 360% mid-air spin. The few that actually master this will have something few people are doing and will stand out in the street magic.
When people tell of seeing street levitations the story might go like this.
"I saw David Blaine levitate on TV."
"Oh man, that's nothing, I saw Corey King levitate and spin a girl around him while he was in the air!"
See the possiblities here for achieving street fame that few can compete with?

Devin Knight
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Guys, in one sweet & simple sentence: If God were to offer a levitation device for humans, this will be the one, complete with a 360 degree turn!

never try, never know
Devin Knight
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What is really cool about INVISIBLE FORCE, don't confuse it with Retro-Gravity... is that INVISIBLE Force would be a killer TV effect.

Really and truely, and TIM can vouch for this. Once in the air, a TV camera could pan and shoot below your feet and the cameraman could slowly walk around you shooting under your feet.

In other words, the cameraman would walk in a complete circle around you shooting at your feet with a shoot that was far enough back to give them a clear view under your shoes. The camera would never pull away and there would be NO edits. Yet nothing would be seen at any time. The camera would GO FULL CIRCLE remaining on the same viewing plane. There would be no sudden stops or raising the camera to shoot above critical spots. The plain fact is "There Ain't NO critcal spots to avoid shooting!"

Had I not tipped the work to TIM and part of it to Corey I would never have posted the above as nobody would have believed it. However now that Tim knows the secret and Corey the main principle, I think both would agree hands down, that the above could easily be done using just the standard method.

Yes Folks that is just how strong INVISIBLE FORCE is. For those thinking about body harnesses. No way. Let me put it like this.
IF you were doing a gig for the PLAYBOY Channel you could have a totally nude girl step up on the stool which you remove from under her feet leaving her in mid air. At that point, the camera man could walk around her completely shooting a complete circle around her.

You could have her completely surrounded by a circle of men watching this from start to finish with no clue as to how she was in the air. The fact that the girl is totally nude would eliminate any idea of hidden body harness or supports.

Yes this can be done almost anywhere under any conditions.

Just had to mention this, but NO, unlike some outdoor TV floats, there is NO CRANE with wires holding you up. All you need is the invisible force gimmick.

Sounds incredible but Invisible Force allows you to do all that and more. I am not suggesting or condoning the use of a nude girl in doing this. I don't wish to come off as a sexist. The above example which could actually be done is to show you full range of possibilities with this new technology.

It will also help eliminate many of the wild guesses on how this is being pulled off since this more or less wipes out any method being used today, INCLUDING STAGE levitations.

Darn, the more I think about it, Invisible Force is almost too good to release! Just kidding.

Is this the last and ultimate word on levys? NO way people. I'm expecting some real miracles from Corey King. Now that I've shown him that angle barriers can be broken; it has inspired him.

In our discussions, Corey informed me he now knew ANGLE PROOF levitations were possible and that he was going to start working on his own ideas for angle proof levitations.

In our discussion, Corey mentioned a Hollywood CAMOFLAUGE technique I had long forgotten. I think this has definite possibilites and is an approach I hadn't even thought of. Although I don't think the technique he mentioned would work totally surrounded, I do think it would give a much broader viewing area and most importantly give the audience a clear view under the feet.

My God, what have I started! I can envision a whole new era of Angle Proof and near Angle-proof self levys flooding the market.

This reminds me of the 4 MINUTE MILE barrier. For years runners thought it was impossible. Then Roger Bannister in 1954 did it under minutes and proved it could be done. Knowing that other runners have since then broken the 4 minute barrier.

For years we've been conditioned to think totally surrounded self-levys were impossible. Now that I've shown it is possible and practical, it will open up a new frontier in magic.

Corey is following my lead and I trust others will follow.

Where are these things going? I honestly don't know. Tim told me something I can't go into details about but is amazing even to me.
Neither Tim nor I can go into details or answer questions but I understand someone has developed a self-levy where you reach heights of 12 inches off the ground (and this isn't just for one second either!) This may be on the market next year. That's all I know or can say.

The point being, I've only touched the tip of the iceburg. In my mind I see hundreds of possibilities and methods I've yet to experiment with. There is no limit to how high we can rise (pun intended) if we put our minds to it.

Hey Tim and Corey
Here is something that just dawned on me and since you guys know the workings of the Invisible force stool method...

Imagine the magician on the beach in swim trunks with one of the important secrets hidden in the sand.

Get the picture, barefooted floating in the air away from everything with a clear view of the sand under his feet with girls surrounding him. NOTHING but sand in view and viewed from every angle, yet totally invisible from every view. You know what would be hidden in the sand. Is that cool or what? I only made this a public post instead of a private to let others see another possibility with this.

Here is something to really get you going. It couldn't be done with the standard Invisible Force but imagine a revised unit completly hidden in the sand, motorized and with a remote control unit. Using the the technology in this manner, the stool could be completely eliminated, the magician could walk to the RIGHT spot on the beach and have the people surround him. As they watch from every angle he rises up to 5 inches above the sand. The camera could pan every angle. One of the people in the crowd could work the remote. The magician could slowly float down and walk away with NOTHING to be seen. No stool to carry.

Of course this couldn't be done with the version we will release on the market but you easily see how the principle could indeed make for the ultimate outdoor levitation. This would only be suitable for a national TV show. Even the camera men wouldn't know how it was done and the real audience would be just as baffled as the home audience. Any other details regarding this version will be discussed off line but I think you understand where I am going with this version.
Corey, this will make sense to you to, since you know the basic workings of the Invisible Force, I think you will fully realize where I am coming from when I speak of a motorized unit hidden in the sand. Think of the possibilites man. The upper gimmick on the *C
we discussed being covered with sand and the invisible force being motorized to do the rest.
Don't get me going now, but I can see this being applied to water. Imagine the magician not only walking on water but actually floating above the water with a clear view under his feet! Tim, based on what I've shared with you, you know the principle could be adapted to do even this. Corey is this beginning to click now? Think about it man.
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5 inches? Above water? No angle problems? I am absolutely stumped!
Devin Knight
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Yes above Water. I just PM the method to Corey in some detail.
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Profile of RandyStewart

You certainly have picked my brain with this one. You know you have a winner when no one asks "how much". If this device does what has been outlined, the right thing to say is "who cares how much".
Great work indeed. I don't dare wonder what this creation will evolve into in years to come.
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Profile of eebie376
Lmao, Devin, I loved the Playboy rant.

These both sound absolutely incredible, and expect me to be a customer. Don't think I'll abandon my Elevator, though...Smile

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Profile of Titanas
What an idea! Sounds great. You said it's good for the camera, but is it good for the real world?
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Corey K
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As you guys can all see, Devin has really stumbled across something incredible and beyond anything that has ever been done before.

Devin, the sand idea sounds great, and so does the water idea. If anything, it would provide for one amazing promotional shot or video. They would also both be awesome to perform for television purposes. I think the ideas for this are going to be endless.

As Devin mentioned, I'm going to start jotting down some ideas and brainstorming. Who knows, maybe I'll come up with a new levitation technique. He really inspired me to think outside of the box, and proved to me that the perfect levitation is not impossible. In fact, Invisible Force is sounding to be darn close to the perfect one.
Corey King
Devin Knight
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This is a real world levitation. The camera bit was to show just how impossible the levitation is. Although you can do this levitation in the real world with people in a complete circle their view doesn't normally change.
If this were being done on TV the camera could show every view and angle of the floating performer. This is something the person in the real world wouldn't normally see.

This isn't presented as challenge. You don't tell people to walk around you and check every angle. That sounds a bit suspicious and is a challenge and may cause them to ask you to do something you can't do.

Invisible Force is designed to be an angle proof levitation that can be viewed from all angles at the same time without the method being exposed.

Since it can be viewed this way I was only suggesting that if performed on TV the complete circling of the performer' while in air, would be most amazing to the home audience.

It would also serve as double mystery. If a camera man is completing circling the floating performer during the mid air float he has in essences become a hoop! The fact he walks completely around the performer with the camera seems to destroy any idea of a secret support coming in from the sides or back even if you couldn't see it. After all if something were there how could he walk around our floating star?

Besides in our example we all know the big name stars plant their own people in those surrounded circles in so-called key positions because they will see the secret. With INVISIBLE FORCE you need no plants or stooges
anybody can view from any angle and see nothing. It's that simple.

In real world its a total knockout. On TV it would be a stellar effect that would blow the world away. The only solution to those watching would be camera tricks, though none would be needed.
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Profile of Ian_B
Devin, when will we see the video demo of a nude playmate levitating? Smile
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So I have to carry a stool around with me with Invisible Force? Smile

That's pretty lame!

Is there another method that does not require the use of stool?
I'm Your Daddy
Devin Knight
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Yes there are other versions but not as clean. Much discussion off board has been made regarding the stool. The stool allows for being completly surrounded for start to finish and totally eliminates the balance problem found in other self-levys.

Yes we have methods that don't involve the stool but can't allow you to do the get ready surrounded. Once in the air they can view under your feet and nothing will be seen but we were looking for a method that could be done surrounded from start to finish as was totally angle proof. The stool serves this purpose.
Call it what you like but it's not as lame as you'd think, I work festivals and I often carry a small stool with me. I stand on it as in impromptu stage to put me above the heads of the people. I know quite a few street performers who use stools to stand on to help them be seen by the people in the back. It's a common street prop, just like street magicians and jugglers who carry the jumping stool around.

Granted everyone won't to carry a stool, that's why I have my Retro-Gravity with it you carry nothing, no props period, you just float but you can't do it surrounded.

Considering the conditions that Invisible Force allows you to levitate, completely surrounded from start to finish with a clear view under your feet! I would say that is a small price to pay for pulling off a miracle like this. The stool fits in with street performing and doesn't look like prop and can be used to stand on during the rest of the show. What could be more magical than suddenly reaching down and pulling the stool out from under your feet while the outdoor group circles you.
If this is too lame for you so be it, nobody will force you to buy it. Like I say this won't be for everyone. If this doesn't suit your style then buy the Retro, Elevator or King's Rising.
However thanks for your input. If more people feel this is a lame idea then perhaps I won't release it. The last thing I want to do is put a lame effect on the market. God knows there are too many of them now.
I know quite a few street performers carry around a milk carton crate and do Steve Fearson's Milk Crate Levy. This is a wonderful trick and is used by several performers in NY on the streets. Does the fact they have to carry a milk crate around make the Fearson trick a lame effect? I hope not because I'm one those idiots who carried that LAME milk crate around with me last summer. It was the Fearson Milk Crate that gave me the inspriation to invent invisible force.

Now I have to change my whole outlook this summer. If I want to do straight jacket escape outdoors on the streets I'm going to have to carry a straight jacket. How lame? Maybe I could borrow one from the audience. Opps there goes my 4 Ring 12" Linking Ring routine. Gotto carry those darn 12" rings around, they won't fit in my pocket. How lame can I get. Sounds like my whole summer festival act is going to be pretty lame. Guess I better find another profession.

Tim Taylor
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Alright, I keep waiting for someone to say Aprils Fool! Smile
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Profile of Webhead93
Ok, so a nude playmate could do the invisible force levitation which involves some sort of gimmick. Hmmm, makes me wonder where she hides the gimmick! Just kidding. Your point regarding the playmate is well taken.

Just wondering though if you could have something passed beneath you during invisible force like you can for retro-gravity.

A. Mark Wilson
Tim Trono
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Invisible Forces is very real world. After Devin and I discussed it I did a ROUGH mock up just for myself (using an extremely primitive version that Devin had long dismissed but it was close enough for me to try). It looks amazing. It's almost one of those "why didn’t I think of it" things but we didn't... Devin did. I think this will open up many many possibilities in levitation.

Devin also has some great ideas to make both levitations that much more impossible but I won't go into details so as not to tip things.

Devin and a few others are really "pushing the envelope" and not letting anything get in their way - they are looking at the effect they want to achieve and then creating methods to accomplish the desired effect.

Tim Trono