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The Magic Cafe Forum Index :: Dvd, Video tape, Audio tape & Compact discs. :: My Review For "The Very Best Of Jay Sankey Volume I". (0 Likes) Printer Friendly Version

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Profile of Eddini_81976
This is the only VHS copy of this series of tapes. The others are DVD's. Let me tell you I got all three volumes, and the stuff is killer and he's funny to boot. I rate on a 1-10 scale, with ten being perfect. I judge on the tricks, method, and video quality and production. I rate this Volume like the others over-all a (9).

1. Diehard Opener - This is a basic pick a card show the wrong card then lo and behold the wrong card turns into the right card, but it's done with flourishes. This wasn't my favorite on the tape. I like Bill Malone's Favorite Opener better. The flourishes are done nice (I like the LePaul Hop Spread), but I'm not big into flourishes. I like in the explanation his explaining of his performance philosophy in walk around situations. I rate this a (6.5).

2. Twice As Nice - This is a neat reversal trick, done in a very unique way. It's pretty visual. This is actually one I have performed. I rate this a (7).

3. Identifying Features - I really liked this one. I've been saying I'm going to add it to my list of tricks, but I just haven't gotten around to it yet. The method is very easy for such a high-impact trick. Basically two Bills switch place. I rate it a (8).

4. Forgery - This is another one of Jay's killer marking on cards type of trick. It's not very hard to do either. The ending is killer. I rate it a (8.5).

5. Erdnase Aces - This is a very sweet trick. I love the switch in it, and I use it all the time now. It's kind of similiar to Twice as Nice. The Aces basically melt to the top of the deck. I rate it a (7.5).

6. Smuggler Aces - This is a very visual open traveler's type of plot done with Aces. I particularly like the ending. Aces basically dissapear to wind-up in the middle of the deck. I rate it a (8).

7. Prediction Impossible - This is one of the BEST on this tape. This here, he is very funny. I just love the banter between him and Rachel (Ratchet) She gives it right back. It's hilarious. I think Rachel and the Blonde next to her are very good looking Anyway this is one trick that I perform as well, I just do it differently as far as the r****** goes. Basically he inserts a card into the deck with a big black X on it's back. The person names a card, and lo, and behold it's the one card with the X. I rate this a (9.5).

8. Mexican Jumping Coins - This is a good one too, although I'm not much into coins. This is a coins acroos type of routine. I like his Mr. Clean Coins Across Better though. I rate this a (8).

9. Stirring Silver - This is a nice borrowed ring penetrating a spoon (borrowed too if you like) routine. I have the first part down, and have played with it a little. I just need to worn on the second half of the trick. Like I said it's good and visual, and not terribly hard either. I rate it a (8.5).

10. Nest Egg - This is a VERY WELL DONE borrowed ring into a nest of boxes trick. I don't know why I have yet to prepare the stuff to do this one. It's not terribly hard either. This is also one of the better ones on the tape. I rate it a (9.5).

11. Skin Deep - This is a very visual type of two card transposition. I was doing this one before seeing the tape. I now do it, but I use my erdnase/side-steal color change instead. that's listed in the secret sessions forum BTW. I don't care for the type of color change used. I DO like the idea of using a color-change instead od doing it the old way. Because of this routine, like I said I use a color change now too. I rate this a (8.5).

12. Just Joking - A very cool, visual detective type of trick using jokers. Your audience will gasp. I liked this trick a lot. This one will take some practice like the one after this trick. The ending is killer. I rate it a (9).

13. Stuck up - A very excellent trick, that really shows Jay's creative side. Basically two jokers are stapled together, a card is then chosen, the lo, and behold, at the end, the card selected is between the two stapled Jokers. VERY, very good. Like I said this may take some practice as all will really to get them down good. I rate this a (9.5).

I think out of all of the tapes, that Jay is at his funniest on this volume. The tricks are very entertaining and top-notch. My only complaint, being Catholic, is some of his (Satan) humor, and his retarded comment. That aside. I LOVE this tape, and always get a laugh while watching it. His phone gag is hilarious Out of curiousity, I wonder wear those audience members come from. Are they paid to be there. Some look like models. Anyway a great tape, Ed, (Eddini).
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The Beautiful State Of Maine
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Profile of Dougini
Thank you Ed!

Checking out your other reviews, now. This is VERY informative!

Caleb Wiles
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Indianapolis, IN
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Profile of Caleb Wiles
Great Review. I love it when people take the time and effort to give an educated opinion for the rest of us to benefit from. Thank you very much, Ed.

By the way, I got this DVD for Christmas last year. I loved it. I perform Skin Deep and Prediction Impossible ALL THE TIME. Personally I think it is the best of the three part series, but Vol. 3 is also very good.

Check out my Main Event project (DVD or Download).

"Magicians, stop what you're doing right now and pick this up!" - John Guastaferro

"Caleb Wiles is the real deal!" - David Williamson

" very highest recommendation." - John Carey