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The Magic Cafe Forum Index :: Dvd, Video tape, Audio tape & Compact discs. :: My Review for "The Very Best Of Jay Sankey Volume II". (0 Likes) Printer Friendly Version

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Profile of Eddini_81976
Let me tell you I got all three volumes, and the stuff is killer and he's funny to boot. I'll review the other volumes as well. I rate on a 1-10 scale, with ten being perfect. I judge on the tricks, method, and video quality and production.

1. Clipped - I like this trick, and I have to admit I was fooled. It's not a "huge miracle", but I still like it. I rate it a (7.5).

2. Unleaded - I like this one as well, even though I kind of had a idea how it was done. I've tried to learn it, but I can't get it. I must be doing something wrong I guess. I rate it a (7).

3. Mental Breakdown - I like this one very much. It went right by me. I did try it however and people just scratched their heads and was like...ummm I'm not sure about that's just how I'm presenting it though. I have to work on it. I love it though. I rate it a (8).

4. Sankey's Choice - I think this is the GOLD of the tape. It went immediately on my performing list, and it kills. I've never seen this principle used so well. I was utterly fooled by this as well. I carry it with me everywhere now. I use a two dollar bill though because I know I won't spend it that way as money can be tight sometimes but with a two I won't spend it. This trick I think could've been Marketed as a totally seperate trick I think. He really tipped his mit on this one. I rate it a (9.5).

5. Broken English - I thought this was very entertaining. I knew how to do it, but I love the using of these two principles in one trick. I still need to buy a chop-stick I'd use a different technique as far as the card choosing though only because I can't do that particular slight he uses, as with the following trick. I rate it a (8).

6. Three Times Lucky - I thought this trick was "okay". I'd use a different card choosing technique though. I rate it a (7).

7. Messiah Vanish - I'm not much into coin tricks but I love to see great coin Magic done well, and Jay obviously is great with coins. This is a great vanish and reappearance. I rate it a (8).

8. No Jacket Required - This is a awesome version of "Open Travelers" with coins. This trick is very cleanly done. I rate it a (8.5).

9. Traveling Expenses - This is a great bill switch routine done in a new light. I like the original version of the borrowing a bill and changing better however. Not bad though. I rate it a (7.5).

10. Greed - This is probably about the only trick I didn't care much for. I picked up on it immediately, but maybe because I'm a Magician. I rate it a (4-5).

11. Please Don't Feed The Cards - This is such a great card routine, and very entertaining. I love it. This trick also went into my performing list quite quickly. I've never seen this rubber band principle used this way. I need a tighter rubber-band though, as I delay too much when I've tried it. So I'm not doing it untill I get a smaller rubberband. I rate it a (9).

12. Back in Time - This is a Classic. I do the straight version of it, but watching the trick again, I just might start doing it Jay's Way (8.5).

13. Switch Place Aces - This is another very visual card routine that just kicks butt. Besides the coin stuff this might require the most sleight-of-hand as far as cards go but well worth it. I rate this a (9).

Great stuff on this tape, as are on the other two volumes in this series. Like I said, Sankey's Choice, could've been marketed seperately I think. Very creative thinking here, but if you think he's creative here you must see all the things on volume three that you can do with cards, and markers, staples...ect. Ed, (Eddini).
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Profile of atrudo
I agree with your comments on greed. If you are going to do a banknite, I don't think you eed to do anything with your pockets and think you should incluse more than three envelopes.
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Profile of levitate
Yea. Much better methods out there - although I must say 3 times lucky is very good if you just try it a few times (I actually just use a slip f**** in place of the one he teaches). Great dvd though.

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Profile of zombieboy
My problem with greed is that it doesn't really play as a magic effect. It's more like: let's play a game, HAH, you lose!

Not very entertaining or magical.
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Profile of mattisdx
Darn, I don't take that long to write a paper LOL Smile
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The Beautiful State Of Maine
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Profile of Dougini
Once again, great review, Ed...

On to check out your review of Vol 3...

Caleb Wiles
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Profile of Caleb Wiles
Thanks ED.

I like this DVD the least of series, but Back in Time and Switch Places Aces are great routines.

Check out my Main Event project (DVD or Download).

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