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The Magic Cafe Forum Index :: Dvd, Video tape, Audio tape & Compact discs. :: Virtuoso by Topas and Luis de Matos (2 Likes) Printer Friendly Version

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Any reviews on this DVD set?
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Profile of the0bone
This review is for the DVD Set of a famous German magician Topas.
"Virtuoso by Topas and Luis de Matos" is mainly spoken in English and with english, french, spanish and german subtitles.

If you know Luis de Matos productions like Masterfiles of Lennart Green or Bravura by Paul Daniels, you know the production quality. It is the same studio that is for TV productions with perfect lighting and sound.

Please check Topas YouTube Channel ( for his stage performances. And the DVD you will first see the trick performed and later you will get all details how it is done. Nothing remains hidden. Most principles are explained or at least named if it is expected that this is known in the magic community.

Will you be able to perform the tricks later?
No! Different from the above mentioned productions, you can't (even with practice) perform the acts or parts by yourself. Most effects are craft-based. Special constructions and costumes require specialist to produce them. It is nothing like pulling of the face and back of a playing card. The constructions are masterpieces themselves and a piece or art by master craftsman.
Sure, there are some smaller pieces explained, that you can directly put into your own presentations.

What else can you take away/ learn?
You can learn why and how something is working. Why stuff is structured in a specific way. What effects comedy or music have to an act.
But as well how the process behind big stage illusions is. Going from an idea to the final result.

For whom is it?
That is the most complex question for me. Because if you are an stage artist on the level of Topas – I assume you don't get so much new out of it.
For all others only if you like to widen your horizon. All the talks that I know from Topas sofar (for example on the ESSENTIAL MAGIC CONFERENCE) gave me personally a bigger value for money compared with this project. Sure I was impressed how his acts where done and what's behind. But my personal take away wasn't that big and that for really a lot of money. And please don't get this wrong: Topas is a great magician, actor and comedian. I'm full of honor and respect of the creative minds behind his shows and acts.
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Profile of sileeni
Does anyone out there know who made the Skyguy for the skydancer illusion on there?


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Profile of the0bone
If I remember correct, he listed his craft support in the video and they are mostly from Stuttgart (Germany) area.
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Profile of sileeni
Ah right. I will check that out.

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Profile of Miraclemakers
The information on the DVD is cost a lifetime of Topas works on his stage illusions........
If I was him, I will never make this DVD set.....