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The Magic Cafe Forum Index :: Dvd, Video tape, Audio tape & Compact discs. :: My "Cradle To The Grave" Review :: TOPIC IS LOCKED (0 Likes) Printer Friendly Version

Good to here.
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Profile of KC
Cradle To the Grave has definitely raised the bar on magic/flourish videos in both content and production quality.

I do have some mixed feelings about it. One thing is that my hands are small and some of the moves are really difficult and I may or may not have to alter and modify some of the handlings. I will have to spend more than one weekend to determine if my hands can physically accomplish some of the moves.

One other small thing is that I could not find a "Play All" option. After each section, the DVD would always return to the main menu. Maybe it's there and I just couldn't find it.

Now to the good stuff. The music is entertaining and well thought out.

The actual routine is really good. Before the DVD came out, several guys were saying that it was a million times better than any of the other Sybils available on the market. I wouldn't say that it's a million times better, but I will say that it is a very good looking routine. Routine is the key word.

Some of the other Sybils out in the world prey on being more complicated and the goal is to be done as fast as possible. "Cradle" routine is meant to be done fast, but with more of an artistic emphasis.

The Heaven Display is pretty cool. It took me a few views before it made an impact on me. When I first saw it, I was like "That's kind of neat", and then I watched it a few more times and was like, "Oh freak. That's cool."

The content and quality is great. It probably won't appeal to the no-flourish magician, but it will definitely impact the card handlers. Overall, the DVD is a solid 9.

K.C. Ushijima
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Profile of phantomace
You missed some of the key elements that make this DVD a HUGE success. The teaching, you didn't even mention the revolutionary techniques De'vo appies so that you learn properly! Like the clear blocks so you can see the finger positions, the fact that he does NOT speak! All the incredible angles and long supersessions. The humor and ORIGINAL music that goes with all the action.

Other items you mentioned were incorrect, like suggesting you need big hands. LOL. Small hands won't prevent you from doing the moves. De'vo's seven-year-old does them. You should just practice more.

Or that after watching a video it goes back to the "main" menu. It doesn't, it goes back to the group catagory menu which I found helpful.

De'vo IMO did invent the BEST sybil concept out there! Hands down! Who else would come up with a sybil routine that is original? Using the box? Putting packets back into the box DURING sybil? All false at that? That is unbelievable and leave all the rest of the sybils behind in the dust! Truly original and creative.

Although I don't agree with your review, I do agree with you that it is a Great DVD, and a must have!
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Profile of Cardjinx
I got this DVD and all I can say is Smile Smile Smile

KC's review is not completely accurate.

I give it a 12! Smile
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Profile of KC
I gave it my honest review. I thought that it was great, and it does raise the bar for content and quality. I don't understand why my review is considered biased. I said that it was great. One other reviewer gave it a 9.5, and so it's not like I was completely out of line by giving it a solid 9.

When I made the comment about small hands, I do mention that I will have to spend more than one weekend on it. I thought the DVD was great.

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Profile of Greenshock
Hey Guys,
Wow, if you give KC that much flack for giving this DVD a great review, I would hate to see you jump on some poor guy who didn't like it. Why isn't someone entitled to their opinion?

Tyler Wilson
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Profile of phantomace
I was just nitpicking a few points. All in all, I agree that this DVD rocks! KC gave it a 9 out of 10! Mine was slightly higher at 14.LOL
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Profile of mikecheng104
I see KC's review as completely candid, he gave what he thought about the video and disscussed its good and bad (HIS opinion). Maybe you think this vid is perfect but that doesn't mean people can't disagree. You proved no arguments in your statement that the review is biased. You just assumed that KC was banned by de'vos and must therefore dislike him? I think that you parents or your love one must have during somtime in your life yelled at you but that doesn't mean your view is biased towards them forever after.
First time posting in this forum kind of a lurker around here but this time I just can't stand flamers burning innocent people giving great reviews
KC: Good job
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Profile of p.b.jones
The content and quality is great. It probably won't appeal to the no-flourish magician, but it will definitely impact the card handlers. Overall, the DVD is a solid 9.

Seems like a good review, However the most important point seems to be missed .... How will the routine appeal to a real audience? They are not likely to watch parts several times.

"The Heaven Display is pretty cool. It took me a few views before it made an impact on me. When I first saw it, I was like "That's kind of neat", and then I watched it a few more times and was like, "Oh freak. That's cool."

Also this seems like a real flash routine so are the audience likely to consider you as simply a show off?

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Profile of digitaltrip
Thanks for the review, KC!
I found it quite helpful.

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Profile of phantomace
This DVD breaks much ground on many levels! The Heaven Display is great for those promo shots and flourish routines and is one of those cool moves that many people will be doing for a long time.

The CTG routine itself is a complete flourish routine that will blow laymen away. It is designed with it's own presentation and is a nice break for those that want to perform a skill demo to mix up your magic.

For those that haven't seen it, you should before you say anything. It just may change your views on several different levels.

The artistic nature of the DVD in itself is worth the price alone, and the teaching style should be studied by all.

CTG can also be an effect, not just a fancy flourish. You should see it before judging it.

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Profile of Lonewolf123
How is the production quality of Cradle to the Grave compared to that of the Flicking Fingers?
Scott F. Guinn
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Profile of Scott F. Guinn
There have been several topics going at the same time on this DVD. I am locking all but one--please direct your reviews, comments and questions to it.
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