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Profile of phantomace
There are many CTG reviews out there. Here are a few from the pros to include McBride, Daryl, Peter Duffie, TG Murphy, Jerry Cestkowski.

After many months of waiting and anticipation, I received CTG about three hours ago!!! Here is my review...

First, I was very excited about the DVD! The hype around it was extremely high, and I secretly wondered if it would live up to it. The answer: YES!!

First thing I noticed was the DVD itself. It is very cool with liquid-like red metal on it. I popped it in the DVD player and followed the recommendation of playing the CTG introduction first. I also turned it up real loud.

Introduction: I had it turned up so loud it scared the pants off of me in the beginning. Smile Nice one De'vo! I know he intended to do that. Smile The effects were movie-like and very cool. Then it played the beginning moves, just like in the trailer, and was very nice to see the quality was all there. Then it showed the Heaven Display. Smile Wasn't what I thought it would be, but what an unbelievable idea!

Actually I thought there was a trick to it, until I went to the explanations. I didn't think that was really possible. Then it went quickly to explanations. LOL...Also, it was cool to see the Ulmen Trials clips that were short but was intriguing. Then the CTG Routine! Smile I had to watch it like 30 times to believe what was happening and to get a grasp of the whole idea. It was really one of the coolest things with cards I've ever seen! This one puts to shame all the sybil boys. This KILLS any sybil out there. It uses the box IN sybil, and then you put packets of cards back into the box in order DURING sybil. I cussed a few times while watching it.

After that De'vo put some hilarious comedy type things on CTG which made my laugh outloud. Then had a preview for "Der Ring". Now this looks AWESOME!

Then I watched the teaching segments, and let me say: "this is by far the best way to teach!" and the best card teaching video that I own. And I own them all: McBride, Daryl and many, many more. No one can compare to his teaching technique in my opinion. There is NO talking but plenty of titles with effects and the music goes along with what is happening. It is really something you have got to see and watch. The constant repeating is great. It gave plenty of time to pick up your cards (lol) and get ready again without rewinding! Some of the items felt too fast and some too slow. Also some of the teaching was done with different ideas.

For example, a clear block was used to show correct finger positions, and in the flipback fan he repeated the move in slow motion for about 10-15 times from different angles, which I thought was a cool idea since most of us do that anyway with the rewind function. Also, the angles just killed me. I have read it was like he had a hole in his chest and they are correct.

Some of the close-ups had me thinking he was in the TV and in one part the thumb was so close that I jerked my head back. LOL. The views were the BEST I've ever seen in a card video. Not just a over the shoulder shot but up close view of exactly what needed to be shown.

Some things I thought were a little slow, and some were a little quick for me, but nothing was unlearnable. In fact, after every session I knew exactly what needed to be done without going back to watch it again. Doing it is another story but the instructions were very clear.

The music rocked. To think that it is all original and it all goes perfectly with every segment. Everything has a sound effect or appropriate music, and even some cool voices throughout. The Little Red Balls song had me ROLLING on the floor! It is an extended remix of the version on his website. Also a remix of Make Me Disappear will have you dancing on your couch. Both of these songs were in the 30-minute teaching portion of the sybil and helped it move along nicely. I've heard of a teaching DVD that had no talking and music, but never one that was all original that actually fit every segment with sound effects/special effects/and the like. You will have to see this to understand it.

The clarity was incredible in the segments. Some seemed to jump out the screen and slap you around a bit. LOL.

De'vo's humor kept things interesting thoughout the sessions. Like a "drink break" in certain parts, and comments like "don't hurt yourselves." LOL.

I love to watch the explanations. They are actually fun and not the typical boring type that we all dread.

You can instantly tell the amount of work that went into creating this DVD and it explodes in creativity and style. It's almost scary that someone would do that much work for a single DVD. This is ART! Anyone thinking it's just a flourish video is sadly mistaken.

The only downsides I can think of (and it's hard to come up with any) is that the video doesn't teach fans. Although De'vo fixed this with added a bonus fan tutorial which I have not yet seen to the forum which you get access to when you buy the DVD. I did poke my head into the forum and there is a whole bunch of good information in there. And bonus videos which I have not yet seen either. I will post up on it later.

This, hands (lol) down, is the best video that I own, for content, explanations and many other reasons.

This is truly a work of art on many levels!
I give it five dropping jaws and my highest rating!
Smile Smile Smile Smile Smile
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Profile of redstreak
Sounds great, I've been thinking about getting this.
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Profile of Lonewolf123
Hmm, you seem a tad overly excited when you typed this review. Is it possible that it is overhyped?
Craig Krisulevicz
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Profile of Craig Krisulevicz
I'm going to get **** for this, but it is overhyped. But it is a GREAT DVD. I thought the Heaven Display was worth the price of the DVD alone.
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Profile of Review King
Where can this be ordered?

"Of all words of tongue and pen,
the saddest are, "It might have been"

..........John Greenleaf Whittier
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Profile of usa
How long is this DVD? I don't see this information anywhere.
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Profile of phantomace
About one hour and ten minutes.

Sorry but I had just recieved the DVD I had been waiting for for 7+ months. I was extremely excited. Smile

But I have calmed down but I still get worked up everytime I pop the DVD in. It is truly incredible!
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Profile of digitaltrip
Thanks for the great review phantomace!

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Profile of eebie376
I agree 100% with PhantomAce. This DVD is amazing! Best DVD I've watched...ever, and believe me I've seen a lot of 'em.

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Profile of NeptuneTQ
I put my order in for this, I'm hoping it's worth the high price for it, considering when Suspended Dimension came out for $60 everyone was hollering about the price but no one has mentioned too much about the price for this one.
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Profile of Rcitgo
They aren't yelling about the price because it's worth twice the price Devo is charging for it, at least in my opinion. Smile
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Profile of phantomace
I would of glady pay two times for this! The amount of work he put in it is priceless!

The handlordz CTG bonus videos are up.

They include: four fans and two openers, of which the flick and pop is my favorite!

I will use it all the time. So login to the forum for your bonuses if you bought the DVD. All six are geared to beginners, with more coming!
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Profile of Cardjinx
I just got the DVD and OMG! I won't give a complete review but let me say that the sybil concept is the CRAZIEST thing anyone has ever created with cards! Right behind it is the Heaven Display! Smile

There is nothing like this on the market! De'vo slaughters the bucks, tudors, caps and the rest of them. You just can't compare!

There are so many cool things in the DVD it is hard to figure out where to start without repeating, but let me say that the humor and teaching style were incredible! I've never seen a DVD taught like that. I'd say it is 10 times better than even the Ammar tapes for learnability, and 100 times better than any flourish video for material.

Even magicians will find endless amounts of information that they will use, especially the openers.

And I need to mention the incredible forum! The forum had every questions that I wanted to ask already spelled out in detail! Also it has four fans with a how-to video and complete instructions from Jerry Cestkoski (author of the Encyclopedia of Playing Card Flourishes)! And two openers on a video tutorial. This is all FREE for buyer of the CTG DVD. I've never seen support like this from buying a DVD. De'vo's dedication to this project is unbelievalbe!

I give it 12 out of 10. By far the best DVD I own!!! Smile Smile

I almost forgot to mention that I bought it directly from De'vo and got it in two days, SIGNED! He was very helpful and made sure I was taken care of. He sent me the CTG password and even helped me download the bonus videos. What a nice guy! Here is his order page:

Cardjinx Smile
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Profile of Jamil
This DVD is the craziest thing I've ever seen! My highest recommendation! Smile Smile

If you don't have this, then get it now! None better! I have to go now and watch it again!
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Profile of Harv
Two questions:
  1. What are The Ulmen Trials? (Referred to at the CTG site but not explained.)

  2. Can normal mortals do the stuff on the DVD?
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Profile of NeptuneTQ
I recently got the DVD too, and though I won't give a full review I will say it's very good. I'll probably get jumped for this, but I don't think it's the greatest creation since the dawn of time like so many people here seem to think, and I do think it's overhyped, but it is a great DVD, and one of the best I've ever owned, so I would recommend it to anyone curious about card flourishes.

P.S. Yes, mere mortals can do everything on this DVD, and do it well!
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Profile of Houdinez
Harv, to answer your first question of what is the Ulmen's a link on it.

And to answer your second question, yes anyone can do the material on the DVD but you have to be dedicated to get these moves down, because it ain't just a piece of cake, it takes, time, perserverance and work to MASTER it.
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Profile of phantomace
Exactly! All of the moves except the CTG routine are fairly simple with practice.

The CTG routine, however, will make you work for it. Even the best flourishers are having some difficulty.

The nice thing is the FREE tutorials! They are very easy. The flick and pop you can do in five seconds.

There is a great range of material here, something for everyone.
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Profile of Cardjinx
You're right! The bonuses and discussion/private instruction are off the hook! De'vo also made little puzzles about the DVD and is giving prizes to those that figure them out. Very cool! Some guy today won a signed ACE from De'vo.

Next prize is tactical decks, black and green decks for the one that solves it out. Other prizes include videos, books, etc.

I am still watching the DVD almost every night! Can't get enough!

cardjinx Smile