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The Magic Cafe Forum Index :: Dvd, Video tape, Audio tape & Compact discs. :: Top Secret Card Magic with Kris Nevling (0 Likes) Printer Friendly Version

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Profile of I AM THE WALRUS
Hello, I was looking to see if anyone has any info on this. I am a hobbiest and like to expand my act with cards. This DVD looks very nice but you now how that goes. I would appreciate any info.
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Profile of I AM THE WALRUS
Hello, Despite not receiving any info on this DVD I ordered it and received it yesterday. I can not give one of those detailed reviews many of you do but I wanted to say something about it. It has 11 card effects. Teaching is very clear, to me it is excellent teaching. I had always wanted to perform the elevator card and Kris shows a simple but visual one. There are some great false shuffles and card control explained. This helped me greatly as the only thing I had in my arsenal was a overhand shuffle and a semi-decent pass. I think this is an excellent DVD for those of us who are hobbiest. Perhaps it is under the head of pros but I would not be sure of that as I am not a pro. Once again, I have to say Kris is a great, concise teacher. I have found Aaron Fisher to be the one I have learned the most from but I dare to say Kris's teachings are on par with Mr. Fisher. Alright, my first semi-review. What did you think?
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Profile of Themagicguy4
Hmm, 8 years later this DVD is available at Walmart and still no one's talking about it. Is it that bad? lol
Justin R
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On May 22, 2020, Themagicguy4 wrote:
Hmm, 8 years later this DVD is available at Walmart and still no one's talking about it. Is it that bad? lol

Like, walmart brick and mortar stores, or online?