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The Magic Cafe Forum Index :: Dvd, Video tape, Audio tape & Compact discs. :: Tea Leaf Reading and More dvd set by Leaping Lizards (2 Likes) Printer Friendly Version

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TEA LEAF READING AND MORE Two dvd set, list $75 from

I will start this review with an observation. This dvd set teaches several reading systems that many magician/mentalists will be very comfortable with. These are fun, light reading systems that can easily be presented as straight entertainment. A couple of these have the potential for a hard working performer to make a comfortable living…the tea leaf home parties could be a full-time income for many, the lip imprint readings (kiss readings) could reliably give you a good, solid booking every week (and much more). I will discuss more on these topics at the end of this review.

Disc one is a little more than 1:38 in length. The first part, the intro, discusses the basics you may have seen on his other dvd’s…the ologies, the mancies. Dean also explains that this, like his other dvd sets on readings, is a class as you would find in a New Age store. There are no tricks…just straight learning to read these systems.

Next is Tea Leaf 101. Dean discusses the theory of how tea leaf readings work as well as the process…tea preparation rituals and philosophy of this type of reading. While this is a slower process than most readings, Dean mentions here that there will be methods to speed things up later. He points out there is more to it than dumping the tea and looking for images.

The next section is How a Tea Leaf Reading Works. Here the basics of symbols and intuition are discussed, as well as the structure of a tea leaf reading.

Following this is a section called The Logistics of Tea. Things discussed here include types of tea and other physical considerations…water sources, cup and saucer options, and napkins options.

Now comes the section on Symbols and Meanings. This is a discussion of common tea leaf symbols and their traditional meanings. This is a bit more than 24 minutes of discussion and provides a good starting repertoire of images, not too much and not too little. You will get to the point where you see images on your own; these starting images will help train your imagination/intuition.

Following this is a section called More Logistics and Speed It Up. As the title suggests these are methods to speed up the process of reading tea leaves. Dean talks about these methods within the context of doing tea leaf readings at a convention.

Dry Tea and Herb Readings is next…this solves many logistical issues as you use no hot water. Herbs and teas to use, as well as special methods for doing this type of reading. Within this section is a digression that talks about more cup options and more choices for presentation.

Now the dvd shifts to a couple new types of readings…Lipstick and Bleigiessen.

Lipstick readings include reading the wear patterns on the lipstick itself, as well as reading the lip imprint when they kiss a card. Dean mentions these are pretty much targeted to women. As that is the main market that is fine. (I have seen one of the few existing lip print readers also provide lipstick to men for the readings. She calls it lip enhancement when a man does it). The print/kiss readings themselves are taught with both discussion and many examples.

Next in this section is Bleigiessen. Bleigiessen means lead melting. You take a lead figurine, melt it in a spoon over a candle and then pour it into cold water where it solidifies in to a shape. I have never heard of this…apparently it is a German New Year’s tradition. After you get the shape you use a candle to cast a shadow of the shape…then you read the shadow (as you turn the shape the shadow changes).

This is really quite a special type of reading…reading a shadow is wonderful. When you watch the shadow reading on the dvd imagine you are getting the reading…it is a nice emotion.

Dean does deal with a couple things about Bleigiessen. First, not everyone likes to handle lead. Second, these figurines can be hard to find in the US. He deals with this by telling you how you can make your own figurines easily from wax and discusses the many options you have for wax.

Here Dean plugs a book (not his own). He is very up on the mevproshop book, Casual Little Miracles. It is another approach to Tea Leaf readings and contains many other wonderful things. The two items (this dvd set and CLM) complement each other nicely.

He also plugs another book that isn’t his…Drawing on the Right Side of the Brain by Betty Edwards. Dean tells you which exercises to do from that book to turn on your right brain and see images more easily.

Next is disc 2…a little less than 37 minutes. He discusses venues that work for these types of readings…coffee shops, tea shops, and others. He also presents the idea of doing tea leaf readings as home parties or classes. I will touch on this a bit more at the end of the review.

Following this are several sample readings. He shows you cups and saucers with the wet tea leaves in them and reads them. Following this are a couple sample Bleigiessen readings.

Next is a live reading with a sitter using tea leaves. This is a very nice reading and is enjoyable to watch…nothing wild, just a very nice reading. You can watch the woman get drawn in to it…I enjoyed this reading very much. Following this is another sample reading with tea in a cup.

Then comes a summary. The dvd set has a support page and a couple printable files you access with your computer.

The first printable file is called Tea Leaf Reading DVD Workbook and Reference. First is an outline of what you learned in the dvd about tea leaf reading…cup layout, symbols and so forth. Next are a list of traditional Bleigiessen meanings. Following that are the images used on the dvd to teach lip print and lipstick readings. In short, this document are the notes for the dvd…it is a very practical thing to have.

The next printable file is a pitch book on tea leaf readings…ten pages folded over making a twenty page pitch book (including front and back cover). You receive the rights to put your own name on the book as the author.

While this review may read a bit dry the dvd set has a peaceful feel. The music is nice, the backgrounds tend to green colors. There are some minor technical things…a few green screen adventures and so…nothing that matters.

At the beginning of this review I mentioned there is some real opportunity here for magician/mentalists.

First is the concept of home psychic parties with tea leaf readings….more specifically (in my opinion) home tea leaf classes. In the late 1960’s I met an older gentleman from Milwaukee. He did tea leaf classes in people’s homes and was quite busy. He didn’t know anything about magic and never heard of home psychic parties…I don’t know how he came about it.

I also know of a new age center locally who has had tea leaf classes a couple times. They pack them in and still get requests for more. This dvd set prepares you to do these. The printed book on the dvd is your outline, the dvd is a class you can do. The pitch book could be included free (included in the fee) and everyone leaves with something in their hands that has your contact info. You do a class, then everyone does the tea drinking ritual at the same time and you read everyone’s leaves, one at a time, in front of the group for the finale. A big advantage of the class is it makes sense for people to pay individually.

Richard Webster has mentioned on several occasions that he did home parties most every night for years. I think this has that kind of potential for those who would enjoy doing this kind of presentation. Every home class would lead to more classes.

The other thing that has great practical potential is the kiss readings. Any convention geared toward women would be your target market. You would work the kiss readings like you would magic at a booth, to draw in crowds.

One market not mentioned is weddings. Many magicians work wedding receptions…kiss readings are a light, fun presentation that are made to order for the romantic day. As I said in the beginning, you could have a booking every Saturday, as that is when most weddings are.

This dvd set is fun, mostly light readings. For the magician/mentalist this could be useful in a shrinking economy.
Tony Iacoviello
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I know I'm late to the party, although I preordered these DVDs and received them months ago, I just had the opportunity to watch them last night.

My thoughts, WOW!

The first DVD, in addition to being as stated is an excellent course in image reading and interpretation which can be applied to (but not limited to): Scrying, dream interpretation, cloud reading, drawing interpretation… The opportunities and applications are near limitless.

I have to agree with what Mota said above, and am not sure I can add anything else to his well thought-out review.

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Profile of leapinglizards
Many thanks to you both! I am glad you found much of value in this work!

Leaping Lizards!!! Who knew it was possible.
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Profile of Savels
I had tea leafs read to me in a Tea Room/Pyschic room in downtown Boston over 16 years ago and it was the most believable reading I've ever had. Something very organic about it. The reader read the leaves from out of a styrofoam cup. I thought it to be kind of tacky, but her interpretation of the leaves/performance was startling.

I'm still working with performing palm reading, but tea leaf reading is powerful stuff.
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Profile of leapinglizards
The vault closes July 1st....

A few of my old titles that were written BY me are available for a little while here:

Available now as a digital Download for a month or so.. then back in the vault. There are some freebies there too!
Leaping Lizards!!! Who knew it was possible.