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Mind Guerrilla
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Max Maven's MULTIPLICITY by L&L Publishing
($75 list price but you can get it for about $60 if you shop around)

Omphaloskepsis is a high falutin' word for navel gazing (It also sounds like it could be the name of a Max Maven routine). On this DVD Max Maven and Eugene Burger engage in over 3 hours worth of omphaloskepsis on some of mentalism's most basic concepts.

Over a dozen of the routines featured are accompanied by no formal explanations.

You might read the above and conclude this disc is waste of time.

Unless the only reason you buy instructional material is to find a new closing effect, however, you'd be wrong because this DVD is great.

Max Maven is one of magic's most prolific creators. His knowledge of the history of the art seems staggeringly encyclopedic. He comes across as so brilliant, I sometimes wonder if the world wouldn't be a better place if his chosen field had been diplomacy or cancer research. The world's loss is, of course, mentalism's gain.

At this point, you may be wary that this review is being written by a raving fan who thinks Max Maven can do no wrong. The Café is filled with reviews contributed by members of a seeming mutual admiration society who either gush shamelessly or, when a product is not up to snuff, choose to remain silent (instead of warning people off by giving a negative notice). I'm not averse to giving a negative review, especially in these bleak economic times. For example, while I feel the VIDEOMIND series should be in every mentalist's library, I really didn't get anything out of NOTHING (apart from now being able to write a sentence like “I really didn't get anything out of NOTHING.”)

The main subjects on this disc are e******** (which here rhymes with “technickay”), m******* o**s and r*****g f****s. Forgive the asterisks but this is a public forum and I don't wish to cause anyone apoplexy.

When performing e*****-kay, I'm sure many people's thoughts sometimes run along the lines of, “Oh, crap. She didn't pick the ideal item. Now what do I do?” On MULTIPLICITY, Max Maven tries to remedy this situation by sharing the interior monologue he goes through while doing such a routine.

What about all those effects that go unexplained? They appear in a section of the disc called “Tour De Force” and only go unexplained per se: They are all unique presentations but are derived from the same basic seed. Mr. Maven doesn't take the student by the hand and explain the nitty gritty of each effect nor should he. Think of the disc as an advanced studies course which presupposes the student already has mentalism's standard reference materials under his/her belt and is able to analyze the dynamics of each routine on his/her own. The viewer should come away from this section not only with greater confidence in the use of e******** (I suggest re-watching each effect and asking, “What would have happened if the participant had chosen something else?”) but also inspired to create his/her own effects.

Oh, and there are 9 other effects on the disc, each of which *is* explained in detail. I won't describe all of them but will mention some that struck my fancy:

“Numetric” is a new, streamlined version of Mr. Maven's own “Geometric Coin” from “The Blue Book of Mentalism”. It's a double prediction and probably should appear at a point later in the disc since it represents a combination of some of the themes the video focuses on.

“Cointext” is another double prediction based upon Marcello Truzzi's “Heads Up” (Magick #184, July 22, 1977).

“Future Tense” is an effect which uses a business card, ESP cards and playing cards. Eugene Burger seems especially anxious for an explanation to this one- “This got me,” he says. It got me too but that's not exactly a feat. Smile While I shy away from routines that use playing cards, I can see making an exception for an effect like this one, where the performer ostensibly never touches them. Mr. Maven offers a couple of different methods here, including one for people like me who run screaming from the room whenever the word “sleight” is uttered. There's some good audience management demonstrated here too.

“A Small Fortune” is Max Maven's take on the classic m******* o** routine, “Mental Choice”. His goal here is to eliminate any weak o**s. The viewer can interact with the DVD here to see how each choice plays out.

Three routines on the disc, “Leap of Fake”, “Schrodinger’s Slot Machine” and “Locker” seem to drift away from the main themes of the disc. They rely, to differing degrees, on sleights. “Locker” is a flat-out magic trick. “Schrodinger’s Slot Machine” is cute but I don't think the verbal ambiguity (using the phrase “two top cards”) works when the participant makes a certain choice. I'd be tempted to say, “Hey, wait, I thought you meant...” Since I was more than satisfied with what came before these three effects, though, I think I'll just look upon them as bonus material.

The disc finishes on a note that is both funny and- in the words of an off-screen voice- “frustrating”. As the credits roll, we see a melancholy dedication. So, appropriately I think, the disc (like life?) ends in m******* o**s. Smile

Verdict: Recommended.

Quibble: The effect “A Small Fortune” cries out to have a graphics file included on the disc. Come on, L&L!
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Profile of Markymark
That's a good review,thank you.

My concern is that an unexplained routine [the 2 bags] is used to advertise the set. Eugene laughs so much that now I'm thinking that it it did'nt work it would have been left off the demo and set.In other words there is no explanation but it appears as if you will get one if you buy the set.
''In memory of a once fluid man,crammed and distorted by the classical mess'' -Bruce Lee
Mind Guerrilla
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On 2010-11-06 15:45, Markymark wrote:
That's a good review,thank you.

My concern is that an unexplained routine [the 2 bags] is used to advertise the set. Eugene laughs so much that now I'm thinking that it it did'nt work it would have been left off the demo and set.In other words there is no explanation but it appears as if you will get one if you buy the set.

There is an explanation given. It just isn't the kind you wanted/expected. Smile
Domino Magic
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On 2010-11-06 15:45, Markymark wrote:
My concern is that an unexplained routine [the 2 bags] is used to advertise the set.

In the other thread in Latest & Greatest the brick & feather routine is also the only point of criticism of an otherwise fantastic DVD. It's seems crazy to me that everyone is focused on this one routine. But there is an important point that some seem to be missing - it's not the only routine on the demo videos that isn't explained on the DVD. One other routine (maybe two, I don't remember) is taken from the Tour De Force section which features many routines without explanation.

Max has provided advanced thinking on this technique. The information here exceeds anything previously released, even by Max. You are given more than enough information to figure out any of the unexplained routines, including the brick routine.
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Profile of BlueOwl
First off, I would like to say that after one watch, the only thing I know for sure is that I'm going to have to watch this DVD a lot, and put in some practice, practice, and practice. This one is deep.

I too was very excited to see the possible outs for "Handout," and was initially disappointed. To be honest I skipped around the DVD searching for the explanation. After I was unable to locate the "Handout" explanation I bitterly settled in to watch Max and Eugene. My bitterness quickly faded as they presented me with a treasure trove of information. I soon realized, that like many great educators, Max provided all of the necessary information to explain "Handout," but we have to put the pieces together and discover it for ourselves. Think of it as a scaffolded lesson. Best of all, once one works out a solution, they are equipped with a powerful tool rather than one specific method.

After only one view, and no practice, I can't give an accurate review of the DVD. But, I am loving Multiplicity.

~ Nathan
Mind Guerrilla
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I'm the biggest nitpicker I know. I'm therefore surprised that so many people have gotten their panties in a bunch over the brick effect. I don't understand why we can't simply accept it for what it is- a joke.

If you're really looking to use this as an effect, however, here's something off the top of my head (of course, patter must be adjusted accordingly):

We'll refer to the bags as the "brick" one and the "brick-less" one.

Inside the brick bag, you also have a feather affixed.

Inside the brick-less bag, you have affixed a feather as well as a one hundred dollar bill.

If the brick-less bag is chosen, proceed as on the DVD. Open the bag, dislodge the feather (leaving the hundred dollar bill in place) and let it flutter onto the participant's hand. Then drop the brick out of the other bag (making sure the feather doesn't become dislodged) and delight in the spectator's startled/relieved reaction.

If the brick bag is chosen, open it, dislodge the feather, grip the bag at the bottom (with both hands perhaps) and upturn it, holding the brick in place and letting the feather flutter onto the participant's hand. Carefully set the bag aside in such a manner so as to not betray its true weight. Then address the bag the spectator didn't choose (the brick-less bag). Open it and dislodge the hundred dollar bill (leaving the feather affixed to the interior). Let the hundred dollar bill flutter out. You then offer sympathy to the participant for blowing an opportunity to make some money.
Mr. Mindbender
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"panties in a bunch"...hmmm...I like that idea!

Replace the feather for bunched up panties! I like your thinking Mind Guerrilla.

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Or a brick and feather in both, or an *** on the ****, or anywhere for that fact, SO many options if people would just apply the tools they're being given!

I can't wait to see it Smile .

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Mind Guerrilla
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On 2010-11-07 07:57, Colin wrote:
...or an *** on the ****

May I buy a vowel? Smile

I would have suggested placing a scorpion in one of the bags but I'm still getting grief from the animal rights activists over something I did a few years ago involving a platypus and a deep-fryer.
Julian Kestrel
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Regarding the missing explanations.

Find the Easter Egg.....
Mind Guerrilla
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On 2010-11-07 09:22, Julian Kestrel wrote:
Regarding the missing explanations.

Find the Easter Egg.....

With all due respect, I don't think this is a time to be coy.

Please tell us where this Easter egg is. I searched all over the menu and could find none.

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Profile of RS1963
I haven't seen Multiplicity as of yet but I'm sure I will by this coming week.

I have to say everyone that is complaining about the "missing" explanation of one effect is missing the over all big picture. If you keep on the track you're on you never will see the over all picture. That is a fact that can not be proven wrong by anyone EVER.
Jon Hackett
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Wonderful review Mind Guerilla, I enjoyed it very much. Especially your funny conversational tone.

Thanks again, and please keep up the reviewing!

Good day Gentlemen!

Jon Hackett
It is not the brains that matter most, but that which guides them -- the character, the heart, generous qualities and progressive ideas. Doystoyevsky
Mind Guerrilla
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On 2010-11-12 05:18, Jon Hackett wrote:
Wonderful review Mind Guerilla, I enjoyed it very much. Especially your funny conversational tone.

Thanks. I aims ta please Smile

On 2010-11-06 13:50, Mind Guerrilla wrote:
Max Maven's MULTIPLICITY by L&L Publishing
($75 list price but you can get it for about $60 if you shop around)

Madhatter Magic Shop is selling it for $46.95:
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Profile of cougar261084
I'm still pretty sure it's not pronounced like all you americans do it, it's a french word, and properly pronounced would be ekivok(e) the last e would be silent,

or to put it in some words you would be able to pronounce:

ache ki (as in kinetic) voke (as in woke, I "woke" up except with a v)

ache ki voke
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Actually, any half-decent dictionary gives the correct (three-syllable) pronunciation: ek-wǐ-voke.

There's no acute accent over the first letter, so it's not "ache".

But magicians like to believe that it's a special "magic" word (along with "mnemonic", which most of them pronounce incorrectly as well), so just use their dictionaries for book tests.
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Mind Guerrilla
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On 2010-11-13 11:38, ddyment wrote:
Actually, any half-decent dictionary gives the correct (three-syllable) pronunciation: ek-wǐ-voke.

On his VIDEOMIND series, I believe Max Maven uses that pronunciation (and even pokes fun at people who add "kay" on the end when he pronounces "technique" as "technickay").
Craig Petty
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Hey guys David Penn and myself reviewed this on the latest Wizard Product Review.

Here's the link -

Hope it helps

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Profile of kazuba
That's it? Only 2 reviews? The subject goes from bricks to the pronunciation of equivouge? Since 6 Nov 2010 only one has seen Max Maven's Muliplicity DVD and has something to say about it? Perhaps a real pro mentalist that could offer some criticism. Perhaps something like: Can one effect follow another? Or are you going to bore your audience with predictions. How many effects are practical Close-up, Platform or Stage in a routine? Are there really 24 good explained effects or so that take up the 3 hours and 15 minutes. Are you really getting your money's worth?
Mentalist Sam
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This has also gotten very good reviews on The Genii Forum and The Mentalist Sanctum.

You're asking though "Can one effect follow another?" "Or are you going to bore your audience with predictions."

What this DVD is about is learning different techniques to help you become a master at one principle. It's not a whole act full of prediction effects. You are shown many variations so that you can easily understand how the techniques work in practice.

Are you really getting your money's worth? I would say yes if you want to master this technique. The DVD isn't about the tricks. There are some great effects you can take as is, right out of the box, but it's more about the learning equivoque, no matter how you want to pronounce it.