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Profile of Rpascual
Hi magi's

I have been one of those that has waited for this for a loooong time now and it's finally here.

I've had this for a couple of weeks, still practicing have not performed yet but here are some thoughts:

The DVD case is really cool I like how it's layed out. Easy navigation throughout. Although annoyingly everytime I press the menu button on my remote it takes me to the extras section?

Production value is really nice hi0def just what you would expect from Full52.

Everything is shot in-studio, no "real-world" performances which I like but would have also liked to see some reactions from it but doesn't matter.

Anyway you receive the necessary gimmicks to perform the effect, One gimmick is ready made for a red back bicycle deck and one extra non made gimmick. (Sorry but if I say to much about the gimmick, I would be revealing). I really wish that the set ready made was a J***r but doesn't matter just a necessary adjustment and you are set to go. Making a set of gimmicks should not be hard at all just some basic supplies which every magician should have laying around. Just to let you know you can't perform all the routines barely any on the disc with the gimmick supplied small negative detail there.

From the start off, there is no gimmick INSTALLED in the card case you can set the "gimmick" and take it out from the card case as you please. One tip I don't see mentioned in the DVD is with a little thinking you can make one set with red and blue backs (if you don't understand and have the DVD pm me and I'll go a little more in-depth).

Before I get onto the routines let me say that the actual change is quite stunning, think a little more impromptu than Wow by Masuda:D. Very easy to do the change and getting into the change. There is a small discrepancy in the change but you don't even notice it until Cameron says it on the DVD. (You can go watch the trailer a thousand times you won't find it .)

Onto the routines:

Sudden Impact: "A random card visually transforms into a signed selection"

There is a link to the complete performance:

This is the original routine Cameron had though of when he created the gimmick for sudden impact. Some small discrepancies but I'm sure they will fly by layman. I don't think this one is for me. I'm sure I will try it with a modified handling to suit myself but not my favorite on disc. If you like what you see then you'll like the dvd.

Passin Thru: "A selection visually passes through another card in the case"

This is a weird and bold approach with the gimmicks. I like the patter and it really does what it says it does. I will definitely try this one out.

Colour Correct: "The back of a card changes from red to blue"

Think Chicago Opener in reverse sort of. Basically they call out the only red card in a blue deck but you correct it by placing it in the case and changing it back to blue. Em you have to make a set of gimmick just to perform this effect but it might be worthwhile. I'll try it.

All Business: A selected card visually changes into your business card.

Wow! There is a complete performance set up on the full 52 site link:

Great trick this is the one that caught my attention. I really like this. I think this is a great way to hand out your business card. Probably one of the most visual changes using the gimmicks. Great from their selected card appearing in the case transforming to your business card greaaat.

Really Wild: A cased Joker visually changes to complete a Royal Flush"

I don't really understand why you would want a royal flush I don't know of any effec that could follow it or what? Cameron when would you bring this in a routine? Beginning, middle end? I don't think this is for me. I'm not much of poker presentations. Certainly not my favorite. This one feels sort of like a filler?

Sudden thought: "A cased card visually changes to a thought of card"

This is probably the only routine I can do with the ready made gimmick. The card is really peeked not though of but I guess the impression that the spectator gets bla bla. Good routine something I see myself using a lot.

Bonus: Sudden Waltz (Two signed cards are visually fused together inside the card case)

Nice take on the Anniversary Waltz approach utilizing the gimmicks. Nice routine although it takes away from the spectators holding the cards and "feeling" their cards fsuing since the change is happening in the card case but good nonetheles. I don't understand why this is considered a bonus routine, I know it was included later after filming the Dvd so it is probably that.

That's it for the routines.

There is a small thing I would have liked there to be a sort of introduction. Instead of the introduction being part of the explanation of the original sudden impact routine I would have liked that to be a separate chapter.

Also another section on constructiong the gimmick. I know the gimmick is simple to make and self-explanatory but still it would have been nice to see the man himself contructing a gimmick in case of any tips or details like in encased.

In conclusion I really enjoyed the DVD. It is typical Cameron material. This is certainly not my favorite of all the one's he has made but it is still good. If you like the demo and the description of the effects you will not be disappointed.

It would be great if later we could get some contributions form diff people or from Cameron himself for ways they are using their gimmicks. I have some ideas but that is for another time.

If you are still reading this review and it helped you out please show some appreciation, took quite a while to write it all down!

Any questions let me know,

Cameron Francis
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Profile of Cameron Francis
Hi! Thanks for the review! Couple of thoughts:

You don't have to use a Joker to perform the original routine or the Waltz routine on the dvd. Any card will work for most routines on the disc. There are only two routines you need a specific card for: Really Wild and Colour Correct.

I go over the red and blue back thing on the dvd. The back of the card doesn't matter as it's never seen.

Regarding making new gimmicks, I use tape, not glue as it's easy to transfer one to the other. Should have mentioned this on the disc. I assume it would be obviously how to make new gimmicks but you know what they say about assuming...

The Royal Flush demonstration is just that, a pseudo demonstration of skill. Like cutting to Aces.

One handling I didn't include is the classic, "And here's your card!... Not your card? No problem, let me put it in my card changer." However, you can do a routine as simple as that with the gimmick. Basically, if you have a routine you like doing with Wow, you can do it with Sudden Impact.

The point is, it's a utility gimmick. There are many uses for it. I only go over a few ideas on the dvd.

I think Dave included Sudden Waltz as a bonus because it was shot at the last minute. Wasn't originally intended to be on the dvd.

Thanks again for the review!
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Profile of james1234
This is genius Smile arrived in the mail today, so much you can do with it and so easy to do, everyone should have this Smile
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Profile of james_thecanadian_magician
I don't own this, but I was quite stumped when I watched the trailer and demo of the effect.
Cameron Francis
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Profile of Cameron Francis
Just an FYI. Sudden Impact got a terrific review in this month's Genii magazine.
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Profile of Russell
I was at one of Cameron's lectures last week and he lectured on this. I just had to get it, its so visually and the gimmick will just sit in your regular card case (Cameron also teaches how you can have your card case examined) and is there when you need it, making it a real worker.

Well done again man,

Russell Leeds
Craig Petty
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Profile of Craig Petty
I have to agree with Russell. Sudden Impack is simply genius. Having said that I have come to expect this from Cameron Francis. He tends to knock my socks off on an almost weekly basis. The guy is so creative it's insane.

I will be using this in the real world. It's super practical, easy to do and looks great.

Thanks for sharing another winner with us Cameron.

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Profile of cairo
Go with Sudden Impact, you won't be disappointed.
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Profile of Voldemort
This is a great effect!

Another great job and wonderful thinking Cameron!

This gimmick is so cool and so easy to use. It sits there perfectly hidden until your ready to use it and then WHAM!! It hits them square in the face! LOL Extremely practical and very visual. And, Just to make this clear, The gimmick supplied will work with 90% of the material on the DVD. The back color does not matter as it is not seen for most of the effects. Not sure why this was even an issue as you are supplied with the stuff to make your own gimmicks and you could do them in any back color you want. And yes, The gimmick is VERY easy to make.

I waited a while to pick this up, But now that I have it I'm kicking myself for not picking it up on day 1. There's a lot of material included on the DVD and all of the ideas and effects presented are top notch real world effects. No filler.

Do yourself a favor if you don't have this already and pick it up. I'm sure you won't be disappointed.
"Flight from death"
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Cameron Francis
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Profile of Cameron Francis
Wow! Thanks for the kind words. I'm glad you are enjoying this. It's funny, but this is still kind of flying under the radar a bit which is strange because it's exactly the kind of visual, yet practical magic that most magicians go nuts for. It also got a really nice review in Genii last month (although I'm not sure it matters much as reviews in magic magazines don't seem to have too much of an effect on sales). But that's okay. Hopefully word of mouth will keep spreading.
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Bob Tucker
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Profile of Bob Tucker
Id like to nominate Sudden Impact for DVD of the year. Camerons stuff is sheer genius and usually very easy to master. If you don't have this video go out and obtain a copy asap before its all sold out. After you see the video I guarantee you all will say "why didn't I think of that " .
Cameron Francis
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Profile of Cameron Francis
Thank you, Bob. Really appreciate the support!
MOMENT'S NOTICE LIVE 3 - Six impromptu card tricks! Out now!
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Profile of Voldemort
Why didn't I think of that??? That's exactly what I thought Bob!! LOL

But that's why I'm happy we have guys like Cameron willing to share their thoughts and creations with us. From the Omega mutation to Moments notice and now Sudden impact, I have to say that I have loved just about everything I've gotten from Cameron.

Cameron, You restore balance to the universe because I'm on the other side of the scale, And I couldn't create effects like you do to save my life! Smile

Very happy with Sudden Impact. If you don't have it, I urge you to pick it up. You won't be sorry!
"Flight from death"
Buy the WILD AT HEART e-book to help Rachael Columbini here:
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Profile of Miraclemakers
I enjoyed Cameron Francis works on Omega Mutation, I think this one is also great... Thanks for review
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Profile of octave
Just received my Sudden Impact DVD. Killer effect, easy to learn and lots of variations/possibilities. 11/10 from me.
Matthew U
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Profile of Matthew U
I have been using Sudden impact for quite a while and it is Always a great trick . Very visual and lots of different routines to do with it . Simply genius .
Cameron Francis
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Profile of Cameron Francis
MOMENT'S NOTICE LIVE 3 - Six impromptu card tricks! Out now!
Failed Magician
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Profile of Failed Magician
Is this thread still alive? I have some questions about this.
Magic comes through perception. -HS
Cameron Francis
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Profile of Cameron Francis
Just sent you a PM about your questions.
MOMENT'S NOTICE LIVE 3 - Six impromptu card tricks! Out now!
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Profile of Rpascual
I have still been using this and I have recently refrained from utilizing gimmicks and gaffs because I find that most of the time I am doing FASDIU but this is just fun to have on the card box to make some crazy hands-off card to change.

I know this sounds weird but sometimes I take this gimmick with me and store it in my wallet (doesn't really get damaged) and sometimes fool magicians by placing the gimmick in their box, discretely of course when I borrow their cards. using their own cards! (this gimmick has so many uses and can be put in any card box (standard poker size). If you are really nuts you can make up a set utilizing bridge cards in case you want to borrow someone's bridge cards!

I have thought of a new idea with this gimmick but have to make sure it works, it's just an idea really, has to do with changing two cards in the box. (Cameron in case you are reading this, I'll PM you if it ever works out.)

You can post the questions on here if you want I am still using this trick so I can also help you out if Cameron can't (Although I'm sure you won't have a problem with asking him any questions Smile).

Also Cameron have you ever tried of doing this without the visual change? Like just showing the card, place the box on their hand slide out the card of the box and show it has changed? Just something that occurred to me while writing this post. Probably not workable, you would be losing the visual impact of the trick I guess.