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The Magic Cafe Forum Index :: Dvd, Video tape, Audio tape & Compact discs. :: Street of Cards DVD (0 Likes) Printer Friendly Version

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Danny Borneo
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Profile of Danny Borneo
Well I would love to be able to post a review of this dvd as it sounded like a wonderful project at the time I heard of it. I had been eagerly awaiting watching what seemed like a great documentary....well after placing my order on September 11th, I am still waiting, almost 3 months later.

Just a bit of background, the company (or or SOC) seemed to have no issues charging my card for the cost of the DVD, but after what seems to be 20 - 30 emails in that time and almost as many calls to their phone number (which I might add, has never ever once been answered by a live person and even after leaving messages, never received a call back), I've only received one email back from them stating that there seemed to have been a problem and that it would be processed immediately.

So, in a last ditch effort I guess I'm reaching out to see if anyone on the Café has had a similar experience or is aware of anyone that runs this "company" or just any info whatsoever?

I'm absolutely amazed that at the way this company represents itself: online retailer, production company, web hosting, etc etc etc.

Not sure how any of this can be when they have this much trouble with a single order for a single dvd.

Maybe I'm missing something here and not seeing the bigger picture so hopefully some of my fellow Café members can help shed some light on this one.

Also if I'm posting this in the wrong section, sorry for that.

Thanks in advance,
Danny B.
Joe Mauro
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Profile of Joe Mauro
I never heard of this company. How did you find out about them?

They say if you login you can track your order:
Danny Borneo
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Profile of Danny Borneo
I had actually seen a thread on here a while back announcing the documentary. Yeah been down that road already, shows my order as "processing" That's it, the only option they give, have sent them emails, called them and filled out their "online customer service" form.
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Profile of sethb
Sounds like it is time to contact your credit card company and dispute the charge, so that it can be reversed and taken off your bill. If you haven't already done this, don't delay, as you have a limited window of time to do it.

That ought to get the company's attention, if anything will. SETH
"Watch the Professor!!" -- Al Flosso (1895-1976)
"The better you are, the closer they watch" -- Darwin Ortiz, STRONG MAGIC
Danny Borneo
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Profile of Danny Borneo
I do appreciate the suggestions guys, but all of these are things I had thought of (ie contacting my credit card company) and was going to do so following up my post on here. I was really hoping that someone maybe knew of the company or maybe the people involved with making the dvd. I have seen various posts about people promoting the actual site that is the main site. So was hoping maybe someone could put me in touch with someone involved directly? I mean ultimately it's great to get my $27 back but the main idea is that I really want the dvd, that is if it's all legit.
Marien Hopman
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Profile of Marien Hopman
I also have had 3 bad experiences with the "Street of Cards"!
It all seems so nice..and the Web page looks great and now this month they are even featured by Dodd Vickers on "The Magic Newswire".
So far A.J. Olsen one of the founders has me hooked for over $ 60.00!
Since February 2009..I have placed and paid for two orders and have never received them. Last year at Abbott's (2010) I met
A.J. and he told me that he has been going through tough times and would fill my order and add a few bonus's. To date I have
received absolutely nothing! Just last month I order a C.D. of the music score of "Street of Cards"...paid via pay-pal and still
have received nothing. Not even a confirmation of my order. Now don't get me wrong. $ $61.00 is not a big thing to me..but I just
don't like getting screwed! Is there anyone else out there who has paid for and not gotten their order???/
Please advise
Marien Hopman