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I just finished up watching the NYCG's Volume 9- Much more. Wow, lots of fanstastic material. So let me just point out some highlights:

BUST UP BUCKS: While it's hard to imagine someone with the clout of Michael Gallo could be 'underated' I actually feel he is. Anyone who has ever filmed themselves performing coin routines knows just how hard it is to misdirect the camera. Let me tell you, time and time again, Michael does just that. And his performance here is no exception. Michael busts a couple of half dollars into four quarters right before your eyes and ends clean. It was my favorite moment on the DVD. It was also the first time I've ever heard of a tabled click pass. If james Belushi was a masterful coin magician, or even mildly funny he might look something like this.

R.O.P.S: I'd guess most coin workers aren't familiar with this one. I know I wasn't. I love rhythmic utility moves like this that innocently get a coin from hand to the other. The good doctor performs this brilliantly and breaks it down so it's easy to understand.

DEEP BACKCLIP COINS ACROSS: I was never entirely sure if David was into backpalming as he generally favors other moves. I was wrong. One, two, three, four coins across. It's just that clean. Unfortunately it's not quite that simple. I consider myself a bit of a backclip/backpalm afficianado but this one had me busting my knuckles (that's a good thing). I would guess this is David's third favorite version of Coins Across. We should all be so lucky.

BILL CITINO/HANGING COINS: It seems everyone has a version of David Roth's Hanging Coins but this is one of the best I've ever seen. Very surprising and unique. It fooled me and I loved it.

AL SCHNEIDER SPEAKS: About what? I'm still not totally sure. I say this half jokingly. Al has clearly put some heavy thinking into the psychology and even the physiology of spectators. Pretty heavy stuff from one of the heaviest of heavyweights. I found this section as enlightening as I did funny. Is that so wrong?

SCOTTY YORK: It was just a pleasure to see this guy perform. I won't mention any one routine. Everything from Scotty was a treat.

VIC TRABUCCO/RUB THROUGH: Simple? Yes. Was I fooled? Yes. Sometimes the simple stuff gets you and this was one of those times. His attention to the little details makes all the difference. And I love his laid back performance style.

So those are just some of the highlights. When they say "much more" they're not kidding. Nest of Boxes, Lou Gallo's Thieves and Sheeps, Triple Coin to Card... you can't go wrong.

While there's a ton of material jammed onto this disc, I can promise you there is no filler. The content here is as good as it gets. My only complaint is the volume. I watched it on my computer (with volume maxed out) and didn't hear it quite as loudly as I would have liked to. Of course that wouldn't have been an issue if I had speakers or watched it on my dvd player. I'm looking forwad to picking up the other new volumes.

Sugar Rush is here! Freakishly visual magic.