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The Magic Cafe Forum Index :: Dvd, Video tape, Audio tape & Compact discs. :: True Astonishments indepth disc two review (0 Likes) Printer Friendly Version

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Profile of Timboslice
Al right so here we are to write another review this time for disc two. This one was one of my personal favorites. it gave me the sigh of releif that this was really worth the money. Either though I only use currently two of the effects I feel that this dvd is STRONG. so without anymore mumbling on I hope you enjoy disc 2

LVL$- Simply stunning. I hear all this hyp that its a pipe dream or the original was better. kjhaskjhbvfybaslkhabsyhd. Translation too WRONG! Let me share my vviews why I dissagree with so many. In the beginning you set yourself up for the impossible. There gonna say "NO WAY". Friend simon lovell says this in one of his dvds that "you lead them into something. like watching a scary movie then the music kicks in. it gets intense and louder and then when you turn the corner you see a fluffy kitten. then when you relax BAM an axe flys and hits someone in the head" This is so true! The effect does not require much skill and its extreamly sneaky but easy to fly by anyone if you do it JUST like he did. Then when you say look in the pocket, my friend, that's the axe into the head. This ones a real keeper.

Tubular-This made me laugh. I like it. Its cute,simple,easy effect that plays rather bigg and packs a punch. Its SO convincing. I did it to myself and honestly I almost didn't know it was "one" bill. I said to myself "what the fudge". Also your completely reset and their left with a bill that they WILL keep unless their really thirsty and want to buy a 99 cent iced tea. perferbly Fruit punch. So I think this kills and its actually very fun to perform. its a impromptu miracle and if you got three seconds, a marker, and a dollar, two hands your good to go. If you had three hands that would be rather impreseve and people would be paying more attantion to the fifteenth finger then the dollar. Anyhow This is AWESOME and I hope you put good use on this puppy.

Chengs Riser- Chengs back with another impressive bit of astonishment. I like this. I don't love it but I like it. Its Fun to perform and when you learn it you will think "that's how its done" I personally have trouble performing it. something about it just doesn't work with me but that doenst mean it wont work for you. If you like a VISUAL in your face up close rip your heart out and fry it for supper card move. (last statement not needed) This is it. Play with it in front of the mirrror for a LONG time to make it look JUst like Chengs then you know your ready to kick some riser butt.

Seductive Switch 2- egh. Ill be honest. I didn't take the time to really try this out. It looks good but in my mind a simple transpo is not only simplier but does not require bending a card in 6ths. Now you could throw this away or use it for the absolute most datectable crimps ever. And sadly that's the only options. Ill be honest I watched this 3 times and the moves where very clevor and hid EVERYTHING. I think its a good effect but just that idea of "Ok heres your card bent as all hell. bye." doesn't work with me. hopefully it will work for you but I'm just trying too be one hundread percent honest.

Growing Card- Another one that prob has a lot of potential but I just cant seem to unlock it. The card turns HUGE but then small then done. doesn't seem exciting nor convincing atleast in my eyes. I think that the method is easy to figure out and your left rather dirty unless you do some sort of clean up. I really hope you guys don't hate on me for critising this material as I am but its just my personal beleifs. it simply doesn't work for me.

Well I hope you enjoyed my second review. its rather annoying to write this and my hands hurt like you wont beleive but I feel that its worth it because explaining something is learning it twice. see you tomorrow for review 3 for now good night

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Profile of PatrickGregoire
I disagree that you are reset after performing Tubular. You are, in a sense, reset, but only in the sense that you have regained what you need to perform it again. That doesn't mean you can immediately do it again, because you'd have to straighten out the bill.
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Profile of Timboslice
Ah phooy. You are correct. But After the unrolling THEN your reset. Good call my friend =D
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Profile of realorcy
I did ss2 for real layman,and it really kills.They sweared they saw the bad hand,and then changed to blackjack.I have my own presentation to strengthen the effect.
You can use your old deck to do this,You will destroy an old card every time ,but it well worth it.
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Profile of *Bro*
Realorcy, would love to hear your presentation points on this, this is the one effect on TA my camera man a non magician learned and he just kills with it all the time!