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The Magic Cafe Forum Index :: Dvd, Video tape, Audio tape & Compact discs. :: Title: X-or Incredible Coin Effect by Heavenzkool (0 Likes) Printer Friendly Version

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Profile of MagicSanta
Title: X-or Incredible Coin Effect by Heavenzkool
Medium: DVD
Arena: Coin effect
Available: Any shop, Distributed by Murphys Magic Supplies

Our friends at Heavenzkool strike again only this time by DVD rather than by a release of a routine with written instructions. I was very interested in this because the instructions for their other releases were very badly translated and I wanted to see how they were going to communicate on DVD. I soon got the answer as I sat down to watch X-or. The DVD is right out of the Street Assassins hand book. There is no speaking but you get various shots of the coin effect, three versions, being shot with written instructions popping up on the screen. As expected the phrases were very badly translated into English. Someone really needs to sit these guys down and explain to them that they need to find a good translator for future projects. The statements are understandable and the shots are complete enough so that you will be able to learn the effects with little problem. The DVD had funky electric music in the background, very street, and the presenter was shown from the neck down and wearing black…perfect for the Hallway Hit Men to learn from, just the black shirt alone will keep the youngsters thrilled. End result quality wise is the camera work was done pretty well.

X-or is, to the best of my knowledge, a method of producing and vanishing a coin and also to produce a coin in a glass. The method is, as I’ve seen before from Heavenzkool, mechanically sound. The problem is, and those more into coins that I can correct me if I’m wrong, the idea to me is your hand should look natural and not claw like. While watching the performance of the sleight I knew exactly where the coin was and I doubt it will fool anyone. Then again Criss Angel is always doing those silly movements with his hand that may be some kind of sign or martial arts thing, I’m not familiar with it, but then again he is trying to look like a leather clad mamma’s boy attempting to be tough so maybe hand contortions are part of it. Now that I think of it, maybe this is perfect for the Street Assassins. Oh well, either way the location of the coin was telegraphed and the move was very similar to how I use to conceal coins when I had no clue how to conceal coins. On the positive side this is a method of showing your hand empty front and back. I can picture the spectator thinking “wow, his hand is completely empty, darn shame he has arthritis so bad”. Another positive is I’ve never seen a published move like this, there may be a reason, but I’ve never seen it.

Again we have an example of development for the market rather than releasing to the market working material. For you coin nuts this might interest you, maybe the street guys who want to make semi gang signs while performing. While I continue to applaud Heavenzkool for being out there swinging I believe they need to hire a working magician who isn’t afraid to tell them the truth about some of the releases. In my opinion being a new method or sleight isn’t as important as it being a routine or method that can be part of an entertaining routine that also fools the spectators. I don’t care of the method is two hundred years old, if it works it has value over the new and bold that doesn’t get the job done. I’d really like to see these guys hit a home run, this just isn’t it.
Curtis Kam
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same as you, plus 3 and enough to make
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Profile of Curtis Kam
Most of the coin guys who have seen this move before, and especially the guy who previously released it, don't share your enthusiasm for Heavenzkool:
Is THAT a PALMS OF STEEL 5 Banner I see? YARRRRGH! Please visit The Magic Bakery
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Profile of Markymark
Anything I have seen from 'Heavenzkool' has been over priced,poorly translated garbage.
''In memory of a once fluid man,crammed and distorted by the classical mess'' -Bruce Lee
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Profile of MagicSanta
My 'enthusiasm'? I've panned everything they have released as being poorly translated, non-workable, non-magical, stuff released just to release and make money rather than being good magic. Exactly how am I enthusiastic about their products?
Curtis Kam
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same as you, plus 3 and enough to make
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Profile of Curtis Kam
Sorry, "I’d really like to see these guys hit a home run, this just isn’t it." sounded like you were holding out hope. Since you obviously didn't like this product, the reader would have to assume your faith that they might and could "hit a home run" was based upon something else; "enthusaism" being one likely explanation.

To answer your question precisely, it appeared that despite your feelings about their products, you had faith in Heavenzkool it/themselves. No one said you were enthusiastic about their products.
Is THAT a PALMS OF STEEL 5 Banner I see? YARRRRGH! Please visit The Magic Bakery
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Northern Nevada
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Profile of MagicSanta
I certainly don't feel any ill will toward them, I don't know who they are. They are trying and I admire people who make effort. I'm sorry if you feel not wanting to see anyone be a complete failure is 'enthusiasm' but it could be you have information on them that I do not.

I hereby withdrawl my hope that they may someday succeed and replace it for a wish that they quickly are put out of business and return to the gutter they previously called home.
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Profile of paymerich
So is there an review of this crap I mean effect ??
Have a Magical Day!
<BR>The Maniacal Mage
<BR>Pablo Aymerich
<BR>Norwalk, CT 06851
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Profile of MagicSanta
A review of which crap?
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Norwalk, CT
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Profile of paymerich
Never mind I reread your inital post
Have a Magical Day!
<BR>The Maniacal Mage
<BR>Pablo Aymerich
<BR>Norwalk, CT 06851
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Inner circle
Northern Nevada
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Profile of MagicSanta
I shan't give it another thought sir...