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Title:WGMBTWGM Magic With Dice
Medium: DVD
Arena: Close up, dice
Available: Any shop, distributed by Murphys Magic Supplies

Dice, everyone has seen them, most have used them in one form or another, those that have not you’ll likely not be doing magic for. Dice can be found in most homes, bars, all kinds of places so they are great for what some like to call impromptu magic and also are great for prepared routines as part of a close up show. I like dice but I don’t have a lot of magic that uses them, thanks to L & L my problems have been solved. They continue with their compilation of routines based on theme in inexpensive DVDs under the title of The Worlds Greatest Magic By The Worlds Greatest Magicians. So far I’ve not seen a dud under that umbrella and Magic With Dice is not a dud either.

The quality is as good as one expects from L & L. The routines are lifted from previously released material, surprisingly I’ve seen none of the material here before, so you might run into a routine you have worked on before. There are no production problems at all here, the camera work and sound is fine. On this DVD you get six routines or handlings from some of the top guys in magic. Let’s take a look at what is offered.

Dice Stacking Routine by John Mendoza.

This is a nice dice stacking routine. I’ve often wanted to work on dice stacking and never really thought about it as more than a demonstration of skill. John has a nice ending for the routine, which he got from Senator Crandall. I think one can learn stacking from the instructions given.

Four Dice Chink a Chink by Daryl:

I really liked this routine. Daryl put in some moves that really elevate the routine from where most would have it to a very nice performance piece. You’ll want to practice this one but you end clean and that is a big bonus. Impressive.

Dice Routine by Steve Dacri:

Another Chink a Chink routine using dice with some interesting additions. Unlike Daryls you don’t end as clean but worth looking at. Between the two, because of the addition of a special box, most would do Daryls.

Wild Dice by Mark Leveridge:

I had heard of this routine but never have seen it before. What a great routine. It combines a cups and balls with a shell routine with a double kicker at the end. The method is organic and can be done by anyone. In the case of this routine you will have to manage your spectators, you do not want anyone grabbing at your boxes during the performance. This may be tough for some of the younger folks performing for peers so if you are going to do this routine watch the spectators, keep things rolling, and don’t fall for the ‘everything must be inspected’ nonsense. This is a killer routine, best one I’ve seen with dice.

Sack’s Dice Routine by Daryl:

Here is the second best dice routine I’ve ever seen but one that will require either a knack or practice to get your moves down as this is pure sleight of hand. This is also the most difficult, in my opinion, routine of the bunch. The routine requires two normal dice and you make them do things normal dice should never do. Numbers jump around and change places, even a very visible change of dots from one die to another. You can even leave the dice behind when done. You have to see this to really understand how visual it is. If you want to do this routine you must practice until you are smooth as silk before presenting it. Done well it will leave ‘em wondering if you have real powers, or at least if the dice are real, which they are.

Zach Stack the Act by James Zachary:

What would dice be without the father of dice himself? James Zachary is the go to guy for dice stacking. He provides instruction on the cups, stacking, the dice, gimmicks you can make, all kinds of stuff. This is like a mini seminar on dice stacking and worth watching. James stacks up to 14 dice in a cup, and it is just plain ol’ casino dice. He is very impressive and combine this with Johns work and you can put together your own routine. Here is one hint not on the DVD, if you make a close up pad have one side be pad the other a hard smooth surface to do dice stacking on.

Overall very strong stuff. I’d say learn to stack some dice, learn the Chink a Chink from Daryl and Leveridges great Wild Dice and you’ll have a great addition to the bar act or close up act. Not advised for table work, except the Sachs routine, but some real good stuff here. Find it where great magic is sold.