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The Magic Cafe Forum Index :: Dvd, Video tape, Audio tape & Compact discs. :: Slydini Lecture vs. As I Recall (0 Likes) Printer Friendly Version

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Tod Todson
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Profile of Tod Todson
Both of these DVD's are on Slydini.

Both of them have Cellini presenting.

What is the difference between them?

Which one is considered better by folks?
Mystifier, Youth Speaker
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Profile of MagicSanta
Boy....tough question. I considered this after watching both DVD's. I would have to first say both are very good. The biggest difference is the As I Recall gives you a more historical look at Slydini from more than just the perspective of Cellini but with the major contribution of Cellini. There is, of course, a lot of info that is in both projects that are the same. The lecture dvd is just that, a lecture, and a very good one.

If I had to choose between the two I'd have to go with As I Recall. Let me tell you why. First it is about a facinating man and this will get you closer to him than any other project. Secondly the best material taught on the lecture DVD is better covered on the As I particular this would be Slydini Silks, The Box and Paper Balls, and the production of silks. There is much more material and information on As I Recall, which is one of the best DVD's on magic I've seen.

I feel bad looking at both in competition but you would end up further along with Recall.
Tod Todson
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Profile of Tod Todson

Thanks for your recomendation.

The "Lecture" DVD talks about Slydini teaching how to walk and sit, etc.

Are these kinds of tidbits shared on "As I Recall" also?
Mystifier, Youth Speaker
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Profile of MagicSanta
Well...Cellini opens As I Recall with the discussion on how Slydini said to walk on stage, sit, etc.. Since this is part of his lecture he presents the information on both DVDs in pretty much exactly the same way.
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Profile of MagicSanta
As I drove in the snow today I realized I wasn't really being strong enough in my response. The over all quality of production and content is much higher with As I Recall compared to the lecture DVD which was just a stagnant shot of a lecture, though a good lecture it was. If I had to give up one of the dvds I'd stick with Recall w/out hesitation.
Andy the cardician
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Profile of Andy the cardician
Thanks - good information, as I had the same question on my mind . . .
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Profile of TheAmbitiousCard
As I recall is a superior product but the lecture is good. I was surprised how good the quality was for just a lecture video.

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Profile of msmaster
Thanks for the insight men. I love Slydini, but surprisingly I wasn't familiar with either of these dvds. Where are they available?
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Profile of daffydoug
My ears always perk up when someone mentions Slydini. I want to find out more.
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Profile of KevinWisch
Hi guys,

FYI- My Father, Bill Wisch, is going to begin his new lecture called "Slydini- The Lecture" very soon. He's finishing up lecture notes now. Few people know he was the only student ever officially authorized by Slydini to lecture his magic. He's the one student whose voice hasn't been heard since he introduced the original Slydini books with his original tour in the 70's

Look for it soon and check out the link for more info.

- Kevin
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Profile of mrmuji
Thanks Kevin, I saw that you are the person to contact. When will the lecture be? Do keep us informed.

Best Regards,
