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The Magic Cafe Forum Index :: Dvd, Video tape, Audio tape & Compact discs. :: Jay Sankey's Hundred Dollar Miracles (1 Like) Printer Friendly Version

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Profile of BrianMillerMagic
As the title suggests, Sankey has a new dvd out titled Hundred Dollar Miracles. You can check out a video demo over at his site SankeyMagic. I was just curious what you guys think about this? I'll keep my opinion to myself until after anyone else has put in their opinion. I do not own it of course, and I do not expect anyone to begin giving "reviews" on the dvd before you've seen it (let's not have it turn into that kind of a thread). I'm just looking for general observations on what we can expect from the dvd, I suppose. So comment away!
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Profile of ryesteve
Speaking from a marketing perspective, the demo video doesn't do a great job of selling it. But I can understand the reluctance to show any actual routines, since the method behind them all is already known.
Marc Frese
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Hello BrianMillerMagic and ryesteve.
I recommend the book: SWITCH - Unfolding The $100 Bill Change by John Lovick
In this book are so incredibly good ideas and routines.
With something one can consider wide effect invent.
This book is the insanity.
Instead of bank notes one can transform also described or paper with sketches.
Indeed, the book is a more loyal, however, for what agrees one it is absolutely justified.
Red Shadow
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Not another Jay Sankey DVD!

He puts a new one out every few months, and it shows in his tricks.
His first DVDs were good, because they were tricks you might actually do, but now he's just creating c-list effects that nobody in their right mind would do.

And please, stop with the folded up note in the TT switch tricks.

Jay Sankey WAS a good magician, but now he's just putting as many DVDs out there to make a quick buck. He needs to slow down and release a quality DVD to get his name back up in the ratings.

They say its quality, not quantity that sells.

Danny Diamond
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I just question one thing...

If a magician is literally releasing a new DVD or effect, every month or so - then when is he actually out there performing these effects to test them out? Is Sankey doing any paid performances and actually using all of the stuff he is releasing? Or is he just coming up with untested effects to fill a new DVD?

I know we shouldn't form opinions without seeing the item or work in question, but can we really be faulted at this point for doing so? I will admit that I have pre-conceived negative opinions on anything Sankey releases. Normally I am very open and reserve judgement, but not in this case and not with Sankey.
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Profile of BrianMillerMagic
On 2007-01-19 05:20, Marc Frese wrote:
Hello BrianMillerMagic and ryesteve.
I recommend the book: SWITCH - Unfolding The $100 Bill Change by John Lovick

Marc, I appreciate your recommendation but I wasn't looking to learn the bill switch. I've know and performed the hundred dollar bill switch for many years. I was simply wondering what others thought about this new release from Sankey.

My personal opinion is similar to other: Sankey puts out too many products too quickly now and it does show in the quality of the effects. Many effects are straight variations or often duplicates of effects that he's previously released. I do not think that this dvd will "become the bible of the bill switch" or whatever it said on his site. You don't even need to know that many routines using the bill switch. Knowing one or two really well is much better than trying to learn a thousand of them.

Having said that, Sankey still has a product on the market through Elmwood Magic called The Ultimate Bill Switch Kit. While it doesn't do a great job explaining the bill switch, it is very nice if you already know it. It includes the materials to perform three very cool bill switch routines that don't use real dollar bills. I highly recommend it. You can find it here.
Cameron Francis
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Jay has been putting out a lot of stuff lately. More than usual. However, I think most of the effects on this dvd are re-releases of some of his older bill switch routines. And he's had some great, off beat applications. He actually gave out a trick in his newletter about a year ago which was a three phase time travel bill switch routine using steno paper. It was fantastic. I couldn't believe he was tipping it in his newsletter. Hopefully that will be on the disc.

I haven't purchased any of his new products (how can you keep up?) but I might check this one out.
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I suppose you can't quite expect 'ground-breaking' material anymore from Sankey, those days were long past back when Paperclipped came out.

But with that in mind, I think we should view this DVD as a source of inspiration for what else we can do with the sacred TT. I feel a lot of us, myself included, underuse our TT.

If we view Sakney's new DVDs with the mindset that they're just ideas and not full-flexed, solid, go-outside-and-perform-it-in-your-show routines, then we'd save ourselves a lot of grief...and if we were to perchance upon a stellar item in the DVD, we'll be pleasantly surprised.

Take care guys,

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Profile of evolve629
This link is worth revisiting...
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Review King
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On 2007-01-19 21:35, evolve629 wrote:
This link is worth revisiting...

Evolve, great link. Mr. Wakeman's comments were very interesting on the history.


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the saddest are, "It might have been"

..........John Greenleaf Whittier
Andy the cardician
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Thanks Evolve, as for Sankey - why not milk the market as long as it is possible?
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Profile of bond19
Hi Evolve,

I've read many of your comments and posts here on the Café, but never directly replied. So first of I would like to say "Hi" and what a great link on the bill switch. I have only just started to use it (and my TT in general) and the history surrounding the switch really is quite intersting.

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Profile of bond19
Back on topic (sorry folks)...well Brian, I love Sankeys DVD's like Secret files, Very best of JS and front row Sankey. I really am liking more possiblities for the bill switch, and who know this DVD just might have a hidden gem on it to take and work into a routine. For the time being I will hang back and wait for some reviews to come in.
Donny Orbit
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I don't do a lot of children magic, but I do an effect in a restaurant where I show a drawing from a coloring book, a child waves his crayon over the drawing, and it is partially colored. The child can then finish coloring it. It appears as though Jay has something very similar on his dvd's.

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So, no reviews?... Smile ..
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Review King
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Jay should have shown at least one rotuine on the demo. The super speed multi effects in a row didn't do much for me.

There could be a gem on this, but I'd have to have someone I respect tell this DVD is worth it.
"Of all words of tongue and pen,
the saddest are, "It might have been"

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Hi MagicChris,

If you hear anything, then let us know.

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Profile of magicinsight
Would you say that regarding this effect in particular it is "easier" to learn it from a DVD (video) than from a book since the actual moves/sleights, timing, and angles can be seen in more detail in dvd/video than from drawings or photographs in a book?

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Joshua Barrett
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On 2007-01-19 05:39, ku7uk3 wrote:
Not another Jay Sankey DVD!

He puts a new one out every few months, and it shows in his tricks.
His first DVDs were good, because they were tricks you might actually do, but now he's just creating c-list effects that nobody in their right mind would do.

And please, stop with the folded up note in the TT switch tricks.

Jay Sankey WAS a good magician, but now he's just putting as many DVDs out there to make a quick buck. He needs to slow down and release a quality DVD to get his name back up in the ratings.

They say its quality, not quantity that sells.


traveling expenses is a very good "folded up dollar in the TT trick. it kills laymen
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I do not recall which Sankey DVD it was, but I remember seeing him perform/explain a version of the bill switch using a piece of paper with punched holes in it rather than a dollar bill where the holes moved. It was a very good effect and routine.

“Belief matters more than truth. Every moment, belief in imaginary things alters lives while truth sits unnoticed and waits.”
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