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The Magic Cafe Forum Index :: Dvd, Video tape, Audio tape & Compact discs. :: Liquid Metal Starring Morgan Strebler (0 Likes) Printer Friendly Version

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Profile of LegendaryEgos
Does anyone have a review for Liquid Metal Starring Morgan Strebler? I looked thru the forum and didn't see one. I am interested in this one but want to know if it plays as good as the demo.

You can see the demo here:


Shawn D
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It plays just like the demo if you pratice enough.
Great DVD
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Profile of LegendaryEgos
Thanks Shawn...

I read somewhere that you have to have strong hands and when you start out your hands will get raw from the bending. Did you experiance any of that?

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Profile of GarySumpter
With any metal bending like this, your hands will need to get used to movements and actions that will at seem unnatural, but you soon get used to them.

I have personally seen many metal bending videos / dvds, including PK Silverware by Banachek. I personally didn't rate that video at all. I still liked the premise of metal bending, but I went away feeling less than inspired.

However, at the blackpool Magic COnvention last year, Morgan was demonstrating his Liquid Metal routine over and over.


Honesty, he repeatedly fooled groups of magicians, first grabbing them, then throwing them to the ground, then repeatedly beating them up.

With LM, I think that Morgan has cut out a lot of the crap 'bends' and fillers and linked together a smooth selection of moves that really pack a punch.

All I can say is, ive seen it LIVE and it WOWS the muggles!

Bill Thompson
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On 2006-12-04 05:04, GarySumpter wrote:
Honesty, he repeatedly fooled groups of magicians, first grabbing them, then throwing them to the ground, then repeatedly beating them up.

Sooooo... This is how to fool magicians. First you have to beat them up. I get it... misdirection, yeah. While they are wincing in pain you bend the spoon! I get it! Smile
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Jay Are
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I think the strength of this routine really deppends on the performer...

If you do primarily mentalism for a sober crowd, I would suggest something other than liquid (psy silverware for example...)

If you are a performing magician for a sober crowd -- liquid metal is fine...

If you are a mentalist performing for a drunk rowdy crowd -- LM will do the trick...

if you are a performing magician performing for a drunken room full of Alpaca farmers -- then you need a better agent....

For me the bends in Liquid are a little too "BIG" to suit my character...

Having spoken with Morgan about this he brought up a key point, this routine was crafted for his work in night clubs -- where the material needed to be fast and visual...

The moves as they are work perfectly for him, a few of them are too "in your face" for me, with not enough "animated bending".

I prefer to show the items bending very slowly and very visually...

As opposed to "watch, look, now it's bent!"...

too close to magic, the bends happen to fast...

But, I am primarily a drunken mentalist with a lengthy client list of Alpaca farms...

By the way, if anyone is interested -- my thoughts and feelings on this dvd and metal bending in general can be found here...

and here
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Profile of ToasterofDoom
Lemme guess, bad experiences at the Alpaca Bar & Grill? We've all been there... or not.
Shawn D
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Profile of Shawn D
Great post Gary. My feeling exactly.
Marc, if you ge the right spoons the only part that really wore on my hands is the corkscrew bend. The tine bends are easy with the right forks. Walmart use to wsale them in my area but not they have differnt forks so I went to a place that sale kitchen stuff and ordered the forks from them. Morgan tells you what kind of forks they are on the DVD.
Good luck
Shawn D
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Profile of LegendaryEgos
Thanks Shawn and everyone else who responded. Thanks again!
Daniel Faith
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Profile of Daniel Faith
I have the DVD. It's very good and I recommend it if your wanting to bend things. It has a nice twist with forks.
Daniel Faith
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Profile of highmagic
How does it compare, say, to the Banachek's metal bending video? Thanks
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Profile of meatball76
My partner and I bought the dvd LM and we use it in our magic show before and after the show as walk arounds. We can do it over and over and it always works for us, but taking the time to bend all the forks we use takes a toll on my hands. It's well worth it though.
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Profile of GarySumpter
In my opinion, if you watch banacheks vid / dvd and then LM, you will prefer LM.

I do Smile

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Profile of BenSalinas
I felt that the hands went out of sight too often. Jeff, I also didn't like the "look it's bent" feel as opposed to series of "visual" bends. And you're right about the drunken crowd approach. It definitely plays better for drunken wandering crowds in downtown Vegas. Sober crowds need to "see" it bending once in a while to help carry the not-so-visual bends.

With a little thought, you could easily craft a routine of visual & non-visual bends that would still be quick-paced enough for drinking crowds, but would also serve sober audiences. Then you'd have a worker for any crowd.

Ben S
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The great trouble with magicians is the fact that they believe when they have bought a certain trick or piece of apparatus, and know the method or procedure, that they are full-fledged mystifiers. -- Harry Houdini
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Profile of michaangelo
I have the DVD and I dig it. I agree that the corkscrew bend is the most difficult and takes practice to perfect. I highly recommend the DVD.
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Profile of emyers99
I've been performing this since it came out and I've taken a few beatings on the Café for posting positive reviews about it, but after well over 200 performances (and lots of forks) I still say this is one of the absolute strongest routines I've come across in the last 20 years. People come up to me all the time and either pull out a mangled fork that I gave them months ago or they ask to see the "fork trick." It never fails. In fact, I hear "do that fork trick" so much that I forgot the actual name of the effect.

In the beginning it takes practice to get the hand strength down, but now I can do corkscrews in my sleep. It's worth teh effort.
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Profile of Nechto
I would say if you wanted a serious metal bending DVD then Psychokinetic silverware is the way to go. Liquid Metal is a bit too punchy and quick, Pk Silverware is slow and visual and also Banachek goes through some VERY VERY valuable tips on the psychology of presenting your metal bending.

I personally would go Pk Silverware over Liquid Money any day of the week, if your spectator watches it slowly bend then there is no question in their mind of what you are doing.

Just my two pence!

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Profile of Juniper587
When I bought liquid metal I thought it was a great DVD. in fact I still do. The only problem is metal bending does not suit my character or performing style at all.
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Profile of sleightofand
How do this dvds compare to the worlds greatest magicians dvd from llpub, metal bending. richard osterind does an amazing fork bend on that and was considering get that or banacheks, thanks, andy