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Eternal Order
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Profile of magic4u02
I am excited to have come across a great CD and tool that I was so excited about that I actually wanted to get more involved with and share with you. I felt the product of the Magic Enhancer was such a great idea that I think others can benefit from it. Let me try and give you the review and comments I gave to Robert when he talked to me a few months back.

First off, Magic Enhancer is a professional compilation of studio enhanced voice and audio tracks aimed at improving any show or entertainment business. Each track is designed to solve some of the most common problems facing performers today. With solutions for audio voice overs, show openers, sound effects and more, Magic Enhancer puts the power of professional sound in your control.

I was really impressed with the overall quality of the CD. Most CDs I have listened to over the years either have a quality of sound that is too computerized or not professional as it needs to be. The voice tracks on here are from a professional DJ and his voice is really powerful.

I was impressed also with the sheer variety of tracks you get on the CD. Not only are you getting announcements, but Rob has also included tracks from what he feels other entertainers can use. This CD also comes with voice-overs, audience chaser music, openers, closers, sound effects and even professional tracks for your own answering machine. I liked the fact that the Cd is very versatile in this way.

I also like the fact that Magic Enhancer can be completely cusomized. This is something I have not seen from any other product and I wanted to let Rob know personally that I thought it was a wonderful idea. You can purchase the CD with 14 of the tracks customized with your own stage name as part of the tracks. This is like getting a totally customized audio track for your show without the hassle or expense of doing it yourself.

I was quite impressed with this product so much that I wanted to get more involved with it and share it with all of you in regards to my thoughts on it. You can check out the tracks and such for yourself and let me know what you think.

The site is:


Let me know what you think. I think it is a wonderful new product and hope Rob will produce a new one in the future.

Kyle Peron

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Amazing Magic Co
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Thanks for the tip, review and endorsement. This seems prett cost effective.

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Eternal Order
Philadelphia, PA
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Profile of magic4u02

It really is an amazing CD. Even if anyone would buy the CD as is, their is so much useful tracks on it that it can save anyone money and make your show that much more professional. There are over 40 tracks on the Cd alone that covers off on various things that I know I use every day and every performance. It has made my show look and appear that much more professional with this quality sound and audio tracks. It has imporved my perceived value in the minds of my prospects and client.

If I were to do it myself, it would cost so much more and my voice sounds lousy. hehe I would much rather have a professional do it and I am glad Rob has put this together. It has saved me a bundle already.

I am really impressed that you can also get the CD customized with the voice tracks even saying your professional stage name. This is also something that impressed me a lot. That would mean a customized professional audio tracks with my stage name at a fraction of the cost it would cost me if I had to go to someone to do it.

I am very excited about the Magic Enhancer CD and I am looking forward to other cd projects Rob might do in the future.

For now I am going to continue to use the Magic Enhancer Cd I have and enjoy the professional value it adds to my shows.

If anyone has any questionson the Cd, since I own one, please let me know. I would be happy to share with you my honest feedback on it. My pleasure.

Kyle Peron

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Magic Enhancer
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Robert Haas
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Kyle and Dan,

Thank you for your kind words regarding this product. I have creatd it because I feel that this is a big void in the magic community. I wanted todeliver a high-quality product, with a very affordable price. I'm not sure if you know this, but 14 of the 40 tracks on this CD can be completely customized with your performance or stage name on it. That is, instead of the CD reading something like this:

"Ladies and gentlemen, please welcome your magician..."

It will read:

"Ladies and gentlemen, please welcoem the Magic Of Kobi..."

In addition to just the voices on these tracks, there is also sound effects added to the tracks, to give it that modern feel. I know it's difficult to explain, but by visiting the web site, you can hear some samples. Just visit the "Track Listing" section in the web site, and can hear the samples.

I hope this helps!

Robert Haas
Robert Haas
Magic Enhancer
Quality magic products for the working professional.
Michael Graves
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I am trying to get ahold of Robert but his website is down and I tried to place an oder for the CD and the paypal had TECH diffs. Anyone know how the customer service is with him?
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Profile of Majestic12
His website appears up. He is easy to get a hold of, good customer service.
Cody S. Fisher
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Profile of Cody S. Fisher
For the full time professional this CD is solid gold. I have been using a "pre-show" announcement track for helps to get the audience ready for your show and set the mood. This is a quality product! Highly recommended!

Cody S. Fisher
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Andy the cardician
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Profile of Andy the cardician
What a great idea. Thanks for posting this.

Cards never lie
Tim Hannig
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Some people have emailed me with confusion about the difference between my cd, "The Show Starts before the Show Starts" and "The Magic Enhancer".

I say, "Get them both!" : )

Robert purchased my cd in January '06 and we emailed back and forth. He was gentleman enough to let me know that he wanted to make sure NOT to copy any of my ideas, and he didn't.

I recently purchased his cd, and think it is a also great product. Both of our cd's have received great reviews in the magazines.

If you are looking for comedy preshow announcements & introductions, then check mine out.
There is no music on my cd. The announcements were designed to be put in between songs during preshow or postshow. There are also several introductions.

The Magic Enhancer is filled with music and other types of announcements, drum rolls, phone messages, etc.

Different products, but both useful for the working magician.

By the way, does anyone else have them both?
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Profile of Majestic12
HI Tim, I will have to look into your product also. I have Magic Enhancer and like it.

I was wondering if volume 2 of Magic Enhancer is still being worked on... any release date?
Magic Enhancer
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Robert Haas
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Thank you very much for your kind words. A special thank you to Cody and Majestic. Lastly, thank you Tim for clarifying that. I guess it could be easy to confuse the two products.

Majestic..Volume 2 is currently being worked on, and most of the tracks are finished. I posted an ad here on the Café not too long ago to probe for some recommendations or requests for Volume 2. I have gotten some great feedback from some big names in the business- like Cody Fisher for instance!! (Thanks again Cody). As I've mentioned, most of the tracks are finished for Volume 2. I have a lot that didn't make the cut, and am going to save those for Volume 3. I guess this is a good time to ask one last time- What Do You Guys and Girls want on the Magic Enhancer CD? Let me I can even incorporate it onto Volume 2 if I get it soon enough.

I don't have a release date for Volume 2 quite yet. I was aiming for the summer, but I want to really gauge it's success. I'm aiming sometime for the summer or fall. But nothing is set in stone yet. I will also be taking pre-orders for Volume 2 as well when the time comes. I will keep you posted as to when that happens. I hope those who have purchased Volume 1 will also purchase volume 2. I've heard nothing but good things about the CD overall, and I will continue to provide a top quality product for an affordable price. I will deliver nothing less than that. That's my promise to all of you.

So, here's my lst "cry" for ideas and suggestions for Volume 2. What do you need? What do you want to see less of? More of? I want to try make this CD appeal to as many types of magicians / performers / entertainers as I can.

As for VOlume 2, I am going to try to keep the layout the same. Volume 2 will have more openers, closers, sound effects, segues, chasers, etc. It will also have some funny new announcements. I don't want to let too much info out, but Volume 2 will also have something for you escape artists. A countdown with some awesome royalty free music and the times being announced. I will have 2 or 3 different versions of this (short and long). So, that's just a little sneak peek at what Volume 2 will encompass.

Thank you all for your assistance and help regarding this CD. I owe tons of gratitude to my good buddy and esteemed colleague Kyle Peron (who, by the way, will be performing at SAM Dallas- and he's a kick ass logo designer by the way!)). He's helped so much launching this product. Also wanted to thank Cody, Mike Guisti, Lyndel, and so many others for their contributions to the Magic Enhancer as well. Thanks everyone!
Robert Haas
Magic Enhancer
Quality magic products for the working professional.
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Eternal Order
Philadelphia, PA
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Profile of magic4u02
Thanks Rob for the kind words about my design and about my upcoming session/lecture at SAM Nationals this July in Dallas. I am really looking forward to it and hope anyone going to dallas will plan on sitting in on the session called "Curtain Call". It should be a session unlike anything you have seen or heard of before and something very new to the art of magic. If you are planning on being at Dallas, let me know and shoot me a PM. I would love to see you in the audience and have a chance to sya hello to you in person.

It was and is my pleasure and privilege to work as a partner with Robert on the first Magic Enhancer CD that we released a few months ago. Robert and I had the idea to do this for a while but it took a long time in research, development, permissions and really making sure that the final product we put out on the market met the needs of you the working magician. Afterall, it does no one any good if what we put out is not what you want or need.

We thank you all for your help and comments as Rob and I have both received many calls and e-mails with great suggesttions for volume 2 as some really nice complements on the first volume of Magic Enhancer now on the market.

Rob and I both thank you all for your continued support and thank you for purchasing the Magic Enhancer CD. We hope that it is everything that you wanted it to be and that is has served you well.

As Rob stated above, we are curretnyl in development of Volume 2 and have received many great ideas and suggestions from you. However, we still need your help. We want to know what it is YOU guys want and need and would like to see in future volumes of the Magic Enhancer. All ideas are certainly looked over and we thank you and encourage you for your thoughts.

Also much thanks goes out to Cody Fisher and to Tim Hannig for both their continued support and encouragement. We really do appreciate it more then you guys may know. Thank you both.

Kyle Peron

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Profile of Metone
Wow this is fantastic. Saves a lot of time and money trying to get the right sound effects. I am ordering mine now.
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Profile of Lyndel
Having a bit of inside knowledge about what's going to be on Volume II, I can say without reservation that it's going to be as good if not better than Volume I!

Stay tuned for another product from Robert that'll be announced soon as well! It's going to be awesome!

If you have not already bought your copy of Volume I - What in the heck are you waiting on!? This CD will give your show a professional edge and make you look like a MILLION bucks!

Walking Bob
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Is this the same Magic Enhancer CD that Hank Lee is offering for $35?


Walking Bob in Iowa
Michael Graves
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I would like the option of getting the voice and no background so we could customize the tracks a bit if we like to. I do not think people would just keep there dry reads and never order again. I have been in the radio buisness for over 15 years and do production and on air work. I can tell you a lot of time goes into producing sound quality like the magic enhancer, so if you think making your own is easy, its not. but for thoes of us who would like to work on a few things it would be nice to have dry audio as an option along with the CD production. I would even be willing to pay more for that added option.
Magic Enhancer
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Robert Haas
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Hello once again!! Thank you for he kind words Metone, Michael and Lyndel. I appreciate it. A special Thank You to Lyndel who's advice and input was a major contribution to Volume 2. He's helped me so much with putting this together, as has Mike Giusti, Kyle Peron, and Cody Fisher. I owe them all greatly......Lyndel and Kyle have also helped me with a new project we're all working on under the Magic Enhancer label, but I can't tell you what it is quite yet, but it's going to be GREAT!!! It will most likely be released PRIOR to Magic Enhancer Volume 2.

Bob, to answer your question- Yes. This is the same CD as carried by Hank Lee, Hocus-Pocus, and other magic stores. The Magic Enhancer can be purchased in 2 ways. The first way is the generic CD, and the second way is the customized CD. The generic CD is written to be used by any magician. For instance, tracks will include "Ladies and Gentlemen, you're magician for the evening". Now, if you were to choose the customized option, the track would read "Ladies and Gentlemen, please welcome The Magic of <insert name here>." We would be able to fill your stage name or company name into all of the tracks to make it completely personalized for you. The generic version can be used by just about anybody- but does not include the customization feature.

Michael, I will consider your needs for the voice only. I'll have to collaborate with others to see if we can gauge a demand for it. I also want to try to stay away from it because then we'll hear "BAD" Magic Enhancers. For instance, people using the great Magic Enhancer voice, on some shoddy tracks. Being an ex-mobile DJ, I totally understand your need though. I can't promise you anything, but I will look into it. However, if you were to purchase a custom track (Yes, we do custom work as well), I can definitely provide you with the regular and "acapella" versions.

So, I hope that answers everyone's concerns. I hope to hear more feedback as to what performers would like to see on future volumes. Please email me or PM me with your ideas or suggestions.

Once again, thank you to Kyle, Mike, Lyndel and Cody for your help, ideas and support with the Magic Enhancer. My sidekick, Kyle, has really helpd me with this project since the conception, and motivated me to do it. He's been with me since day 1, and I owe him indefinitely. Thanks guys.

Robert Haas
Robert Haas
Magic Enhancer
Quality magic products for the working professional.
Michael Graves
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I understand your worries as yes peopel would make bad ones, but if there was a charge like say you had to buy the custom one at 65 and then you could add voice only tracks for 30 more. Then it might keep the hacks away. People would have to buy the custom version and could not just buy voice only. This way you would knwo the people using it already had soem kick butt versions and would not need to make there own unless they wanted something a little different.

I hope that makes sence.

Thanks for the info on the ventrequiliiiisimmm stuff..see magic is eaiser to spell....m..a..g..i..c.....

pick and easy word...ven-trill-a-quiz-im dats redneck speak der boy.
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Eternal Order
Philadelphia, PA
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Profile of magic4u02
As Robert said, I woukld also like to personally thank everyone who has bought the Magic Enhancer CD or who has offered to help us in so many ways from ideas to just your general support.

When Rob and I first came up with the idea, we were not sure how it would go over opr what exactly we could bring to the magic community. However, we did know that we wanted to create a grade A product and do it the right way. There was just no way that we were going to put out this CD without researching and putting a lot of effort into it to really make it a quality product that can absolutely raise the perceived value of your show. That is what we hope we have done.

As stated, Rob and I are already deeply involved in producing volume 2. As always, your ideas and suggestions for what YOU want to see and can use is greatly appreciated. So any ideas or suggestions you have, please PM myself and or Rob directly. We would appreciate any input you might have.

As Lyndel pointed out we are also working on another product for this fall and just know that it will be an exciting product for the magic community. We are currently revamping the ideas and scripts for it now and hope to continue to fine tune it for a fall 2007 release. Stay tuned.

Thanks Rob for the kind words. Any time my friend. My pleasure to assist you and help you in any way that I can. I beleive in those folks who pursue their own success as you have. I will continue to work with you to make Magic Enhancer the best line of audio products out there on the market today for entertainers.

Kyle Peron

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The Great Smartini
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It's nice to know that the Café is able to help me find all of these wonderful products and as well keep me from purchasing the latest pie in the sky not meant for real world effect. Does anyone know if the personalized edition costs extra?