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The Magic Cafe Forum Index :: Dvd, Video tape, Audio tape & Compact discs. :: Mark Lewis's Psychic Video's (0 Likes) Printer Friendly Version

Good to here.
Scott Xavier
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Dear Café,

I have been reluctant to post on Marks Lewis's psychic videos. You may ask why?

Marks a bit much to handle at times. I have learned to rise above this and give you my honest opinion.

Marks Lewis's psychic videos are EXPENSIVE! But that's good. It will keep the material out of the hands of the "newbies" and glory seekers.

Now inititally, theres nothing new taught in here. What you are basically getting is Marks lecture notes on video. At times you go through them and if you have read Richard Websters material like I have, you see where he learned it from. You may even see a flaw or two. BUT, don't be dismayed yet.

If you haven't studied Websters books and want a lifetime of knowledge in 4 video tapes, get these videos! Mark shows you the set up of a psychic fair, how to draw an initial crowd, and how to obtain information for the reading with natural systems.

You won't need any high tech expensive switching devices, nor will you need a clip board. This stuff is the real psychic material and legitimate systems. They are expensive, so only buy them if you wish to make a "killing" as a super psychic...
Scott Xavier
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Profile of Scott Xavier
I just received some new information on these videos and others. Heres the actual new pricing.

Palmistry video $50
Chinese Numerology video $50
Tarot video $50
Fireside Chat video which describes the business side of being a psychic $50
Audiocassette tape (90 minutes) I am very fond of this tape which describes the ethics and other aspects of being a psychic reader. Price $20

There is also significant discounts if you order in combinations. I would also check out the hypnosis video if you are interested in being a stage hypnotist.

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Profile of Vanni
Thank you Scott for your impressions. I live in Toronto and actually know someone who had a reading from Mark Lewis. They were very impressed indeed. I may well investigate these videos. Where can they be obtained?

I have actually seen Mark Lewis perform close up card magic. He is the best I have ever seen working for laymen. Let us hope that the videos are just as good.
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Profile of Xiqual
On 2005-05-09 20:48, Vanni wrote:
Thank you Scott for your impressions. I live in Toronto and actually know someone who had a reading from Mark Lewis. They were very impressed indeed. I may well investigate these videos. Where can they be obtained?

I have actually seen Mark Lewis perform close up card magic. He is the best I have ever seen working for laymen. Let us hope that the videos are just as good.

Hi Mark!!
Please hurry and write thepitch book. I love your Svengali book.
Still with the Chinese circus Smile
*Mark Lewis*
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Profile of *Mark Lewis*
Since I am now here legitimately I suppose I had better comment on this old post. First only the palmistry and Chinese Numerology DVD is influenced by Richard Webster. The Tarot and Fireside chat are full of my own ideas as is the audiocassette. In addition since that post was made I have added another DVD to the set. It is called Psychic Dimensions and is an hour long television interview with me where I am answering questions from viewers who call in. I even do a card trick on the show! This DVD is very useful for learning purposes even though no explanations are provided.

I am no longer selling the DVDs separately as it is too much hassle. The price for the set of 5 DVDs and one audiocassette is $250.Shipping free. If you are interested you know where to find me.
*Mark Lewis*
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Profile of *Mark Lewis*
Oh, and I forgot to mention that on the "Psychic Dimensions" DVD is a 25 minute bonus section of me doing close up magic in my usual brillant fashion when I was younger and had plenty of hair.
ted french
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What's a cassette?
practice practice perform.
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Profile of TheGreatRaymondo
Mr Lewis,
When oh when are you going to put your Svengali routines and methods on DVD?
It will be a sure fire winner. Please hurry up!
Your humbly
We are inclined to believe those whom we do not know because they have not yet deceived us...