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The Magic Cafe Forum Index :: Dvd, Video tape, Audio tape & Compact discs. :: Dan Tong Live (0 Likes) Printer Friendly Version

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Harry Murphy
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Any container (can, box, or jar) with a top will work. Do a search of metal canisters or stainless steel canisters and you’ll find hundreds listed. You can also check medical supplies and do a similar search.
The artist formally known as Mumblepeas!
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Profile of jprace
Canister! That's the word I was looking for! Thanks!
Aaron Smith Magic
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Portland, OR
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On 2008-09-22 11:09, tedb wrote:
We have another dvd of dans in the can...close-up material....ealy next year I would guess


Any progress on this project, Koz?
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Northern Nevada
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Profile of MagicSanta
Title: Dan Tong Live Tonight
DVD/Stand up magic
Kozmo Magic / distributed by Murphy’s Magical Supplies

Dan Tong is a magician from the East Coast who is getting up there with age and with that age comes lots of experience in performing magic for real audiences. This is clear when you watch the performance segment of this DVD, which is entertaining and funny. It should be noted that the performance is shot as a performance so you do not have to go from performance to explanation to performance to etc , you can do that from the menu but I advise you watch the show first. There are some very good jokes in the mix. I enjoy this type of magic, stand up, more so than, say, illusionist shows or shoot and run close up. The performance is shot for a small audience brought together for the experience and the explanations are shot with Dan and a table.
From a production stand point it is pretty good. The audience, when shot, is grainy, which I think is due to the lighting but the performance and explanation is well done and clear. There is some jumpy editing in the explanation, particularly in the bonus area. Overall well produced. The sound is excellent by the way and as one who has a hard time hearing I appreciate attention given to that aspect.
The material is all solid workers and none are throw aways, meaning all are routines that could be considered for a real performances. There are six main routines shown, four are explained. The two that are not explained is the egg bag which is very well explained on another DVD, worth getting, by Dan Tong, and the other is a hat tear routine and to be frank you shouldn’t need instruction on that. The bonus material, three pieces, are very good and shouldn’t be passed by. Here is a quick breakdown on the pieces explained, again consider the egg bag DVD as it is a great routine.
Jimmy Ray Paper Tear: This is a torn and restored news paper and it looks great. Easy to set up, in fact this is one of the better explanations I’ve seen, and worth consideration.
5 Card Mental Test: Uses ESP cards and a very interesting method I’d not seen before but I like. Basically you show a prediction and you match the spectators choice in a very clean way.
Rope Routine: Rope rules! I am pretty hip to rope magic and the set up is something I’ve not seen before and I liked it. Entertaining magic and I’m glad I didn’t go with my first thought and thinking I knew how he did it. I didn’t.
Bill to Wallet: It is a bill to wallet, tada! The structure is very good, great comedy lines come into play, and I was fooled. Dan gives some tips on how to keep your wallet in shape that I think is really valuable.
Bonus Material:
Linking Paper Rings: I liked this and it would really fit in well, with different presentation, to kids shows because you use construction paper that kids know and understand. This was, oddly, the routine I immediately knew I’d use.
4th Eye: A card routine using ESP cards but any other cards could be used as well. Very simple to do, it is all presentation and I liked it.
Revised Big Surprise: Interesting version of bill to impossible location but with a kicker that I wasn’t expecting and that was very funny and made the whole routine complete. This is where the editing got weird.
That about covers it. This is a winner and if you do stand up and are looking for material look here. This goes into my ‘watch frequently’ stack, which seems to be were all my Kozmo Magic Goes.